Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 881 to 900 of 6,679
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Animal bone souvenir with an inscription acquired by a Kindertransport refugee

    1. Ullrich Remak collection

    Souvenir animal bone acquired by Ullrich Remak. It has an inscription “Souvenir from Birkenward Hostel, 14. II. 1942" where Ullrich stayed after being sent to Scotland from Germany on a Kinderstransport (Children's transport) in 1939.

  2. Abe Morgenstern photographs

    1. Abe Morgenstern collection

    The collection consists of photographs of Abraham Morgenstern (Abe), originally of Czortków, Poland (Chortkiv, Ukraine), and his friend Jack Honig in displaced persons camps in Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany, and Bari, Italy after the Holocaust.

  3. Louis Bernard Katz photograph album

    Loose photograph album of wartime photographs taken by Louis Bernard Katz, a field surgeon with the United States Army. The album includes photographs of the Ebensee subcamp of the Mauthausan concentration camp, Austria shortly after liberation; refugees in Waldenberg, Germany; and German prisoners-of-war in Simbach am Inn, Germany. Other cities documented include Mühlhausen, Germany; Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz, Germany, Lauf, Germany; Attnang, Austria; and Vöcklabruck, Austria. The album is annotated.

  4. Silver fish fork with fish design owned by the Orsten family

    1. Elisabeth Orsten family collection

    A single fork from a silver, fish cutlery set, consisting of four forks and three knives, designed by Art Krupp Berndorf of Austria and owned by the Orsten family. The cutlery is part of a collection relating to the experiences of Elizabeth M. Ornstein (later Orsten) and her family in Vienna, Austria, before and during the Holocaust, and the Ornstein family’s immigration to the United States.

  5. Silver fish fork with fish design owned by the Orsten family

    1. Elisabeth Orsten family collection

    A single fork from a silver, fish cutlery set, consisting of four forks and three knives, designed by Art Krupp Berndorf of Austria and owned by the Orsten family. The cutlery is part of a collection relating to the experiences of Elizabeth M. Ornstein (later Orsten) and her family in Vienna, Austria, before and during the Holocaust, and the Ornstein family’s immigration to the United States.