Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 41 to 60 of 78
Holding Institution: Державний архів Сумської області
  1. Шалигинська районна управа с. Шалигине Шалигинського району Сумської області.

    Списки відповідальних працівників населених пунктів Шалигинського району. Списки працівників установ.

  2. Червоне районне управління Української допоміжної охоронної поліції с. Есмань Сумської області

    Списки громадян, які проживали на окупаційній території та громадян які отримали паспорти

  3. Magistrate of the town of Romny

    • Роменський магістрат

    The order about the city administration. The orders of the burgomaster about execution of the organizers and participants of the guerrilla movement. Postcard by Archbishop Nikanor, heard of Kyiv diocese. Collection includes anti-Jewish orders and antisemitic propaganda materials issued by the occupation authorities and local administration (file 2, pp. 3, 39, 48, 49, 52).

  4. Липоводолинська районна управа с. Липова Долина Липоводолинського району Сумської області

    Цивільні справи по позовах про виплату аліментів, повернення майна, повернення одягу.

  5. Роменська районна управа м. Ромни Сумської області.

    Листування з старостами сільських управ, районною поліцією про видачу тимчасових посвідчень. Списки і заяви громадян. Персональні посвідчення громадян, списки неблагонадійних та особові посвідчення громадян з літерою 'К' - неблагонадійний.

  6. Bureau of the House management No. 4 of the Sumy city administration

    • Контора домоуправління № 4 Сумської міської управи м. Суми Сумської області
    • Kontora domoupravlinnia #4 Sumskoi miskoi upravy

    Collection contains house-register books, lists of workers in house management and tenants. Inventory information, orders for apartments. Information on the payment of wages. Collection includes house-registers of Sumy dwellers during the German occupation, including the Jewish dwellers (file 3, p. 6, file 4, p. 5, 8, 12, file 5, p. 4-6, file 6, p. 6, file 8, p. 3-6, file 19, p. 20, file 20, p. 5-7, file 29, p. 15, file 31, p. 9, file 32, p. 14, file 34, p. 4, 13, 17).

  7. Bureau of the House management No. 10 of the Sumy city administration

    • Контора домоуправління № 10 Сумської міської управи м. Суми
    • Kontora domoupravlinnia #10 Sumskoi miskoi upravy

    Collection contains house-register books, lists of workers in house management and tenants. Inventory information, orders for apartments. Information on the payment of wages. Collection includes house-registers of Sumy dwellers during the German occupation, including the Jewish dwellers (file 35, pp. 13, 14).

  8. Inspectorate of the Department of youth at the Sumy city administration

    • Інспектура служби молоді Сумської міської управи
    • Inspektura sluzhby molodi Sumskoi miskoi upravy

    Collection contains lists of children and youth, index cards of youth of the city of Sumy, including Jewish children and youth, under the German occupation. Lists of Jewish children and youth: file 8, p. 8, file 46, p. 12, file 61, p. 2, file 108, p. 4, file 115, p. 1; Index cards of the Jewish youth: file 22, pp. 83-85, file 24, p. 130, file 27, p. 106, file 30, p. 124, file 32, p. 8.

  9. Bureau of the House management No. 6 of the Sumy city administration

    • Контора домоуправління № 6 Сумської міської управи м. Суми
    • Kontora domoupravlinnia #6 Sumskoi miskoi upravy

    Collection contains house-register books, lists of workers in house management and tenants. Inventory information, orders for apartments. Information on the payment of wages. Collection includes house-registers of Sumy dwellers during the German occupation, including the Jewish dwellers (file 18, p. 19, file 37, p. 25, file 37а, p. 3).

  10. Sumy city committee of the Communist party of Ukraine

    • Сумський міський комітет Комуністичної партії України
    • Sumskyi miskyi komitet Komunistychnoi partii Ukrainy

    The collection contains protocols of Communist party conferences, plenums, meetings of the bureau, materials to them. References, informations, reports on issues of organizational and propaganda, social and economic development. Information about the damage inflicted by the Nazi invaders. Inquiries, specifications, awards letters to the fighters of the Great Patriotic War. Statistical reports on the numerical composition and movement of the party organization. Accounting books, registration membership cards, candidate's and registration cards. Lists of communists left behind in the occupied...

  11. Bureau of the House management No. 5 of the Sumy city administration

    • Контора домоуправління № 5 Сумської міської управи м. Суми Сумської області
    • Kontora domoupravlinnia #5 Sumskoi miskoi upravy

    Collection contains house-register books, lists of workers in house management and tenants. Inventory information, orders for apartments. Information on the payment of wages. Collection includes house-registers of Sumy dwellers during the German occupation, including the Jewish dwellers (file 2, p. 4, 5, 8, 10, file 7, p. 2, 15. 23, file 8, p. 4, file 20, p. 7, file 24, p. 3, file 42, p. 3, 5, 6, 13, 18, 19, 21, file 46, p. 4, 5, file 51, p. 9).

  12. Bureau of the House management No. 7 of the Sumy city administration

    • Контора домоуправління № 7 Сумської міської управи м. Суми
    • Kontora domoupravlinnia #7 Sumskoi miskoi upravy

    Collection contains house-register books, lists of workers in house management and tenants. Inventory information, orders for apartments. Information on the payment of wages. Collection includes house-registers of Sumy dwellers during the German occupation, including the Jewish dwellers (file 2, p. 5, file 5, pp. 3, 4, file 45, pp. 15, 16).

  13. Bureau of the House management No. 3 of the Sumy city administration

    • Контора домоуправління № 3 Сумської міської управи м. Суми
    • Kontora domoupravlinnia #3 Sumskoi miskoi upravy

    Collection contains house-register books, lists of workers in house management and tenants. Inventory information, orders for apartments. Information on the payment of wages. Collection includes house-registers of Sumy dwellers during the German occupation, including the Jewish dwellers (inv. 1, file 25, p. 6, file 42, p. 3, 4, 6, file 43, p. 7, inv. 2, file 7, p. 8, file 29, p. 10).

  14. Marianivka village administration in Syniv district

    • Cільська управа с. Мар'янівка Синівського району
    • Silska uprava s. Marianivka Synivskoho raionu

    Collection contains decisions and orders of the district administration on taxes, supply of agricultural products for the German army, certificates of death and birth, an order on the registration of the population, list of members of the communal economy. File 2, page 75 - contains order by Syniv district administration to celebrate 2-year anniversary of liberation of Ukraine from the Jews and Bolsheviks

  15. Bureau of the House management No. 9 of the Sumy city administration

    • Контора домоуправління № 9 Сумської міської управи м. Суми
    • Kontora domoupravlinnia #9 Sumskoi miskoi upravy

    Collection contains house-register books, lists of workers in house management and tenants. Inventory information, orders for apartments. Information on the payment of wages. Collection includes house-registers of Sumy dwellers during the German occupation, including the Jewish dwellers (file 52, p. 16).

  16. Bureau of the House management No. 8 of the Sumy city administration

    • Контора домоуправління № 8 Сумської міської управи м. Суми
    • Kontora domoupravlinnia #8 Sumskoi miskoi upravy

    Collection contains house-register books, lists of workers in house management and tenants. Inventory information, orders for apartments. Information on the payment of wages. Collection includes house-registers of Sumy dwellers during the German occupation, including the Jewish dwellers (file 12, p. 6, file 31, p. 5, file 35, pp. 32-34).

  17. Editorial board of the "Sumy Herald" newspaper

    • Редакція газети "Сумський вісник"
    • Redaktsiia hazety "Sumskii Visnyk"

    The collection contains requests from institutions to produce seals and stamps, their samples. Articles for publication, announcements, poems, cuttings from the newspaper "Sumy Herald" and from German newspapers. Information on wage billing for editorial staff. The collection includes antisemitic articles published in the "Sumy Herald" newspaper under the German occupation (inv. 2, file 2, pp. 24-26, file 3, pp. 11, 14, 181).

  18. Notary's office at the Sumy city administration

    • Нотаріальна контора Сумської міської управи
    • Notarialna kontora Sumskoi miskoi upravy

    The orders of the Sumy city administration. Decrees, orders of the legal department at the city head about taxation of the population, creation of judicial commissions and department of legal acts. Protocols of meetings of the board of trustees. Logs of registration of documents issued by the notary's office. Certificates of death, birth, marriage. Collection contains log books registering deaths of Sumy dwellers, including the Jewish dwellers (file 2, pp. 15, 25, 38, 43, 44, 50, 74); log books registering births of Sumy dwellers (file 6, pp. 1, 6, 38, 59, 249, 266, 293); death certificates...

  19. Bureau of the House management No. 11 of the Sumy city administration

    • Контора домоуправління № 11 Сумської міської управи м. Суми
    • Kontora domoupravlinnia #11 Sumskoi miskoi upravy

    Collection contains house-register books, lists of workers in house management and tenants. Inventory information, orders for apartments. Information on the payment of wages. Collection includes house-registers of Sumy dwellers during the German occupation, including the Jewish dwellers (file 30, p. 4, file 36, p. 2, file 42, p. 13).