Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,441 to 1,460 of 1,483
Language of Description: Hebrew
Language of Description: Croatian
Language of Description: Russian
Holding Institution: ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
  1. תיעוד של הז'נדרמריה הגרמנית הנפתית ב-Grodno מהשנים 1944-1941

    תיעוד של הז'נדרמריה הגרמנית הנפתית ב-Grodno מהשנים 1944-1941 באוסף רשימות עצירים בעקבות פעילות קומוניסטית, נהלים של מפקד הז'נדרמריה הנפתית ליחידות מקומיות בנוגע למאבק כנגד הפעילות הפרטיזנית, דיווחים על הוצאות להורג של אנשים שניסו לברוח ותיעוד לגבי תשלום שכר לז'נדרמים.

  2. M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground

    M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground The archive gets its name from Mordechai Tenenbaum-Tamaroff, who set up the archive in early 1943, and Zvi Mersik, one of Mordechai Tenenbaum's outstanding aides, who continued to maintain the archive after Mordechai Tenenbaum-Tamaroff's death. Most of the documentation, which was created between July 1941 and April 1943, is located in the Yad Vashem Archive. The original material is not concentrated in one place: some of it is housed in the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, and the rest of th...

  3. P.20 - Zorach Warhaftig Archive: Documentation of rescue and aid extended to refugees who escaped from Poland and Lithuania to Japan, 1939-1990

    P.20 - Zorach Warhaftig Archive: Documentation of rescue and aid extended to refugees who escaped from Poland and Lithuania to Japan, 1939-1990 Zorach Warhaftig was born in Wolkowisk, White Russia. While still a youth, he was an active member of the Hamizrachi movement. He acquired a traditional Jewish education and a general education, earning his Law degree at Warsaw University. From 1936-1939 he served as Chairman of the Eretz Israel office in Warsaw and a representative at the 17th through the 21st Zionist Congresses. When World War II broke out, he escaped to Lithuania, and there he ai...

  4. O.12 - Perlman Collection: Testimonies of refugees from Poland who arrived in Eretz Israel, 1942-1943

    O.12- Perlman Collection: Testimonies of refugees from Poland who arrived in Eretz Israel, 1942-1943 The Perlman Collection consists of 64 testimonies gathered by Jewish Agency representatives during the years 1942-1943, mainly from Jews who arrived to Eretz Israel during World War II. Most of the testimonies were given by Jews who held Mandatory Palestine citizenship, were married to Mandatory Palestine citizens or were related to them. These Jews were included in exchange agreements of foreign citizens for German citizens, and they succeeded in reaching Eretz Israel. Another group of witn...

  5. O.41 - Collection of Lists and Documentation Regarding Those Who Perished and Those Who Were Persecuted During the Holocaust Period

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 4019587
    • English, Hebrew
    • Death certificate List of camp inmates List of deportees List of inmates List of Jewish residents List of Jewish soldiers List of murdered persons List of persecuted persons List of survivors Personal documents Photograph

    O.41 Collection of Lists and Documentation Regarding Those Who Perished and Those Who Were Persecuted During the Holocaust Period The collection is mainly comprised of lists of Jews who perished or were persecuted during the Holocaust period. These lists come from many diverse sources, various types and different languages. The lists of those who perished were compiled and prepared by official sources and established bodies, as well as by family members, friends and fellow townspeople. Besides the lists of those who perished, the Collection also contains concurrent lists of those who were d...

  6. M.19 - The Friesland District Joodse Raad (Jewish Council) Collection, the Netherlands, 1940-1943

    M.19 - The Friesland District Joodse Raad (Jewish Council) Collection, the Netherlands, 1940-1943 The Collection contains correspondence between the Friesland district Joodse Raad and the Amsterdam Joodse Raad on various issues, and correspondence of the Joodse Raad with various organizations regarding help to Dutch Jews in camps and help to Jewish refugees from Germany. There are also reports received from the Amsterdam Joodse Raad regarding the Jews, documentation of decrees and restrictions on Dutch Jews, Jewish education, Jewish owned property, mixed marriages, persecution and deportati...

  7. P.18 - Kaczerginski Collection: Documentation regarding the Vilna Ghetto, 1941-1954

    P.18 - Kaczerginski Collection: Documentation regarding the Vilna Ghetto, 1941-1954 Shmaryahu Kaczerginski was born in Vilna in 1908. From a very young age, he started to write and publish poetry and stories. Kaczerginski was one of the founders and activists in "Young Vilna", a group of young Yiddish poets in Vilna, and he was also active in the Communist movement. Even when he was a young man, some of his poems were adopted by the Jews of Vilna and Poland, and these poems became the folk songs sung by many of the Jews. In 1942, after about a year of hiding from the Germans, Kaczerginski r...

  8. M.22 - Archives of the Comite Juif Belge (Belgian Jewish Committee) during the Holocaust

    M.22 - Archives of the Comite Juif Belge (Belgian Jewish Committee) during the Holocaust The Comite Juif Belge (Belgian Jewish Council) was established, in London in 1943 by Mr. Herman Schamissa, and it affiliated itself with the World Jewish Congress in 1944. The documentation includes correspondence with various Jewish institutions in Belgium, England, the United States and the Belgian Government in Exile regarding ways of assisting the Jews of Belgium. The archive also includes lists of deportees and survivors.

  9. M.2 - Archive of Itzhak Schwarzbart, member of the Polish Government-in-Exile in London, 1939-1958

    M.2 - Archive of Itzhak Schwarzbart, member of the Polish Government-in-Exile in London, 1939-1958 Dr. Itzhak Ignacy Schwarzbart was born in Chrzanow, Poland, in 1888. He studied to be a lawyer and began his legal career in 1913. He served as the Assistant Editor-in-Chief of a daily newspaper that appeared in Krakow, 1921-1925, while writing for other daily newspapers as well. During the period between World War I and World War II, he served as a representative at Zionist Congresses and was active in the Jewish faction in the Krakow Municipal Council and the leadership of the Jewish communi...

  10. P.12 - Chaim Pazner Archives: Representative of the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel in Switzerland during World War II

    P.12 - Chaim Pazner Archives: Representative of the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel in Switzerland during World War II The record group contains a variety of documentation collected by Dr. Chaim Pazner (Chaim Posner) over the course of his life, mainly while serving as Director of the Eretz Israel Office in Geneva, Switzerland. - Files 80-112 include files of the War Refugee Board (WRB) in the United States. - Files 115-126 include personal documentation regarding Pazner's post-war activities including his role as Deputy Chairman of Yad Vashem. Chaim Pazner was born in Kowal, Poland, 04 Janu...

  11. O.40 - Documentation regarding the Jews of the Netherlands, primarily during the Holocaust period

    O.40 - Documentation regarding the Jews of the Netherlands, primarily during the Holocaust period In the Collection there are files submitted to Yad Vashem by private people including personal documents from the war period, correspondence with the German authorities in the Netherlands, correspondence with family members; correspondence after the war; anti-Jewish orders and directives, newspaper clippings including information regarding the persecution of the Dutch Jews, documentation concerning the rescue of Jews, Joodse Raad (Jewish Council) activities, the Westerbork transit camp, concent...

  12. M.25 - Documentation of the Mouvement National Hebreu (MNH - Hebrew National Movement) in France, 1941-1942

    M.25 - Documentation of the Mouvement National Hebreu (MNH - Hebrew National Movement) in France, 1941-1942 Georges Blumberg, the MNH founder apparently established the archives; MNH was founded in Paris before the outbreak of the war; the MNH leaders were Georges Blumberg and Adia Gourevitch; the goal of the movement was to redefine the terms "Jewish nation" and "Hebrew state"; MNH published two editions of the "Shem" anthology in Paris. The documentation in the collection was prepared for an anthology that was meant to be published in Marseilles, where Blumberg lived; the files are compri...

  13. O.35 - The Heidingsfeld Collection: Documentation regarding Jewish refugees in Switzerland

    O.35 The Heidingsfeld Collection: Documentation regarding Jewish refugees in Switzerland Correspondence of Joseph Heidingsfeld, a teacher and Jewish refugee in Switzerland, who was active in the Vevey-Montreux area, and taught children in the refugee camps and hospitals in the area, 1936-1950.

  14. P.6 - Archive of Dr. Wilhelm Filderman, Chairman of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania, 1924-1947

    P.6 - Archive of Dr. Wilhelm Filderman, Chairman of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania, 1924-1947 The personal archive of Dr. Wilhelm Filderman, Chairman of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania, 1924-1941 and 1944-1947, includes 119 bound collections of documents which were submitted to Yad Vashem in 1967. Dr. Wilhelm Filderman was the leader of Romanian Jewry from the early 1920's until 1948. A prominent lawyer, he served as Chairman of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania and Chairman of the Union of Romanian Jews. He was Chairman of the Joint Distributi...

  15. O.89 - Collection of Personal Files of Jewish Underground Fighters in France

    O.89 - Collection of Personal Files of Jewish Underground Fighters in France Documentation regarding Jewish underground heroes who died in France or were deported from France to extermination camps collected by the Association of Jewish Resistance Veterans (ARJF). Copies of the original material have been transferred to the Museum. The original documentation is located in the Yad Vashem Archives; the photographs have been transferred to the Yad vashem Photo Archives. The original numbering of the files has been preserved despite the fact that many files are empty.

  16. P.19 Collection of Carl Lutz, Swiss Diplomat and Righteous Among the Nations, 1935-1970

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 4019608
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1935-1970
    • Album Letter List of names Newspaper clippings Official documentation Passport Personal documents Photograph Research article Survey report

    P.19 Collection of Carl Lutz, Swiss Diplomat and Righteous Among the Nations, 1935-1970 Carl Lutz (1895-1975) was the Swiss Vice Consul in Jaffa, Eretz Israel, 1935-1941, and in Budapest, Hungary, 1942-1945. Following the German occupation of Hungary, 1944, he was extremely active in rescuing Jews with United States, British, Romanian, El Salvadorian and other citizenships, as well as on behalf of those with certificates to make aliya to Eretz Israel. - The collection was submitted to Yad Vashem in 1981, through the generosity of Agnes Hirschi, Lutz's adopted daughter; - The collection is c...

  17. O.84 - Documentation gathered in preparation of the "Hungarian Communities Registry" published by Yad Vashem

    O.84 - Documentation gathered in preparation of the "Pinkas HaKehillot, Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities, Hungary" published by Yad Vashem The ""Pinkas HaKehillot, Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities, Hungary" Project and a history of the Record Group: "Pinkas HaKehillot, Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities, Hungary", which was published in 1975 was the third volume in the Yad Vashem "Communities Registry" series. The editorial board members (Theodore Lavi, Nathaniel Katzburg, Shmuel Shichor, Neta Perach and Avraham Shein) wrote in the introduction to the book: "This volume […] went through...

  18. O.62 - Borwicz Collection: Testimonies recorded by the Jewish Historical Commission in Poland

    O.62 - Borwicz Collection: Testimonies recorded by the Jewish Historical Commission in Poland, 1944-1947 Michal Borwicz (Maksymilian Boruchowicz) was born in Krakow in 1911, and died in Paris in 1987. A graduate of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, he was a Jewish Polish author and historian, who studied the history of Polish Jewry during the Holocaust. Borwicz was an inmate in the Janowska camp in Lwow from 1942-1943. He was sentenced to death by hanging, however when the sentence was being carried out, the rope broke. He escaped from the camp and joined the partisans and commanded an...

  19. M.38 - Documentation from the Archive for the Study of Austrian Resistance

    M.38 - Documentation from the Archive for the Study of Austrian Resistance There is much documentation regarding the persecution of opponents of the regime by the Nazi authorities in the Austrian Resistance Movement Archives (Dokumentationsarchiv des Oesterreichischen Widerstands). Within the documentation copied for Yad Vashem, there is material regarding the persecution of the Jews in Austria: orders and official directives, lists of people dismissed from their places of employment due to their Jewishness, reports and surveys regarding specific persecutions written during the period of th...

  20. P.3 -Isaac Weissman Archive: Documentation of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) in Lisbon

    P.3 -Yitzchak Weisman Archive: Documentation of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) in Lisbon Isaac Weissman was the WJC representative in Lisbon; he was active in providing assistance to refugees and participating in rescue operations. This Record Group includes Weissman's correspondence from Portugal with the WJC office in New York, diplomatic representatives in Portugal and private individuals and other organizations, 1942-1967.