Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 661 to 680 of 6,679
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Organisations juives en France avant 1939

    Contains records, documents, reports, correspondence, member lists, and statistics from prewar Jewish organizations such as the Societé Française de Propagation du Travail Industriel et Agricole parmi les Juifs, Maison Israélite de Refuge pour l’enfance, Maison de Refuge Israélite de Lyon, Association Zadoc Kahn, École Normale Israélite, and Comité de Bienfaisance Israélite.

  2. Elisabeth L. Winn papers

    The papers consist of two identification cards for foreigners and stateless persons issued to Elisabeth Winn (b. Gessler).

  3. Grapevine clipping from a vineyard near a refugee route in France

    Grew in a vineyard in the Pyrenees, near the route that the refugees followed when they fled France during the Second World War.