Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1 to 8 of 8
Language of Description: German
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Slovak
Country: Ukraine
Holding Institution: Державний архів Волинської області
  1. Lutsk Gebietskommissariat

    • Луцький окружний комісаріат
    • Lutskyi okruzhnyi komisariat

    Collection includes: Circulars and correspondence between Lutsk Gebietskommissariat to heads of Lutsk district administrations from February 1942 discussing rules of using of the Jewish labourers. Lists of the Jewish workers (inventory 1, file 33). Correspondence between Lutsk Judenrat and Lutsk city administration regarding assignment Jewish skilled workers to various labor objects (inventory 1, file 40, pp. 1-3, 150). Report to the Generalkommissar Wolhynien u. Podolien on gasoline supplies for the “special treatment” of Jews in the Gebiet Luzk from August 27, 1942 (inventory 1, file 196,...

  2. Lutsk city administration

    • Луцька міська управа
    • Lutska miska uprava

    Collection includes: Order by the Lutsk city administration for the Jews of Lutsk to wear identification marks (inventory 1, files 114, 256). Correspondence between Lutsk city administration and Lutsk Judenrat regarding organization of the hospital in the ghetto, typhus and quarantine in the ghetto (inventory 1, file 117, pp. 9, 46, 59, 78, 95) Lists of the Jewish property left after the liquidation of the ghetto and transferred to the city administration; register of the formerly Jewish goods sold to the citizens (inventory 1, file 117, pp. 10, 77) Statistics of population on the city of L...

  3. Volyn regional administration

    • Волинська обласна управа
    • Volynska oblasna uprava

    Collection contains order of the Gebietskommissar on the organization of the work of the district administration, the structure of the administrative department, the departments of education and health care; instructions, reports of departments of the regional administration and rayon departments, reports of the congress of teachers; lists of hospitals of the region, heads of district administrations, teachers, medical staff, intellectuals; lists of individuals repressed by the Soviet authorities, prisoners; questionnaires of employees of enterprises and institutions of Lutsk, teachers, inf...

  4. Lutsk district administration

    • Луцька районна управа
    • Lutska raionna uprava

    Collection contains circulars, orders of the head of the administration; correspondence with village administrations of the district, budget, balance, regulations on youth courses, reports on budget expenses, economic plan, work of district hospital, registration of school-age children, school premises, lists of institutions and enterprises of the district, lists of district residents, employees of the district administration and village administrations, teachers; lists of the residents deported to Germany, personal statements, certificates issued to individuals, orders of receipts and expe...

  5. Administration of Holoby district

    • Районна управа с. Голоби
    • Raionna uprava sela Holoby

    Collection includes: information from Holoby district administration to Kovel city administration from 13 August 1941 containing statistics of the population in Holoby district, particularly Jewish population of Holoby district (file 1, p. 3); order from Lutsk oblast (region) administration to the heads of district administrations translating the order issued by the German military authorities prohibiting the Jews to run religious activities and requiring from them to submit all the liturgical things made of precious materials to the local Ortskommandanturen (file 1, p. 8); order by Holoby ...

  6. Volyn regional comission for calculation of damage caused by the German-Fascist invaders

    • Волинська обласна комісія по обліку збитків, заподіяних німецько-фашистськими загарбниками
    • Volynska oblasna komissiia po obliku zbytkiv, zapodiianyh nimetsko-fashistskymy zaharbnykamy

    Registers of documents, statements of material damage caused to individuals, collective farms, state enterprises, institutions. Summaries of information on losses incurred by occupants in the cities and districts of the region. Acts, registers, questionnaires containing information about the executed, tortured communists, Soviet activists, prisoners of war, civilians, Jews. Lists of individuals deported to forced labor in Germany. Questionnaires, testimonies, memories of persons who returned from German captivity. Report on the results of calculation of losses and the investigation of crime...

  7. Collection of testimonies, documents and other materials about revolution struggle, participation of Volyn working-people in Civil War and Great Patriotic War, and in Sociaist organization

    • Колекція спогадів, документів та інших матеріалів про революційну боротьбу, участь трудящих Волині у громадянській та Великій Вітчизняній війнах, соціалістичному будівництві
    • Kolektsiia spohadiv, dokumentiv ta inshykh materialiv pro revoliutsiinu borotbu, uchast trudiashchykh Volyni u hromadianskii ta Velykii Vitchyznianii viinakh, sotsialistychnomu budivnytstvi

    Collection contains, particularly, memoirs of partisans, underground members, Red Army soldiers who fought for the region. Essays on the Heroes of the Soviet Union. Lists of the members of the partisan movement and Soviet underground in Volhynia. Lists of individuals shot by Nazi occupants. Documents about settlements destroyed by German invaders. Reports on the combat activity of the underground Volyn Regional Committee of the KP(b)U, the Komsomol organizations, anti-Nazi groups and guerrilla members during the Second World War. Chronicle of guerrilla movement in Volyn. The materials of me...

  8. Volyn regional statistic office

    • Волинське обласне управління статистики

    Collection contains, particularly, statistics about the population of the region (1940, 1944) with the specification of ethnic background, as well as reports on the number of urban and rural population by age and sex, natural and mechanical population movements, lists of settlements with population information, results of population censuses. Collection includes tables containing ethnic composition of the population of various districts and locations of Volyn oblast (region) as of September 1, 1944 (inventory 2, file 424, p. 3).