Archival Descriptions

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Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Multiple
Language of Description: Russian
Holding Institution: Arbetarrörelsens arkiv och bibliotek
  1. Arbetarrörelsens flyktinghjälp

    • Fackliga och politiska emigranters hjälpkommitté
    • Labour Movement Refugee Relief

    The series E/1/12 contains correspondence with the Matteotti Committee in Copenhagen, the refugee committees in Oslo and Helsinki regarding the entry and support of German and Sudeten German refugees 1938-1944, and with Social Democratic refugee aid committees and other organizations in France, Great Britain, Switzerland, Hungary, Austria, Belgium, and Poland 1938-1939. Some of the refugees that the organization corresponded with and about were Jews. The archive also contains personal files from the period 1933–1961, some of which contain documents about Jewish refugees in Sweden.