Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,881 to 2,900 of 3,222
Language of Description: German
Language of Description: English
  1. M.52.DAIFO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Ivano-Frankovsk Region

    M.52.DAIFO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Ivano-Frankovsk Region History of the Archives: The Archives was established in December 1939 and was called the Regional Historical Archives of Stanislawow until 1941. Before its establishment, all of the documentation was kept in institutions of the authorities and in public institutions. This documentation began to be collected by the Stanislawow UNKVD as of November 1939 in the new regional Archives after the same institutions and organizations were cancelled by the Soviet authorities. The name of the Archives was changed during ...

  2. Henryk Gawkowski and Treblinka railway workers

    Henryk Gawkowski was a locomotive conductor at the Treblinka station and estimates that he transported approximately 18,000 Jews to the camp. He drank vodka all the time because it was the only way to make bearable his job and the smell of burning corpses. He describes the black market and the prostitution that developed around the camp. This interview also includes conversations with several other Polish witnesses who were railway workers. FILM ID 3362 -- Camera Rolls #4-7 -- 01:00:00 to 01:13:26 Gawkowski and a Polish choir sing "W mogile ciemnej ?pij na wieki," a Gregorian-chant style fu...

  3. Reference work

    Photocopy of a register of Jewish citizens located in Berlin, Germany, in 1947 that was copied by John Finke in Chicago in 2000. John (then Hans) was a concentration camp survivor who became an aid worker after the war. Hans, his parents and his sister Ursula lived in Berlin during the rise of the Nazi dictatorship in 1933 with its aggressive anti-Jewish policies. Jews were forced out of their jobs and their businesses were confiscated. In February 1943, Hans, 23, an electrician by trade, was a forced laborer for Siemens when he was hospitalized with appendicitis. On February 29, his parent...

  4. Large brown suitcase used by Hungarian Jewish refugees on the Kasztner train

    1. Bela Gondos family collection

    Large suitcase carried by Dr. Bela Gondos when he was transported from Budapest, Hungary, to Bergen-Belsen concentration camp on the Kasztner train in June 1944 with his wife Anna and 7 year old daughter Judit. They were advised to bring all their belongings. Each carried a suitcase filled with their best clothing since they believed they were going to Portugal. They used it as a bed, table, and chair on the cattle car to the camp. Jews were increasingly persecuted by the Hungarian regime, which had anti-Semitic policies similar to Germany's. Bela worked on 2 or 3 forced labor battalions un...

  5. Aluminum food container lid used by a Hungarian Jewish family on the Kasztner train

    1. Bela Gondos family collection

    Metal food container lid used by Bela, Anna, and Judit Gondos when they were transported from Budapest, Hungary, to Bergen-Belsen concentration camp on the Kasztner train in June 1944. The family often hiked at Svabhegy, a hill outside Budapest, and used the container with the now missing base for their picnics. Jews were increasingly persecuted by the Nazi-influenced Hungarian regime. Bela worked on 2 or 3 forced labor battalions until released in 1942 because he was a physician. On March 19, 1944, Germany invaded Hungary and the authorities prepared to deport all the Jews from Hungary to ...

  6. Außenpolitisches Amt

    1. Staatliche und parteiamtliche Akten bis 1945
    2. Deutsches Reich (bis 1945)
    3. NSDAP und angeschlossene Verbände
    4. Reichsleitung
    5. Außenpolitisches Amt

    I. Außenpolitisches Amt (APA)/ Amt Osten: Personalakten 1939-1941 [EAP 250-d-18-10/11]: umfasst Personalakten von Mitarbeitern und Honorarmitarbeitern der Oststelle, darunter Bewerbungen, Lebensläufe, Beurteilungen, Freistellung vom Wehrdienst, Besoldungsangelegenheiten etc.; darin auch Artikel von Theodor Heuss über Axel Schmidt "Die Hilfe" Nr. 1, 04. Januar 1941, S. 8; II. APA/ Amt Osten: Akten- und Besprechungsnotizen über verschiedene Vorgänge, 1938-1942 [EAP 250-d-18-10]: Folder besteht aus teilweise kurzen Aktennotizen von Besprechungen zwischen Mitarbeitern und V-Leuten des Amtes übe...

  7. Schriftgutverwaltung

    1. Staatliche und parteiamtliche Akten bis 1945
    2. Deutsches Reich (bis 1945)
    3. Polizei und SS
    4. Persönlicher Stab

    I. Reichsführer SS/ Persönlicher Stab (RFSS/ Pers. Stab): Mitteilungsblatt des Reichszeugmeisterei der NSDAP, Jg. 5 (1938), Nr. 1-4 (01. Januar-12. Februar): Herstellungsvorschriften und Preislisten für parteiamtliche Kleidung und Abzeichen, mit Angabe zugelassener Firmen, Inhaltsverzeichnis für 1937 [Originalakte Nr. 000 30], 2 550 064-0 147; II. RFSS/ Pers. Stab: SS-Sportschützen: Verschiedene Korrespondenz über Auszeichnungen, Programm Wurftaubenschießen in Königsberg, 16. August 1938-06. März 1940 [Originalakte 000 10], 0 149-0 157; III. RFSS/ Pers. Stab: Befehlsblätter SS-Totenkopfverb...

  8. Schriftgutverwaltung

    1. Staatliche und parteiamtliche Akten bis 1945
    2. Deutsches Reich (bis 1945)
    3. Polizei und SS
    4. Persönlicher Stab

    I. Reichsführer SS/Persönlicher Stab (RFSS/ Pers. Stab): Varia, Januar 1938-März 1945 [Originalakte Nr. 88], 2 570 490- 0 500, 0 520-0 779: 1) SS-Richter bei RFSS an Hauptamt SS-Gericht, 09. Januar 1945: Befehl RFSS über Gleichstellung ausländischer Freiwilliger mit reichsdeutschen SS-Männern in der SS-Gerichtsbarkeit, Übertragung des Bestätigungs- und Aufhebungsrechts von Urteilen gegen italienische Offiziere an Höhere SS- und Polizeiführer Italien, 0 490; 2) geheime Reichssache Schreiben Reichsleiter Bormann an RFSS, 18. Februar 1944, über [nicht vorhanden] Memo Generalkommissar Frauenfel...

  9. Hand knitted floral wall hanging made prewar by a Dutch Jewish woman

    1. Louis de Groot family collection

    Floral patterned, fringed wall hanging created by Sophia Swaab de Groot in 1938 or 1939 in Arnhem, Netherlands, and recovered by her son Louis after the war. Sophia made the wall hanging to protect the wall behind the living room couch. She worked on it for hours over several nights and used a paper pattern to create it. Germany occupied the Netherlands in May 1940 and implemented anti-Jewish restrictions. In July 1942, the Germans began mass deportations. On November 16, 1942, Chelly, 15, Louis, 13, and their parents Meijer and Sophia left Arnhem and went into hiding. Meijer and Sophia hid...

  10. Needlepoint wall hanging of a biblical scene from the office of a former concentration camp inmate and postwar aid worker

    1. John Fink collection

    Multi-color needlepoint picture with cross-stitched silk details that hung on the wall of John (Hans) Finke's office in the Blankensee Children's Home at the Warburg Institute in Hamburg, Germany, where he worked for the AJDC from July 1947 - March 1949. It features two richly dressed figures styled after Rembrandt's biblical, turbanned figures discussing an appeal from a plainly dressed old man kneeling before them. Hans was a prisoner at Bergen-Belsen when it was liberated by the British Army on April 15, 1945. An electrician by trade, he began working for the British and then for various...

  11. Round Star of David pendant made by a Jewish prisoner in Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp

    1. Margaret Gruenbaum family collection

    Pendant given to Margarete Grünbaum (later Margaret Gruenbaum) in Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp by a fellow inmate who worked with her in the camp’s Arts Department between November 1942 and May 1945. Before Czechoslovakia was occupied by Germany in 1939, Margarete lived in Prague with her husband, Karel, and their children, Marietta and Michael. In October 1941, Karel was arrested by the Gestapo and detained in Pankrác prison in Prague. On December 3, Karel was sent to Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp, where he was killed on the 18th in the Small Fortress. On November 20, 1942, Margaret...

  12. Golem pendant made by a Jewish prisoner in Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp

    1. Margaret Gruenbaum family collection

    Pendant given to Margarete Grünbaum (later Margaret Gruenbaum) in Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp by a fellow inmate who worked with her in the camp’s Arts Department between November 1942 and May 1945. Before Czechoslovakia was occupied by Germany in 1939, Margarete lived in Prague with her husband, Karel, and their children, Marietta and Michael. In October 1941, Karel was arrested by the Gestapo and detained in Pankrác prison in Prague. On December 3, Karel was sent to Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp, where he was killed on the 18th in the Small Fortress. On November 20, 1942, Margaret...

  13. Horse-shaped metal pin made by a Jewish prisoner in Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp

    1. Margaret Gruenbaum family collection

    Pin given to Margarete Grünbaum (later Margaret Gruenbaum) in Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp by a fellow inmate who worked with her in the camp’s Arts Department between November 1942 and May 1945. Before Czechoslovakia was occupied by Germany in 1939, Margarete lived in Prague with her husband, Karel, and their children, Marietta and Michael. In October 1941, Karel was arrested by the Gestapo and detained in Pankrác prison in Prague. On December 3, Karel was sent to Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp, where he was killed on the 18th in the Small Fortress. On November 20, 1942, Margarete, M...

  14. Cut-out landscape scene made by a Jewish prisoner in Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp

    1. Margaret Gruenbaum family collection

    Miniature metalwork given to Margarete Grünbaum (later Margaret Gruenbaum) in Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp by a fellow inmate who worked with her in the camp’s Arts Department between November 1942 and May 1945. Before Czechoslovakia was occupied by Germany in 1939, Margarete lived in Prague with her husband, Karel, and their children, Marietta and Michael. In October 1941, Karel was arrested by the Gestapo and detained in Pankrác prison in Prague. On December 3, Karel was sent to Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp, where he was killed on the 18th in the Small Fortress. On November 20, 19...

  15. Miniature picture frame pendant made by a Jewish prisoner in Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp

    1. Margaret Gruenbaum family collection

    Pendant given to Margarete Grünbaum (later Margaret Gruenbaum) in Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp by a fellow inmate who worked with her in the camp’s Arts Department between November 1942 and May 1945. Before Czechoslovakia was occupied by Germany in 1939, Margarete lived in Prague with her husband, Karel, and their children, Marietta and Michael. In October 1941, Karel was arrested by the Gestapo and detained in Pankrác prison in Prague. On December 3, Karel was sent to Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp, where he was killed on the 18th in the Small Fortress. On November 20, 1942, Margaret...

  16. Metal flower pin made by a Jewish prisoner in Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp

    1. Margaret Gruenbaum family collection

    Pin given to Margarete Grünbaum (later Margaret Gruenbaum) in Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp by a fellow inmate who worked with her in the camp’s Arts Department between November 1942 and May 1945. Before Czechoslovakia was occupied by Germany in 1939, Margarete lived in Prague with her husband, Karel, and their children, Marietta and Michael. In October 1941, Karel was arrested by the Gestapo and detained in Pankrác prison in Prague. On December 3, Karel was sent to Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp, where he was killed on the 18th in the Small Fortress. On November 20, 1942, Margarete, M...

  17. Goerdeler, Carl

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Gerhard Ritter, Carl Goerdeler und die deutsche Widerstandsbewegung, Stuttgart 1954 NDB 6, S. 521 ff. Oberbürgermeister von Leipzig, Reichskommissar für die Preisüberwachung Lebenslauf Carl Friedrich Goerdeler wurde am 31. Juli 1884 als Sohn von Adelheid und Julius Goerdeler im westpreußischen Schneidemühl geboren. In der dritten Generation als Verwaltungsjurist im preußischen Staatsdienst tätig, hatte Julius Goerdeler seit 1884 neben seiner Tätigkeit als Amtsrichter auch eine privatwirtschaftliche Anstellung als Syndikus und Geschäftsführer der Landwirtschaf...

  18. Treuhandverwaltung von Kulturgut bei der Oberfinanzdirektion München

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Die Überlieferung im Bestand B 323 ist aus der Tätigkeit der Treuhandverwaltung von Kulturgut und ihrer Funktionsvorgänger erwachsen bzw. zur Wahrnehmung ihrer Aufgaben zusammengestellt worden. Die letzte aktenführende Stelle war das Kulturreferat der Oberfinanzdirektion München. Die Unterlagen sind von unterschiedlicher Provenienz: Reichskanzlei, Reichsleiter Martin Bormann, Beauftragter und Referent für den "Sonderauf- trag Linz", Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg, MFA&A Section der amerikanischen Militärregierung sowie Geschäftsunterlagen von Kunstlie...

  19. M.52.DALO - Documentation of the State Archives of the Lwow Region

    M.52.DALO - Documentation of the State Archives of the Lwow Region History of the Archives: The State Archives of the Lwow Region was established in December 1939 on the basis of the State Archives of Lwow. The archive was called the Regional Historical Archives in Lwow until 1941. It was called the State Archive of the Lwow Region during 1941-1958, and was called the Regional State Archives in Lwow during 1958-1980. As of 1959 the documentation that was in the Regional Archives in Drogobych was transferred to it. Since 1980 it has been called the State Archives of the Lwow Region. The Sub-...

  20. RFSS

    1. Staatliche und parteiamtliche Akten bis 1945
    2. Deutsches Reich (bis 1945)
    3. Polizei und SS
    4. Persönlicher Stab

    I. RFSS/ Persönlicher Stab: Varia, 1937-1938, August 1940-Mai 1942, 8427-8863, unter anderem: 1) Dienstanweisung Reichsführer-SS (RFSS), 28. Februar 1941: Organisation des SS-Hauptamts (SSHA), 8427-8430; 2) Schreiben SS-Totenkopf-Divisions-Stab/ Eicke, RFSS/ Persönlicher Stab, Juli und September 1940: Verzeichnis sichergestellter und dem Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA) übersandter französischer Geheimakten, 8431-8434; 3) Korrespondenz RFSS, Reichsleiter Bormann, Polizeipräsident von Nürnberg-Fürth, April-Mai 1940: Aufhebung der Post- und Telefonüberwachung der Gauleitung Franken auf Wunsch...