Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,201 to 1,220 of 6,679
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Jews fight for Israel; UN; dancing; raising flag

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 21, No. 144, Part 1. Release date, 05/18/1948. According to UN Motion Picture Release: "Jews Defend New Zion State." In Palestine, first pictures of the battle for Haifa, which the Jews won after 2-day siege, highlight the dramatic turn of events in the Holy Land. Jews fight Arab attackers closing in on five sides. Arab refugees, CUs; corpses. Flag of new Jewish state. In Lake Success, U.S. recognition of Israel is announced to United Nations delegates, still dead-locked over plans for truce. In Washington, boy unfurls flag of new Jewish state. Israeli dancing. Unre...

  2. March of Time -- outtakes -- Tel Aviv Schools

    Herzelia secondary school in Tel Aviv. First day of Mourning, of a week of mourning in memory of the millions of Jews tortured and killed by the Nazis, with a special ceremony at all schools in Palestine. Busy street, buildings. People exiting building en masse. 06:43:15 Lines of school children doing drills. Israeli flag. Women conducting girls singing hymn of Faith (brought from the ghetto). 06:44:35 Man reads oath from scroll to girls. Hebrew writing: "The remnant of Israel shall multiply on its soil. It shall rise. The hope of Israel shall never wane. His home shall be upbuilt and firml...

  3. Institut d'Histoire du Temps Présent map collection

    This collection contains color reproductions of 14 maps from the Institut d'Histoire du Temps Présent. The maps were created by representatives of the Comité d'Histoire de la Deuxieme Guerre Mondiale. They document refugee campsites, deportations, battle and campaign locations, atrocity sites, and resistance and anti-Nazi activity sites throughout France during World War II. Also included is statistical data reflecting the number of deportees, refugees, and prisoners in various locations.