Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 181 to 200 of 362
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Lithuanian
Language of Description: Russian
Country: Ukraine
  1. Хронологічні довідкі Запорізької області найважливіших подій, що відбувалися у період німецько-фашистської окупації

    • Chronological references about the most important events took place in Zaporizhzhia region during the German-Fascist occupation

    The collection contains files with each devoted to particular district or village councils of the region containing information about dates of occupation by Wehrmacht and liberation by the Red Army, with the information about the persecution and murder of civilian population, including Jews and Roma. The size of a file is from 30 to 90 pages.

  2. Типографія "Нове Запоріжжя", м. Запоріжжя

    • Typohrafia "Nove Zaporizhzhia", m. Zaporizhzhia

    Some files contain information about personnel, articles drafts and editorial politics, which can shed light on the propaganda, particularly its antisemitic component, realized by this paper. File 1. Procurement request to obtain newspaper. 1941. 100 pages. File 2. Drafts of the articles for “Nove Zaporizhzhia” newspaper. 1941-1942. 115 pages. File 3. Drafts of the articles for “Nove Zaporizhzhia” newspaper. 1941-1942. 112 pages. File 5. Drafts of the articles for “Nove Zaporizhzhia” newspaper. 1942. 65 pages. File 6. Drafts of the articles for “Nove Zaporizhzhia” newspaper. 1942. 111 pages...

  3. Штадткомісаріат, м. Запоріжжя Запорізької області

    • Stadtkommissariat of city of Zaporizhzhia

    Some files presented below can contain information regarding Nazi population policies and the Holocaust: File 2. Orders by the local Ortskommandantur and Fieldkommandantur. 1941-1942. 85 pages. File 3. Orders by the local Ortskommandantur and Fieldkommandantur. Lists of employees of various organizations; lists of citizens of the city. List of members of WiKdo. 1941-1942. 84 pages. File 21. Lists of the German civil administration. 1941-1943. 38 pages. File 22. Lists of employees of establishments and organizations of the city. 1941-1943. 36 pages. File 27. Decrees and instructiond by Stadt...

  4. Державний архів Запорізької області

    • State Archive of Zaporizhzhia Oblast
    • Derzhavnyi arkhiv Zaporiz'koi oblasti

    Inventory 2 (Opys 2) of the collection includes several files compiled by the archivists after the World War II, so called "Chronological reference notes about the dates of occupation and liberation of the localities", as well as the other files summarizing the occupation events in the region. File 77а. Chronological reference book on the localities of Zaporozhye region during the temporary German occupation. 1946. 352 pages. File 193. Documentary collection “German-Fascist occupiers in Zaporozhye region”. 150 pages. File 194. Chronological reference book containing dates of occupation and ...

  5. Запорізька міська управа, м. Запоріжжя Запорізької області

    • Zaporiyhyhia city board, city of Zaporizhzhia
    • Zaporizka miska uprava, m. Zaporizhzhia
    • Запорожская городская управа, г. Запорожье

    Inventory 1 (Opys 1) contains files with statistical information about population of the city, indicating the national composition (including Jews and Karaites), the number of male and female Jewish population with an indication of the age groups and neighborhoods (files 227, 231); inventory and receipts on the receiving derelict household goods by the warehouse of the city council (files 48, 98, 263); informations about transferring of furniture to the store of city council and acts of its sale with the names of former owners; information about the number of houses and premises, formerly b...

  6. Дніпропетровський обласний комітет Комуністичної партії України

    • Dnipropetrovsk Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine
    • Dnipropetrovskyi oblasnyi komitet Komunystychnoi partii Ukrainy
    • Днепропетровский областной комитет Коммунистической партии Украины

    Inventory 4 (Opys 4) contains filed relating to the history of the German occupation regime, population policies and the Holocaust in the region during the World War II. Inventory 4 (Opys 4). File 4. Letters, informations, reports by the Regional Committee to the lower-level party and governmental bodies, city- and district Communist party branches about activities of military registration and enlistment offices, defense construction works and dislocation of military units, creation of destruction battalions, about atrocities committed by the occupiers and their accomplices. 1943. 66 pages....

  7. Архівний відділ виконкому Дніпропетровської обласної Ради народних депутатів

    • Archival department of the Executive Committee of Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council of People's Delegates
    • Arkhivnyi viddil vykonkomy Dnipropetrovskoi oblasnoi Rady narodnykh deputativ
    • Архивный отдел исполкома Днепропетровского областного Совета народных депутатов

    Files of inventories 1-add., 2 and 3 relate immediately to the World War II in the region and contain information about human losses and material damage during the German occupation, information about the structure of the occupation regime, population policies and the Holocaust. Inventory 1-additional (Opys 1 dodatkovyi). File 91/19. Correspondence with district branches of NKVD concerning compiling lists of establishments, organizations and enterprises which existed during the German-Fascist occupation in the region. 1944-45. 43 pages. File 94/21. Statements about annihilation of the Germa...

  8. Дніпропетровська обласна комісія обліку збитків, заподіяних німецько-фашистськими загарбниками та їх співучасниками, м. Дніпропетровськ

    • Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Commission for Registration of Damage Caused by German-Fascist Invaders and Their Accomplices, city of Dnipropetrovsk
    • Dnipropetrovska oblasna komisiia obliku zbytkiv, zapodiianykh nimetsko-fashistskymy zagarbnykamy ta ikh spivuchasnykamy, m. Dnipropetrovsk

    Despite the Commission was focused primarily on collecting information on the material damage caused by the German occupiers, some part of collection are files containing materials about atrocities towards the civilian population of the region, including the Holocaust-related data. Inventory 1 (Opys 1) File 1. Directives, lists of personnel in charge in regional organizations, correspondence between regional commission and Extraordinary State Commission regarding sending commission statements and statements by individuals, who were evacuated from Dnipropetrovsk, to compensate the material d...

  9. Дніпропетровський штадткомісар, м. Дніпропетровськ

    • Dnepropetrowsk Stadtkommissar
    • Dnipropetrovsk City Commissar
    • Dnipropetrovskyi shtadtkomisar, m. Dnipropetrovsk

    As an occupation German civil administration documentation, the collection contains the following files which are -- or potentially could be -- related to the Holocaust: File 1. Orders, decrees by Reichskommissariat Ukraine, gendarmerie and city board instructions about organization of gendarmerie, registration of anti-Soviet individuals, prohibition to Germans to marry persons of another ethnicity, reporting police and gendarmerie activities, fight against partisans, Jews, arrest of communists in Piatikhatskyi district. Minutes of propaganda staff meeting and gendarmerie officers meeting; ...

  10. Сільські управи Дніпропетровської області (об'єднаний фонд)

    • Village boards of Dnipropetrovsk region (joint collection)
    • Silski upravy Dnipropetrovskoi oblasti (objednanyi fond)

    Village boards were the lowest level administrative bodies responsible for implementation of the German orders on the ground and facilitation of the occupation policies. Some of the files included in the Inventory 2 of the collection are connected to the German population policies and the Holocaust. Inventory 2 (Opys 2) File 1. Orders of the chef of district board in Apostolovo district, Soldatovo village board. 1941-42. 549 pages. File 4. Orders and decrees of Apostolovo district board about prohibition of Soviet propaganda, giving help to prisoners of war, awarding for arrests of communis...

  11. Дніпропетровська Українська допоміжна управа, м. Дніпропетровськ.

    • Dnipropetrovsk Ukrainian Auxiliary board, city of Dnipropetrovsk
    • Dnipropetrovska Ukrainska dopomizhna uprava, m. Dnipropetrovsk

    As an occupation authority body, Dnipropetrovsk City Board was involved into the Nazi population policy and the Holocaust. Below are selected files which contain occupation and Holocaust-related information. File 1. Orders by city board about its structure, introduction of rationing system, forbiddance to population to sell and exchange foods, license issuing. 60 pages. File 2. Orders and decrees by the German military commandant to population about punishment for signaling to Red Army, about forcible mobilization of population to compulsory public works. Plan for creation of industrial coo...

  12. Колекція фонду "Пам'ять Бабиного Яру"

    • Collection of the “Memory of Babyn Iar” Foundation
    • Collection of the "Memory of Babi Yar" Foundation
    • Коллекция фонда "Память Бабьего Яра"
    • Всеукраїнська єврейська рада
    • Колекція фонду "Пам'ять Бабиного Яру"
    • English
    • 1920-2015
    • 1. Card index, includes names of the Jews perished in Babyn Iar and other sites of mass murder of the Jews in Ukraine during the WWII. 2. Photograph collection, includes personal and family photos of the Jews perished in Babyn Iar and other sites of mass murder of the Jews in Ukraine during the WWII. 3. Audiocollection, contains testimonies recorded from those Jews who survived Babyn Iar, as well as the other sites of mass murder of the Jews in Ukraine during the WWII.
    • Card index contains over 22.000 names of the Holocaust victims. - Photo collection contains over 1000 personal and family pictures. - Audio-collection contains over 60 testimonies recorded on tapes.
  13. Колекція Асоціації Праведників Бабиного Яру

    • “Righteous of Babyn Iar” Association collection
    • "Righteous of Babi Yar" Association collection
    • Коллекция Ассоциации Праведников Бабьего Яра

    Handwritten and typewritten statements and testimonies from the Jews who were given aid during the Holocaust as well as from the Gentiles who rescued the.

  14. Колекція Центру «Героїзм євреїв у Великій Вітчизняній війні»

    • Collection of the “Jewish Heroism during the Great Patriotic War” Center
    • Card index of the Jewish veterans of the Second World War. - Card index, biographies and photos of the Jews whom "Hero of the Soviet Union" decoration was awarded; - Card index, biographies and photos of the Jews whom "Orden of Glory" decoration was awarded;
  15. Сенчанська районна управа (райуправа), с. Сенча Сенчанського р-ну Полтавської обл.

    • Senchanska district board (raiuprava), village of Sencha, Senchanskyi district of Poltava region

    Selected titles of the files containing information on occupation and local administration, population policies and the Holocaust: File 2. Orders and instructions by the general commissar of the city of Kiev and gebiet commissar of city ... (sic). 1941-1942. Holocaust-related documents in the file: Pages 14-15 contain ‘Governmental Notification No. 4,’ a ‘Temporary order on the levying of taxes and other payments on the territory of Reichskommissariat Ukraine from October 21, 1941.' Paragraph 11 of the document contains regulations on payment of salaries of Jews. Paragraph 12 of the documen...

  16. Черкаська районна управа, м. Черкаси

    • Cherkasy district board, city of Cherkasy
    • Cherkaska raionna uprava, m. Cherkasy

    Local administration documentation can contain information related to the history of the Holocaust. Titles and sizes of files potentially related to the subject: File 1. Orders appointing village elders and delegates from city districts to the establishments of Cherkasy city; correspondence with Smila gebietskommissariat about rewarding village elders and policemen for their participation in anti-partisan warfare; statements and memos about situation with the railway bridge and other issues, 31 pages. File 2. Lists of staff of the housing department of district board, of communication depar...

  17. Корюківська районна поліція, смт. Корюківка Чернігівської області

    • Koriukivka district police, town of Koriukivka, Chernihiv oblast
    • Koriukivska raionna politsiia, s.m.t. Koriukivka of Chernihivska oblast

    Documentation of the local auxiliary police can contain information related to the Holocaust. Titles and sizes of the files: File 1. Book of orders, 89 pages. File 2. Lists of policemen, 167 pages. File 3. Lists of policemen, 36 pages.

  18. Коропська районна поліція, с. Короп Коропського району Чернігівської області

    • Korop district police, village of Korop, Korop district of Chernihivska oblast
    • Koropska raionna politsiia, v. Korop Koropskoho raionu Chernihivskoi oblasti

    Local auxiliary police documentation can contain information related to the Holocaust. Titles and sizes of the selected files: File 2. Lists of policemen of Korop district to obtain allowance, 35 pages. File 3. Lists of policemen. Reports about searches, statements for obtaining food assistance, 73 pages. File 4. Lists of policemen of Korop district. Reports on receiving food and food inventories. Applications for food and uniforms, 105 pages. File 5. Lists of policemen to obtain foodstuff. Salary inventories for assistants of Korop district police, 202 pages. File 9. Salary inventories for...

  19. Колекція періодичних видань (наказів, розпоряджень, листівок, плакатів, брошур і т. ін.) періоду німецько-фашистської окупації України, м. Полтава Полтавської обл.

    • Collection of periodicals (orders, instructions, leaflets, posters, brochures, etc.) of the period of German-Fascist occupation of Ukraine, city of Poltava, Poltava oblast
    • Kolektsiia periodychnykh vydan (nakaziv, rozporiadzhen, lystivok, plakativ, broshur i t. in.) periodu nimetsko-fashystskoi okupatsii Ukrainy, m. Poltava Poltavskoi obl.

    Collection of orders, instructions, leaflets, posters, brochures, etc. contains the following Holocaust-related pieces: Opys 1 (Inventory 1) File 9 – Draft project of the General bezirk Kiew (contains statistical data on economics, industry, agriculture, culture, and population, including the Jewish population) Files 16-20 – Single copies of “Information issue of General Commissariat Volhynia-Podolia”, “Official information of Wehrmacht” Files 21-35 – “Information issues on the politics in the East” Files 55-110 – “Official issue of the Reichskomissariat Ukraina” Files 111-113 – “Official i...

  20. Покровсько-Багачанська районна управа (райуправа), с. Покровська-Багачка Покровсько-Багачанського р-ну Полтавської обл.

    • Pokrovska-Bahachka district board, Pokrovska-Bahachka village of Pokrovska-Bahachka district of Poltava region
    • Pokrovsko-Bahachanska raionna uprava, s. Pokrovska-Bahachka Pokrovsko-Bahachanskoho raionu Poltavskoi oblasti

    Selected titles of the files containing information on occupation and local administration, population policies and the Holocaust. File 3. Orders and decrees by the district board. Lists of personnel in district board and village boards. 1942. File 4. Orders by gebiet commissar. 1942. File 6. Orders by district board. 1942. File 7. List of personnel in district board, POWs and deserters. 1942. Files 11-13. Statistical data on population changes in the village areas of the district, 1942. File 37. Lists of populations. 1943. File 39. Orders by gebiet commissar. 1943. Holocaust-related docume...