Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 961 to 980 of 6,679
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Lwòw branch office of administration for emigration Ekspozytura Urzedu Emigracyjnego we Lwowie (Fond 422, opis 1)

    Consists of various reports, statistical information, records related to organization and administration emigration and repatriation, finance and transportation. It also includes correspondence with shipping companies.The bulk of this collection relates to the administration of emigration and is arranged in alphabetical order (Ukrainian) according to designated countries of emigration, e.g. Australia, Austria, etc.

  2. "The Silent Story of Those Children"

    Consists of a memoir entitled "The Silent Story of Those Children" by Rosette Kleinmann Lissek, who was born in Paris in 1940 and survived the war in hiding in various places. Rosette's father was interned in a number of French internment camps, while Rosette, her mother, and her younger sister Jeanine (born 1942) hid in France and Belgium with the help of OSE. After the war, the family immigrated briefly to Israel, then back to Europe before leaving for Bolivia, and ultimately, to Argentina in 1951. Also includes copies of family photographs and documents. Copies of the memoir exist in Eng...

  3. German invasion of Poland

    This story consists of a montage of various shots of life in Poland depicting a prosperous, hard working Polish people engaged in everything from forging steel to threshing wheat. The tone shifts as the story shifts to the German invasion of Poland. Slate: "Why? Answering Humanity's Question." Produced and directed by A.E. Caraco. 1919, Polish Independence. Ruins. Mining, textile industry. Railways, city of Gdynia and its harbor. Polish navy. Submarine ORZEL. Nazi rise in city of Danzig. Danzig port (harbor). "JUDE" written on house walls. Danzig synagogue, voice over narration speaks of th...

  4. Jewish Provincial Committee in Przemyśl Wojewódzki Komitet Żydów w Przemyślu (Sygn.367)

    Minutes of the committee meetings, reports, correspondence, lists of Jewish survivors, committee statutes, circulars, appeals and communications, budgets, lists of people using assistance, personal data of committee staff and some other documents..

  5. Chaim Wajner collection

    The Chaim Wajner collection consists of handwritten sheet music, printed programs, handwritten and printed lyrics, documents, photographs, and newspaper clippings regarding Chaim Wajner (later Chaim Weiner) and his role as the choir director of the Landsberg Hazomir choir at the Landsberg displaced persons camp. Includes programs for Hazomir performances and sheet music for the songs they performed.

  6. Selected records from the Central State Archives of the Republic Mordovia, Russian Federation

    Contains selected records related to evacuation of various groups of Soviet citizens and relocation to Republic of Mordovia from 1939 to 1944. Includes various lists of evacuated Jews, communists, political refugees, specialized workers and members of their families. Also includes correspondence pertaining to allocation of food, improvement of living conditions, and maintenance of orphanages etc.

  7. Monogrammed bag for storing a prayer shawl saved by a German Jewish refugee

    1. Gusti and Julius Ackermann collection

    Brown tallit bag monogrammed JA brought by Julius Ackermann when he emigrated from Germany to the United States in 1938. It originally belonged to his grandfather or his great-grandfather.

  8. Torah binder with his name and birthdate saved by a young German Jewish refugee

    1. Gusti and Julius Ackermann collection

    Wimpel or Torah wrapping brought with thirteen year old August Erich Mayer when he emigrated to the United States with his older sister, Gusti, in June 1937. It was created to celebrate his birth on July 27, 1924, and is inscribed in paint with his name and birthdate. His parents gave him the wrapping before he left Hermeskeil, Germany.

  9. Document holder

    1. Kovary and Neuhaus families collection

    Brown leather bifold document holder with plastic covers inside. The wallet may have contained an ID card from the Office of Military Government for Germany (U.S) issued on 9 March 1946 to Ernest Kovary.