Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 101 to 120 of 1,615
Language of Description: English
Holding Institution: ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
  1. Collection of De Nederlandsche Landstand - The Netherlands Agriculture and Fishing Authority, 1941-1945

    Collection of De Nederlandsche Landstand - The Netherlands Agriculture and Fishing Authority, 1941-1945 De Nederlandsche Landstand - The Netherlands Agriculture and Fishing Authority was established in the Netherlands by the Germans in 1941, in order to take control over all matters related to agriculture and fishing; at the head of the authority stood E. J. Roskam, who was also the head of the Agrarisch Front, a section of an organization of collaborators with the Germans in the Netherlands.

  2. Documentation regarding the persecution of Jews by the Nazis from the record group: Der Polizeipraesident in Berlin (The President of the Police in Berlin, in the postwar years), dated, 1933-1947

    Documentation regarding the persecution of Jews by the Nazis from the record group: Der Polizeipraesident in Berlin (The President of the Police in Berlin, in the postwar years), dated, 1933-1947 The collection concerns materials from the division of the post-WWII Police force of Berlin (for materials regarding the Berlin Police under the Nazi regime, see collection 4423357 in "Sapir"). Following the order given by the Soviet City Commander of Berlin, the city's Police headquarters were re-established on 20 May 1945. Based on an order given by the Allied headquarters, special Police offices...

  3. Documentation regarding the investigation of Nazi war criminals and collaborators in Ukraine, 1944-1946

    Documentation regarding the investigation of Nazi war criminals and collaborators in Ukraine, 1944-1946 Included in the collection is documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission, active in the Ukraine area during 1944-1946.

  4. Documentation of the office of the regional supervisor of the Romanian Police in Cernauti, 1941-1944

    Documentation of the office of the regional supervisor of the Romanian Police in Cernauti, 1941-1944

  5. Documentation of the tax authority in Romny, 1930s and 1940s

    Documentation of the tax authority in Romny, 1930s and 1940s

  6. P.58 - Jonas Eckstein Collection

    Documentation regarding the activities of Jonas Eckstein who hid scores of people in the cellar of his house in Bratislava during the war and worked to rescue Jewish children from Poland

  7. Documentation from the Court of Law (Amstgericht) in the Neukoelln neighborhood in Berlin: Wills of Jews, 1935-1939

    Documentation from the Court of Law (Amstgericht) in the Neukoelln neighborhood in Berlin: Wills of Jews, 1935-1939 Files of the Court of Law, that deal with the handling of the Wills of Jews, most of whom resided in the Neukoelln neighborhood in Berlin (and a minority of them in the Treptow neighborhood in Berlin). The files include details regarding the possible inheritors, death certificates, and other personal documentation of the family members (mainly birth certificates and marriage certificates), and Inheritance Orders (Erbscheine) from the Court of Law. In several files there are de...

  8. Files of the Finanzaemter in Munich

    Files of the Finanzaemter in Munich

  9. Documentation of the Rivne municipality, 1941-1943

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 12833699
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1941-1943
    • Application Certification Correspondence Instruction List of clerks List of craftspeople List of healthcare workers List of homeowners List of Jews List of residents List of teachers Official documentation Statistical report Survey report הודעה

    Documentation of the Rivne municipality, 1941-1943 Included in the collection: - Instructions by the mayor of Rivne and the Reichskommissar (Reich commissioner) of Ukraine; - Instructions given by the Gebietskommissar (district commissioner) in Rivne to the heads of the districts, regarding arrangements by the local authorities and their activities including regulations regarding the transmission of documents to Jews; - Statistical data arranged according to nationality and race, prepared by the Rivne municipality, regarding the local population in Rivne during 1939-1942; - Documentation of...

  10. Documentation of the Reich Ministry of Justice: Wehrmacht and Foreign Affairs, 1933-1945

    Documentation of the Reich Ministry of Justice: Wehrmacht and Foreign Affairs, 1933-1945 The Reich Ministry of Justice became the central authority for the administration of justice in Germany, 1933-1935, thus taking control over this domain. With the Nazi rise to power, Franz Guertner, who had already served as State Minister of Justice under Papen and Schleicher, abandoned the principles of state justice, and supplied the SA, SS, and Gestapo with legal cover for their activities by introducing the deprivation of rights of Jews and special wartime penal codes. Following Guertner's death, o...

  11. O.72- Menachem Kaufmann Collection: Documentation regarding Communities in Germany, mainly in Hessen

    O.72- Menachem Kaufmann Collection: Documentation regarding Communities in Germany, mainly in Hessen In the collection there are files submitted to Yad Vashem by Menachem Kaufmann, who gathered documentation regarding Jewish communities, mainly in the Hessen area. The files include information regarding the Jewish communities (including Jewish community-owned property) and the lives of the Jews.

  12. Documentation of the regional Clothing and Leather Industry Association in Mogilev, 1945

    Documentation of the regional Clothing and Leather Industry Association in Mogilev, 1945 Included in the collection are regulations regarding activities and manpower, information regarding the payment of salaries to workers, and lists of workers.

  13. Documentation of the Reichsgericht (Reich Supreme Court) in Leipzig and the Reichsanwaltschaft (Reich Prosecution Service) associated with the court, 1939-1945

    Documentation of the Reichsgericht (Reich Supreme Court) in Leipzig and the Reichsanwaltschaft (Reich Prosecution Service) associated with the court, 1939-1945 The main subject of the files is the determination of racial origin. Appeals of verdicts handed down by various courts throughout the German Reich regarding people who had been defined as Jews or Mischlinge (children of mixed marriages) reached the Reich Supreme Court, arguing that in actuality the origin of these people was Aryan. The vast majority of the files were from Austria, mainly from Vienna. The files on Microfilm JM/29041 (...

  14. Documentation of the Reichsvereinigungen und Gemeinschaften (Reich Economic Unions), Germany, 1933-1945

    Documentation of the Reichsvereinigungen und Gemeinschaften (Reich Economic Unions), Germany, 1933-1945 The collection includes the following Record Groups: R10/I - Reichsvereinigung Bastfaser (Reel 406) R10/III - Reichsvereinigung Eisen (Reels 406, 407) R10/IV - Reichsvereinigung Textilveredlung (Reel 407) R10/VI - Gemeinschaft Schuhe (Reel 418) R10/VIII - Reichsvereinigung Kohle (Reel 418) R10/IX - Stickstoffsyndikat GmbH (Reel 418) R10/X - Verkaufsgemeinschaft Sanitärkeramik (Reel 418) R10/XI - Verband technisch-keramischer Fabriken (Reel 418) R10/XII - Vereinigung für Wand- und Bodenpla...

  15. O.64.2/SCH.8 -Testimonies and Memoirs

    O.64.2/SCH.8 -Testimonies and Memoirs

  16. Documentation of municipal government in Tallinn, 1846 - 2001

  17. Documentation of Reichsgruppen (Reich Economic Groups), Germany, 1933-1945

    Documentation of Reichsgruppen (Reich Economic Groups), Germany, 1933-1945 The collection included the following Record Groups: R 12 I - Reichsgruppe Industrie (reels JM/34594-JM/34598, JM/34800, and files and also in reels JM/34599 and JM/34601) R 12 II - Reichsgruppe Energiewirtschaft (inside reel JM/34599) R 12 III - Reichsgruppe Handel (reels JM/34706-JM/34707, and files and also in reels JM/34599, JM/34601 and JM/34708) R 12 IV - Reichsgruppe Versicherungen (reels JM/34708 and [part of the reel] JM/34709).

  18. M.52.DAKherO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Kherson Region

    M.52.DAKherO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Kherson Region History of the Archives: The special archival committee of the Kherson district was established in April 1922, which was subordinate to the archival committee of the Mykolaiv sub-division. The committee became subordinate to the archival committee of the Odessa sub-division in 1922. In November 1925 the archival committee became subordinate to the regional archival administration of Kherson, which began its work in October 1926. The regional archival administration underwent reorganizing and became a local archival a...

  19. Documentation of the German authorities in Belorussia, 1941-1944

    Documentation of the German authorities in Belorussia, 1941-1944 Included in the Collection: - Reports and instructions regarding the confiscation of Jewish property and the attitude of the local population towards the Jews; - Instructions given by the commander of the Military Home Front Commander, Major-General von Schenkendorff; - List of inmates in the Minsk prison, prepared in 1942; - Maps of Minsk; - Diagram of the Drozdy concentration camp; - Instructions regarding the confiscation and sale of property and the use of Jewish property; - Reports and orders given by the Generalkommissar...

  20. Files of Jewish Rechtskonsulenten (Legal Advisors) offices in Hamburg

    Files of Jewish Rechtskonsulenten (Legal Advisors) offices in Hamburg Following the events of Kristallnacht, activities by Jewish lawyers were forbidden in Germany. The Nazis permitted a limited number of Jewish lawyers to continue to be active as Rechtskonsulenten (Legal Advisors), but only for Jewish clients, and without permission to appear before a Court of Law (a Jew who was required to appear in a Court of Law was forced to search for an Aryan lawyer to represent him). In the Collection are files of six Jewish legal advisors offices that were active in Hamburg: - Walter Schuler (JM/12...