Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 641 to 660 of 6,679
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Oral history interview with Peter Rein

  2. Oral history interview with Peter Schur

  3. Presentation by Ruth Bild Adler

  4. Margot Hamburger papers

    1. Margot Hamburger family collection

    The papers consist of nine letters between Eka Rozenkranz in Cyprus to Margot Joseph [donor] in Israel between February 1947 and May 1947. Also included are three photographs of images of Bernard Joseph [donor's brother] at the ORT school in Berlin, Germany, dated 1938-1939, and three photographs of images of Margot Joseph in Palestine, dated 1944-1949.

  5. Hildegard Fulda Orsten memoirs

    1. Elisabeth Orsten family collection

    Hildegard Fulda Orsten's memoirs are part of a collection relating to the experiences of Elizabeth M. Ornstein (later Orsten) and her family in Vienna, Austria, before and during the Holocaust, and the Ornstein family’s immigration to the United States.

  6. History of 303rd Field Artillery

    Col. Redding chronicles the progress of the 303rd Field Artillery, primarily in Germany, includes DPs, POWs, and camps for Russian and Polish refugees. Map of Marienbad. Footage of the spa town around May 5, 1945. Newspaper headlines: VE Day; "Churchill, King George Speak Today." GIs on lawn in front of hotel. Radio. Roads with released German POWs. Unit camps in field. Eating at table in field, setting up generator, setting up tents, writing home, boxing up souvenirs, kegs of beer come in. 12:26:16 Nuremberg Stadium, WS. (May 29 sent to Le Havre, France), Red Cross entertainment in field, ...

  7. Bloch Brothers (Fond 293)

    Contains correspondence and other documents relating to Jewish emigration and Jewish refugee help.The correspondence refers often to the Dutch Comité voor Joodsche Vluchtelingen (Committee for Jewish refugees). Max, Lippmann, and Albert Bloch, Jewish businessmen were born in Breslau, now Wroclaw, where they owned a large company until 1933. Forced by the Nazis, they emigrated to Amsterdam with their company. More or less immediately after their emigration to Amsterdam the Bloch brothers started helping other Jewish refugees who tried to leave Germany or other countries and looked for refuge...

  8. David Eilenberg papers

    The David Eilenberg papers consist of biographical materials and photographs documenting David Eilenberg’s time at the Landsberg DP Camp, his marriage to Hala Kowalska, their family members in Łódź and Malmö, and their political activities in support of the creation of the State of Israel and in assisting the emigration of European Jews to Palestine. Biographical materials include travel passes and a Landsberg residence card for David Eilenberg, the Eilenbergs’ ketubah and marriage certificate, and a newspaper clipping containing congratulations to the couple on their marriage. Photographs ...

  9. Max Joseph collection

    This collection includes personal papers of Max Joseph, who kept detailed records relating to his pre-World War II experiences in Berlin from 1935 to 1938. The papers also document his immigration to Australia in 1939, his internment in the Tatura internment camp from 1940 to 1941, and his work with Jewish refugees and Holocaust survivors through the 1960s.

  10. Committee for Jewish Refugee Assistance "HICEM," Zagreb Hilfskomitee für jüdischen Flüchtlinge HICEM-Odbor za pomoc židovskim izbeglicam, Zagreb (Fond 1430)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Records related to the activities of the Zagreb Office of the HICEM Committee in Yugoslavia. The Zagreb office of HICEM gained importance after the Anschluss in 1938, when Austrian and German Jews tried to flee Europe, joined in smaller numbers by Czech, Polish, and Hungarian Jews. HICEM Zagreb registered and sheltered the refugees during their temporary stay in Yugoslavia, and took care of their everyday needs. HICEM also advised them about visas, transportation routes, tickets, and prepared them for emigration, in the process providing many with financial aid. The collection contains exte...

  11. Marc Ratner papers

    The papers consist of documents and letters relating the experiences of Marc Ratner after World War II. Includes a letter of recommendation for Marc Ratner from the Provisional Engineering team in Ebensee, Austria; a certificate from the Cham Jewish transient camp for Gustava, Marijan, and Alicia Ratner; a transit visa for Venezuela from the Central Committee for Liberated Jews for Alicja [donor's sister] and Manau (Marian) Ratner issued on September 11, 1946; and two letters from the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) certifying that Marian and Simone Ratner were employed in the Paris, Fra...

  12. Steffi Steinberg Winters papers

    The Steffi Steinberg Winters papers consist of newspaper clippings related to Jewish refugees at Fort Ontario in Oswego, New York; compositions written by Steffi Steinberg (later Winters) during her time at Oswego High School; and two photographs of Jewish refugees at Oswego High School. The poem included in the collection was composed by Steffi Steinberg on the occasion of the resignation of Fort Ontario Emergency Refugee Shelter Director, Joseph Smart.