Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 21 to 37 of 37
Language of Description: English
Country: Italy
  1. Attività dell'Unione delle Comunità Israelitiche Italiane fino al 1933

    • Activities of Union of Italian Jewish Communities untill 1933
    • AUCII fino al 1933

    The above mentioned series are important since they can document the situation in Europe, the flee of Refugees, the necessity to recover them; beside that, the series "Demografia e Statistica; anagrafe" can be important to know the situation before the census of Jewish population, of immigrant population, and the total amount of italian and foreign Jews before the 1938 racial laws

  2. Catecumeno

    The Opera Pia del Catecumeno offered help to baptised Jews and Jews converted to Catholicism.

  3. Archivio della Commissione d'inchiesta per i criminali di guerra italiani secondo alcuni stati esteri

    • Archives of the Inquiry Commission on Italian War Criminals according to Foreign Countries

    A certificate delivered by the head of the Jewish community of Nice to the director of the Italian civil police during the Italian occupation can be found inside the file n.118, sub-file n.1.

  4. Corte di Appello di Trieste

    • Triest Court of Appeals

    Contains various records concerning the legal discrimination against and expulsion of Jews from various professions in Trieste and the Adriatic coast during the war. It also contains postwar court records concerning the restitution of expropriated Jewish property.

  5. Gabinetto della Questura di Venezia

    • Cabinet of the Venice Police Direction

    Contains personal files about criminals and dangerous elements.

  6. Gabinetto della Prefettura di Venezia

    Contains acts and files produced by the cabinet of the prefetto concerning public security in the province of Venice.

  7. Rapporto generale della commissione per la ricostruzione delle vicende che hanno caratterizzato in Italia le attività di acquisizione dei beni dei cittadini ebrei da parte di organismi pubblici e privati

    • Anselmi Commission on Jewish Properties - General Report
    • Rapporto Generale della Commissione Anselmi sui Beni Ebraici
    • General report by the commission aiming to study the acquisition of Jewish citizens' goods by private and public bodies in Italy

    The general report, available both in Italian and in English, traces spoliation, confiscation, depredation liquidation and post-war restitution of Jewish citizens' properties. The cooperation by several banks and the Banca d'Italia is described.

  8. Repubblica Sociale Italiana

    • Italian Social Republic

    The fonds contains records created by the Ministry of Military Forces, the Army General Staff, the Supreme Military Court of Justice of the Italian Social Republic. Several files concern internment camps in Italy and in Germany, repatriation of war prisoners, dead prisoners.

  9. Jewish Community of Rome, Management and Accountancy, Correspondence

    It contains the correspondence created by the administration of the Jewish Community of Rome.

  10. RSI, Carteggio ordinario

  11. Alto Commissariato per le sanzioni contro il fascismo


  13. Alta corte di giustizia per le sanzioni contro il fascismo

  14. RSI, Prefettura di Milano

  15. RSI, Segreteria particolare del ministro Paolo Zerbino

  16. Documenti sulla persecuzione degli ebrei in Italia