Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 341 to 360 of 6,679
Language of Description: English
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Gerry Blumenfeld papers

    The papers consist of 33 photographs and a document relating to the experiences of Idek Blumenfleld [donor] during the Holocaust in Bedzin, Poland; Leipheim, Germany; Barletta, Italy; Tel-Aviv, Israel; and Melbourne, Australia.

  2. Post World War One relief film

    Polish refugees with ox-driven carts along road with people and all their possessions. Peasants who have lost everything sitting on ground. CU, children and crying woman. Photographic stills of destroyed Polish villages with quick intertitles - German villagers escaping from Russian army and desolate Polish countryside. Three people flee on a sled. Group of women and children in front of snow dugout/hut.

  3. Josef-Frances Feiler collection

    Contains two identification cards for Josef-Frances Feiler from Berlin, a picture postcard of Josef-Frances Feiler in Poland in 1942, one photograph of Josef-Frances Feiler in 1946, a photograph of Josef and Frances Feiler in the Linz Bindermichl Displaced Persons camp, and a photograph of the first anniversary of liberation in Linz Bindermichel.

  4. Postage stamp, Austria, 3 schilling, commemorating World Refugee Year

    1. David Pearlman collection

    3 Schillings, issued by the Postal Office of Austria, illustrating the emigration of refugees. It was issued on the occasion of tWorld Refugee Year, 1959-1960.

  5. Hiram and Rose Bingham collection

    The Hiram and Rose Bingham collection consists of correspondence, photographic materials, and printed materials documenting Hiram Bingham's efforts to assist refugees while serving as Vice Consul at the American Consulate in Marseilles. Among the papers are photographs of lines of refugees at the American Consulate in Marseilles, the concentration camp at Gurs, and Marc Chagall, and a letter from Varian Fry. The collection also includes 8mm motion picture film.

  6. Central British Fund for Germany Jewry. Agreement.

    Contains a printed legal form from the Central British Fund for German Jewry, four pages, spelling out the relationship between the Central British Fund and those who would act as guarantors to bring persecuted Jews from Germany to the United Kingdom. Undated, circa 1933-1939.

  7. Lithuanian Jewish charities Lietuvos Žydų labdaros draugijos (Fond 1147)

    Contains records of Lithuanian Jewish charity organizations who provided aid to the Jewish repatriates from Russia expelled from Lithuania during the WWI, and to Jewish refugees who fled from Poland, 1939-1940 (ca, 12,000 refugees). Includes also files relating to the activities of Jewish charities in Vilnius (Vilna), Kaunas (Kovno) and other cities in Lithuania; minutes, reports, financial and statistical reports of Jewish organizations "Ezra", OZE; lists of Jews who applied for the financial aid and medical treatment, and individual forms with personal data of Jewish refugees.

  8. Goldfarb family papers

    1. Goldfarb family collection

    Contains one song booklet given to students in the Kassel displaced persons camp, sixty-six black and white photographs of the Goldfarb family in Kassel and Ziegenhain displaced persons camps, eight postage stamps given to children in the Kassel displaced persons camp, and twenty-two documents pertaining to the experiences of Elimelech, Roza, and William Goldfarb in the Ziegenhain and Kassel displaced persons camps.

  9. Selected records related to the evacuation of civilians to Armenia during World War II

    Records related to the evacuation of civilians to Armenia during World War II that includes information about resettlement, employment, financial aid, food supplies and medical assistance provided by the local authorities to evacuees and refugees. Includes lists of evacuees arriving to Armenia from various regions of the former USSR, lists of Polish refugees repatriated to Poland and Jews evacuated from various locations, correspondence of the local authorities pertaining to settlement and employment of evacuees and refugees, statistics, reports, lists of communists, etc.

  10. Katie Miller photograph collection

    One photograph album, containing 67 prints, depicting displaced persons camps operated by UNRRA in and around Linz, Austria, 1946-1947. Also contains 25 loose snapshots depicting Holocaust memorials in Germany, concentration camp sites, aid workers, and activities to smuggle Jewish refugees out of Europe to Palestine.

  11. Mayer Mermelstein memoir

    The Mayer Mermelstein memoir includes a personal narrative of the Jewish transit camps in Bari, Italy titled "Jewish refugees in the UNRRA camps in Italy," and four copies of photographs depicting life in a transit camp in Bari, Italy. The Mayer Mermelstein memoir contains three copies of a personal narrative titled "Jewish refugees in the UNRRA camps in Italy," and four copies of photographs depicting a transit camp in Bari, Italy. The original memoir is in hand-written Yiddish. A photocopy of the original and an English translation are also included in this collection. The narrative descr...

  12. Anatole Ponevejsky papers

    The Anatole Ponevejsky papers consist of photographs documenting Ponevejsky’s work on behalf of Jewish refugees in Kobe, Japan in the early years of World War II and correspondence, printed materials, and reports documenting his continued work on behalf of Jewish refugees after he moved to the United States in the spring of 1941. Correspondence consists of invitations, agendas, and telegrams documenting Ponevejsky’s continued work on behalf of Jewish refugees after he moved to the United States in the spring of 1941, particularly regarding budgets, fundraising, visas, and the cases of 451 y...

  13. Norman Bentwich collection (P174)

    Private papers of Norman de Mattos Bentwich (1883-1971): Correspondence with refugees from Germany and Austria including name lists (organized alphabetically), as well as correspondence with the various refugee aid organizations such as the Central British Fund, London, the Comité voor Joodsche Vluchtelingen, Amsterdam, the Comité voor Bijzondere Joodsche Belangen, Amsterdam, the American Jewish Joint Agricultural Corporation, the Comité Allemand, Paris, the Comité National Tchécoslovaque pour les réfugiés provenant d'Allemagne, Prague, the Vereeniging tot Vakopleiding van Palestina Pionier...

  14. The World Jewish Congress Geneva Office records

    Contains correspondence of the Geneva Office of the World Jewish Congress with organizations from Switzerland and from other countries and with the International Red Cross and the United Nations; papers and speeches of the head of the Geneva Office, Gerhart Riegner; wartime reports of the Relief Committee for the War-Stricken Jewish Population (RELICO); chronological files related to accounts, restitution and rehabilitation; minutes of the Geneva WJC meetings; and various periodicals and printed materials.

  15. Holocaust-era records of the Jewish Labor Committee Displaced and refugee card files

    The collection consists of records of the Displaced Persons and Refugee Card files (Sub-series of the Holocaust-Era Records of the Jewish Labor Committee). The thousands of cards provide biographical information on refugees, most of them in DP camps in Germany. The files are divided in several series, and each series is arranged alphabetically.

  16. Pastor Paul Vogt papers Nachlass Pfarrer Paul Vogt (1900-1984)

    Private papers of Paul Vogt (1900-1984), Swiss pastor and a refugee aid worker. Consists of manuscripts, press articles, honors, diaries, obituaries, notes by Sophie Vogt-Brenner and Annemarie Vogt, photographs, interviews and publications. Records relate to Paul Vogt's commitment and leadership for charity and assistance to refugees, his work towards understanding between Christian and Jews, and his support for the existence of the State of Israel.

  17. Cyril Pearl collection

    Contains the research papers and original sources used by Cyril Pearl in writing his book on the Dunera ship ("The Dunera Scandal: Deported by Mistake") and the records on the internment camps in Australia. In 1940 German refugees seeking asylum in England were sent to Australia as an enemy alien aboard the Dunera ship and interned in Australia at the Hay internment camp for a year and a half. In 1942, England realized their mistake in holding these refugees and they were released. Records include ephemera from the Hay camp, newspaper clippings about the Dunera affair,1941-1983, hansard ext...

  18. Transit camp in Eindhoven

    Scenes from a transit camp located in the Philips factory in Eindhoven, Netherlands. According to the IWM record, the camp was run by the 506 Detachment, Civil Affairs, and the nationalities of the laborers include Dutch, French, Polish, and Russian. Adult and children civilians (former foreign forced laborers) and British soldiers in front of military trucks. CUs of a woman talking and laughing with a British soldier. Military truck carrying civilians enters a gated compound. Passengers disembark from the back of the truck. Quick shot of slate indicating 3/15/1945 and cameraman Sgt. Collin...

  19. Volkssturm defend the Eastern Front

    Map of the Eastern Front, indicating Warsaw, Breslau, Kattowitz, Litzmannstadt, and other locations. German refugees on horse-drawn carts with their belongings move West, fleeing the "Mongol storm." Shots of Soviet POWs. Civilians build barricades to defend against the Soviets. Refugees board trains to get away from the front. The woman getting on the train wears an armband bearing the insignia of the Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt (NSV; National Socialist Peoples' Welfare organization). Members of the NSV provide food and other care to refugees arriving in Germany. NSV members (all ...

  20. Erich and Margot Leyser photograph collection

    The collection consists of two studio portraits of Erich and Margot Leyser, who were passengers aboard the MS St. Louis. Both photographs have inscriptions written by Margot Leyser. One photograph is inscribed with "Zum Abscheid aus Deutschland 4-Mai-1939" and the other photograph is inscribed "10.Juli 1946" and is stamped .".Optica Ariel..Montevideo" Uruguay.