Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 141 to 160 of 191
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Multiple
Country: Slovakia
  1. Okresný úrad v Martine

    • District Office in Martin

    Archival fonds of the District Office in Martin, as the state administration body at the regional level, contains the documents concerning political, economic, cultural and social situation in this district during the period 1923 – 1945. Fonds is well preserved and among the 129 linear meters it contains various partial information about the history of Jews before 1938 and mainly during the period of the Hlinka Slovak People´s Party regime (1938 – 1945) when the anti-Semitic measures came in force and Jewish community was systematically persecuted. Several documents address the banning of t...

  2. Okresný úrad v Žiline

    • District Office in Žilina

    Fonds of the District Office in Liptovský Mikuláš, as the state administration body at the regional level, contains the documents concerning political, economic and social situation in this district during the period 1923 – 1945. Fonds contains various partial information about the history of Jews before 1938 and mainly during the period of the Hlinka Slovak People´s Party regime (1938 – 1945) when the anti-Semitic measures came in force and Jewish community was systematically persecuted. District Office in Žilina has created a special Department for Jewish Affairs (Odbor pre židovské zálež...

  3. Okresný úrad vo Veľkej Bytči

    • District Office in Veľká Bytča

    Fonds of the District Office in Veľká Bytča, as the state administration body at the regional level, contains the documents concerning political, economic and social situation in this district during the period 1923 – 1945. Among the 74 linear meters of the archival material, it contains various particular information about the history of Jews before 1938 and mainly during the period of the Hlinka Slovak People´s Party regime when the anti-Semitic measures came in force and Jewish community was systematically persecuted. Many documents retain the anti-Semitic measures and their realization ...

  4. Slovenská tlačová kancelária

    • Slovak Press Bureau
    • STK

    The Slovak Press Bureau was a state press agency of the Slovak Republic 1939-1945. The fonds contains files as well as extensive photo archive of the Slovak Press Agency from the years 1939-1945. While files are not processed and therefore not accessible, the photo archive is completely digitized and available in the Research Room of the Slovak National Archive. It contains thousands of pictures taken by professionals of the Slovak Press Bureau covering various events in Slovakia of that period. This includes some of the anti-Jewish measures (such as deportation of Jews in 1942) even though...

  5. Snem Slovenskej republiky

    • Assembly of the Slovak Republic

    The fonds contains the documents of the Assembly of the Slovak Republic (Snem Slovenskej republiky) which was the parliament of the Slovak Republic (1939-1945). Among others, it contains also documents pertaining to the adoption of anti-Jewish laws (such as for example the Act No. 113/1940 on Jewish businesses and Jews employed in businesses) in 1939-1945 Assembly. Among the most important ones are the minutes from the sessions of the Assembly, transcripts of the speeches of various members of the Assembly as well as documents of various Assembly committees.

  6. Kancelária prezidenta Slovenskej republiky

    • The Office of the President of Slovak Republic

    The fonds contains various materials related to the activities of Jozef Tiso as the president of the Slovak Republic (1939-1945). This includes various drafts of legislation, correspondence with different state bodies of the Slovak Republic as well as bodies of the ruling Hlinka Slovak People´s Party regime. The Office dealt with a very wide range of matters, from personnel matters of the President, through matters of appointment of various state employees, state policies, international relations, and military matters. The Office ceased to exist in Spring 1945 and its documents were partial...

  7. Úrad Predsedníctva vlády Slovenskej republiky

    • ÚPV
    • Bureau of Prime Minister´s Office of the Slovak Republic

    The Bureau of Prime Minister´s Office was an important governmental body in Slovakia in 1938-1945. The fonds contains important documents pertaining to the anti-Jewish measures in Slovakia in 1938-1945 such as documents reflecting the discussions on anti-Jewish measures at the meetings of Slovak government, various proposals of the Prime Minister in anti-Jewish policy, correspondence with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the situation of Jews in Germany, Reports of various state bodies on Jewish question submitted to the State Council.

  8. Pracovný zbor národnej obrany 1940-1945

    • Labour Corps of National Defence 1940-1945

    The fonds contains documents of the Labor Corps of National Defence, a special military organized part of the Slovak military forces in 1940-1945, created for organizing the labour units within the Slovak army forces. These included Jews and Roma conscripts and soldiers which were not allowed to conduct regular military service. The fonds contains various documents on the forced labor of Jews and Roma during their military service, including documents pertaining to the infamous VI. Labour Battalion that was part of the Labour Corps of National Defence.

  9. Zbierka spomienkových prác

    • Collection of memorial works

    The collection of memoirs in the Military Historical Archive was created from the memoirs obtained from the Military Historical Institute in Bratislava and from the archive's own collection activities since the archive was founded in 1994. The authors of the memoirs are mainly military persons who served in the Austro-Hungarian army and in the Czechoslovak legions during the First World War, in the Czechoslovak army in 1918-1939, in the Slovak army in 1939-1945, in the Czechoslovak army after 1945, and especially the participants of the Czechoslovak domestic and foreign resistance in the ye...

  10. Ministerstvo hospodárstva

    • Ministry of Economy
    • MH

    The fonds contains documents of the Ministry of Economy of Slovakia (1939-1945) which managed economic affairs, including industry, domestic and international economic and trade affairs and forestry policy. Besides other things, this ministry was responsible for the preparation and execution of so-called aryanisation of the enterprise property of Jews until September 1940 when the policy was changed. Its documents are therefore crucial for the understanding of early stages of expropriation of Jewish property in Slovakia, including the preparation of legislation (Law no. 113/1940 known as th...

  11. Ministerstvo vnútra

    • Ministry of Interior

    The fonds contains documents of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic from years 1939 and 1945, including some of the most important documents relating to the Holocaust in the Slovak territory. This includes various types of registers of Jews created by the state bodies in 1939-1945. Among others there are Sheets of the Census of Jews from 1942 , 1943, 1944 covering most of Slovak districts of those days. In addition, the fonds contains documents on different anti-Jewish persecution measures of state administrative bodies and security (police) forces. Fond also contains transport ...

  12. Ministerstvo zahraničných vecí

    • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    • MZV

    The fond contains documents of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic from the years 1939 and1945. In addition to the records of the Ministry, it contains documents of Slovak diplomatic missions, including political and economic reports sent to Slovakia by its diplomats. The fond contains reports reflecting the persecution of Jews in Slovakia and abroad (eg. In Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, Romania, Bulgaria).

  13. Hospodárska úradovňa predsedníctva vlády

    • Economic Bureau of Prime Ministerʼs Office

    The fond contains documents of the Economic Bureau of Prime Minister's Office, one of the central bodies created in 1940 in relation to the so called aryanisation of Jewish property and anti-Jewish property expropriation policies in Slovakia. The fonds includes documents related to the preparation and implementation of anti-Jewish legislation regarding the private property of Jews, as well as various proposals for anti-Jewish measures. Moreover, the fonds contains lists of withdrawn/cancelled business licenses, various documents and statistics on Jewish property owners etc. The majority of ...

  14. Ústredný hospodársky úrad

    • The Central Economic Office
    • ÚHÚ

    The Central Economic Office (Ústredný hospodársky úrad) was one of central offices of the Slovak Republic (1939-1945) with the statewide competences related to so called "Aryanization" of Jewish property. The fond contains documents about the Liquidation and Aryanization of businesses, disposal of Real estate property of Jews, Work permissions as well as documents about the activities of Jewish Center (Ústredňa Židov). Preserved documents are from the period between 1940 - 1945.

  15. Povereníctvo priemyslu a obchodu - VII. odbor

    • Commission for the Industry and Commerce - Department VII
    • PPO - VII

    The subfonds of the Comission for the Industry and Commerce - Department VII contains documents pertaining to the restitution of property of Jews living in Slovak part of Czechoslovakia after the Second World War. The Comission for the Industry and Commerce - Department VII was a special department with the task to legally deal with the issue of restitution of property Aryanized during the rule of the Hlinka Slovak People´s Party in 1939-1945. The Department VII took over a big part of documents of former Central Economic Office (Ústredný hospodársky úrad) which was responsible for the majo...

  16. Fond pre správu poľnohospodárskych majetkov

    • Agricultural Property Management Fund
    • FSPM

    The fonds contains the materials of the Agricultural Property Management Fund that was the state-funded body established within the State Land Office in order to carry out the administration of the agricultural property of the Jews deported from Slovakia.

  17. Národný súd

    • National Court

    The fonds contains files pertaining to the activities of the National Court, the highest court within the system of retributive justice in Slovak part of Czechoslovakia after the Second World War. Within the jurisdiction of National Court fall main representatives of Hlinka Slovak People´s Party regime as well as main officials responsible for the anti-Jewish policy in Slovakia 1939-1945. The National Court also prosecuted several former officials of Nazi Germany active at the territory of Slovakia during the years 1939-1945. The fonds of National Court stored in Slovak National Archives co...

  18. Úrad obžalobcu pri Národnom súde

    • Prosecutors office of the National Court

    The fonds contains documents of the Prosecutor´s Office of the National Court. It is directly connected to the legal activity of the National Court, the highest court of the retributive justice system in Slovak part of Czechoslovakia (1945-1947). It contains various documents pertaining to the war crimes, crimes against humanity and various anti-Jewish measures in Slovakia 1939-1945 that were subject to the retributive trials in the postwar period.

  19. Hlavné veliteľstvo Hlinkovej gardy

    • The Main Command of the Hlinka Guard
    • F-604

    The fonds of the Main Command of the Hlinka Guard as the top tier command of this paramilitary organization contains registration documents of Hlinka Guardsmen from various districts, various lists of members of the Guard, decrees issued to the HG members. Besides that there are various orders issued by the Main Command of the Guard pertaining to different matters, including the persecution of Jews in Slovakia. The fonds contains situation reports of various commands and units, including Special Units of the Hlinka Guard (POHG). It also contains the list of aryanizers of Jewish property.

  20. Policajné riaditeľstvo v Bratislave

    • Police Directorate in Bratislava

    The fonds contains documents of the Police directorate in Bratislava, the police and state security body with competences over the territory of the capital of Bratislava and several nerby towns. It contains documents on anti-Jewish persecution during the period of year 1938 – 1945 such as various lists of Jews created by the state administration and police bodies in Bratislava. It also contains the applications of individuals for the recognition of non-Jewish origin/status or applications of indivituals for the exemption from the obligation to wear the mandatory sign of a Jew. There are als...