Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 36,541 to 36,549 of 36,549
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Polish
Language of Description: Russian
  1. Villa Levy - 257, route d'Arlon

    This collection contains the following files concerning the challenging of the sale of the Alfred Levy & Co. property to the City of Luxembourg in 1940: - Appeal against the judgment of 7 April 1948 - Notice of Appeal and adjournment - Question on the start of the special measures against the Jews - Appointment of Hengst - Testimony of Hengst concerning the acquisition of the Levy home - Civil Judgment in favour of Levy rendering the purchase of 08.30.1940 null and void (31.07.1950) - Cassation against the civil judgment of 31 July 1950 - Belgian Legation tenant Villa Levy - Supreme Cou...

  2. Villa Levy - 257, route d'Arlon

    This file contains documents concerning the challenging of the sale of the property to the City of Luxembourg by the company Alfred Levy & Co. in 1940. Documents include the contract of sale, the statement of accounts (balance sheet, results) of Levy & Co. in 1940, documents of the lawyers Thorn and Bonn, The April 7 judgment in favor of the City of Luxembourg

  3. Enseignement

    This collection is part of the Modern Archives (1795-2006) of the City Archives of Luxembourg. It is classified under Central Administration (LU - 1 Administration Centrale), General Secretary (LU - 11 Secrétariat Général). This file contains information on education and more specifically information concerning the admission of children of foreign nationality of whom the parents are domiciled abroad (Jews).

  4. Ministère des Affaires étrangères

    The record of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs contain among other subfonds the following three subfonds which contain information on the persecution and the fate of Jews in Luxembourg: government in exile, the Luxembourg embassy in Washington and World War II.

  5. Image Collection NIOD

    The collection covers the period from 1914 to 1949, with a particular emphasis on the 1930s (the Interbellum), the Second World War, the Bersiap period in the Dutch East Indies and the aftermath of the war.

  6. Дела оперативного учета КГБ УССР

    литерные дела с материалами о разведывательных и контрразведывательных, диверсионных и карательных органах нацистской Германии, ее союзников и пособников из числа советских граждан, которые действовали на временно оккупированной территории УССР в период Второй мировой войны;

  7. Sheptytskyi Andrei (1865-1944)

    Dokumenty osobiste (1899-1945). Bulle papieża Leona XIII w sprawie mianowania A. Szeptyckiego biskupem stanisławowskim i metropolitą halickim (1899 r.). Informacja o życiu i działalności Szeptyckiego. Listy i orędzia pasterskie, memoriały, rękopisy prac teologicznych, artykułów, kazań, notesy i konspekty. Materiały odnośnie do sytuacji Kościoła greckokatolickiego w Galicji oraz jego działalności w innych krajach. Akta finansowe. Korespondencja z rządem austriackim, prezydentem Polski, Stolicą Apostolską; korespondencja dotycząca współpracy z organizacjami religijnymi i świeckimi, towarzystw...