Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 81 to 100 of 191
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: French
Language of Description: Ukrainian
Country: Slovakia
  1. Okresný ľudový súd v Liptovskom Mikuláši

    • District People´s Court in Liptovský Mikuláš

    Fonds of the District People´s Court in Liptovský Mikuláš is fragmentary, however, it contains several relevant case files pertaining the activities and crimes committed during the period of the Hlinka´s Slovak People´s Party (HSĽS) regime in 1938-1945, including the persecution of Jews in Slovakia. It provides with documentation of the trials against some local party dignitaries and members (HSĽS and also Deutsche Partei) who were accused of propagation of the fascism and the ruling regime. Several cases refer to the activities of the Special Units of the Hlinka Guard (POHG) and also Speci...

  2. Okresný ľudový súd v Ilave

    • District People´s Court in Ilava

    Not extensive fonds of the District People´s Court in Ilava provides with relevant information about various case files pertaining the activities and crimes committed during the period of the Hlinka´s Slovak People´s Party (HSĽS) regime in 1938-1945, including the persecution of Jews in Slovakia. It contains documentation of the trials against some local party dignitaries and members (HSĽS and also Deutsche Partei) who were accused of propagation of the fascism and the ruling regime. Several cases refer to the activities of the Special Units of the Hlinka Guard (POHG) and their collaboratio...

  3. Okresný ľudový súd v Dolnom Kubíne

    • District People´s Court in Dolný Kubín

    Fonds of the District People´s Court in Dolný Kubín is not extensive, however, it contains several relevant Holocaust-related documents. It provides with information about various case files pertaining the activities and crimes committed during the period of the Hlinka´s Slovak People´s Party (HSĽS) regime in 1938-1945, including the persecution of Jews in Slovakia. It contains documentation of the trials against some local party dignitaries and members (HSĽS and also Deutsche Partei) who were accused of propagation of the fascism and the ruling regime. Several cases refer to the activities...

  4. Okresný ľudový súd v Čadci

    • District People´s Court in Čadca

    Not extensive fonds of the District People´s Court in Čadca contains various case files pertaining the activities and crimes committed during the period of the Hlinka´s Slovak People´s Party (HSĽS) regime in 1938-1945, including the persecution of Jews in Slovakia. It contains documentation of the trials against some local party dignitaries and members (HSĽS and also Deutsche Partei) who were accused of propagation of the fascism and the ruling regime. Several cases refer to the activities of the Special Units of the Hlinka Guard (POHG) and their collaboration with Nazi security bodies duri...

  5. Okresný ľudový súd v Bytči

    • District People´s Court in Bytča

    Fonds of the District People´s Court in Bytča is not extensive, however, it contains various case files pertaining the activities and crimes committed during the period of the Hlinka´s Slovak People´s Party (HSĽS) regime in 1938-1945, including the persecution of Jews in Slovakia. It contains documentation of the trials against some local party dignitaries and members who were accused of propagation of the fascism and ruling regime. Several cases refer to the activities of the Special Units of the Hlinka Guard (POHG) and their collaboration with Nazi security bodies during the occupation of...

  6. Okresný ľudový súd v Ružomberku

    • District People´s Court in Ružomberok

    This fonds contains various case files pertaining the activities and crimes committed during the period of the Hlinka´s Slovak People´s Party (HSĽS) regime in 1938-1945, including the persecution of Jews in Slovakia. It contains documentation of the trials against some local party dignitaries and members (HSĽS and also Deutsche Partei) who were accused of propagation of the fascism and the ruling regime. Several cases refer to the activities of the Special Units of the Hlinka Guard (POHG) and their collaboration with Nazi security bodies during the occupation of Slovakia in 1944-1945, in pa...

  7. Okresný ľudový súd v Moldave nad Bodvou

    • District People´s Court in Moldava nad Bodvou

    The fonds contains the file concerning the confiscation of Jewish property and deportation of Jews from Moldava nad Bodvou in 1944. It also contains the file concerning the activities of Levente with pictures of Levente members in Moldava nad Bodvou.

  8. Okresný ľúdový súd v Medzilaborciach

    • District People´s Court in Medzilaborce

    Fonds contains few files with the information on the anti-Jewish policy at the territory of district Medzilaborce in 1938-1944. One case file contains the information on the so-called temporary administration of Jewish houses and apartments at the territory of Medzilaborce after the deportation of Jews in 1942. Besides that, there is also a file with the information on the deportation of Jews from Medzilaborce and the so-called aryanisation of one particular enterprise in Medzilaborce by the former member of the Hlinka Guard. Fonds contains also a case file of the former local dignitary of ...

  9. Mestský notársky úrad v Bratislave (1923 – 1945)

    • Municipal Notary Office in Bratislava (1923 - 1945)

    Fonds of the Municipal Notary Office in Bratislava contains documents pertaining the town municipal agenda, including the period of the Slovak State (1939 – 1945). Among the other administrative tasks of the office, fonds provides with several relevant information about the Jewish persecution, enforcement of the anti-Semitic measures, their practical realization and direct consequences on the Jewish community in the city. Fonds contains numerous documents regarding the anti-Semitic agenda such as various regulations, continual and gradual limitations of the Jewish employment (doctors, clerk...

  10. Snem Slovenskej republiky

    • Assembly of the Slovak Republic

    The fonds contains the documents of the Assembly of the Slovak Republic (Snem Slovenskej republiky) which was the parliament of the Slovak Republic (1939-1945). Among others, it contains also documents pertaining to the adoption of anti-Jewish laws (such as for example the Act No. 113/1940 on Jewish businesses and Jews employed in businesses) in 1939-1945 Assembly. Among the most important ones are the minutes from the sessions of the Assembly, transcripts of the speeches of various members of the Assembly as well as documents of various Assembly committees.

  11. Hlavnoslúžnovský úrad v Košiciach

    • Főszolgabírói hivatal Kassa
    • Chief Constable´s Office in Košice

    The fonds contains various documents of the Chief Constable´s Office in Košice (Kassa) which pertain various political and economical issues of the area during the period 1939-1945. Among others, this fonds contains documents on the economic persecution of Jews in Košice and its vicinity, such as limitations of new licenses for Jews, various sanctions against Jewish tradesmen etc. The fonds also contains the list of Jewish businessmen (licence owners). There are also documents pertaining to the revision of the state citizenship of Jews as well as the documents on their concentration in the ...

  12. Župné mesto Nové Zámky (1939 - 1944)

    • Érsekújvár megyei város

    In the fragmentary fonds, it is possible to find traders' records, records pertaining to business restrictions, revisions and withdrawals of Jewish concessions and trades. The fonds also contains documents on the aryanization of the mill and Jewish shops. The fonds contains also inventories of Jewish property, documents pertaining to the confiscation of Jewish homes and shops, as well as to a ban on Jews attending public baths. There is also a decree defining the streets of the ghetto preserved in the fonds. The fonds also contains a list of books from the town library that remained with Je...

  13. Notársky úrad v Štúrove (1874 – 1945)

    • Notary Office in Štúrovo (1874-1945)
    • Jegyzőségi hivatal Párkány

    The preserved content of the fonds is very fragmented. The fonds contains a list of associations in the Štúrovo district, merchants' records. It also contains an inventory of Jewish district residents and lists of Jewish real estates have been preserved.

  14. Hlavnoslúžnovský úrad v Leviciach

    • Chief Constable´s Office in Levice
    • Főszolgabíroi hivatal Léva

    The fonds contains documents pertaining to the Jews living in villages in part of the district that was annexed to the Hungarian Kingdom. These documents include data on the dissolution of Jewish societies and the removal of the city physician in Levice from 1938. Files of 1939 then document the restrictions on the businesses of Jewish merchants after the adoption of the Second Jewish Law. The fonds also contains many appeals and rejections of requests for the return of business licenses. Besides that, there are also documents about the police surveillance of Jewish traders and the confisca...

  15. Košice – mesto s municipiálnym zriadením

    • Košice - City with the Municipal Administration

    The town municipality agenda, summarized in a special the fonds named "Košice City with a Municipal Administration" covers the period 1939-1944 and reflects the life of Košice during the war years. By the Ordinance of the Hungarian Government no. 9330/1938 M.E. and the introduction of civilian administration in Košice on 20 December 1938 Kosice was incorporated into the Hungarian public administration as a "municipal town" - a free royal city. The fond contains a total of 125 inventory units, all of which is in Hungarian. Anti-Jewish measures agenda is present in the entire fonds and it doc...

  16. Ústredný hospodársky úrad

    • The Central Economic Office
    • ÚHÚ

    The Central Economic Office (Ústredný hospodársky úrad) was one of central offices of the Slovak Republic (1939-1945) with the statewide competences related to so called "Aryanization" of Jewish property. The fond contains documents about the Liquidation and Aryanization of businesses, disposal of Real estate property of Jews, Work permissions as well as documents about the activities of Jewish Center (Ústredňa Židov). Preserved documents are from the period between 1940 - 1945.

  17. Národný súd

    • National Court

    The fonds contains files pertaining to the activities of the National Court, the highest court within the system of retributive justice in Slovak part of Czechoslovakia after the Second World War. Within the jurisdiction of National Court fall main representatives of Hlinka Slovak People´s Party regime as well as main officials responsible for the anti-Jewish policy in Slovakia 1939-1945. The National Court also prosecuted several former officials of Nazi Germany active at the territory of Slovakia during the years 1939-1945. The fonds of National Court stored in Slovak National Archives co...

  18. Deutsche Partei. Fond 125

    The fonds contains documents of the Deutsche Partei (DP), the political party of German ethnic minority in Slovakia in 1938-1945. The DP, organized according to the Nazi principles, played a significant role in the political system of Slovakia. Deutsche Partei took an active part in anti-Jewish policy in Slovakia. The fonds, therefore, contains documents on the persecution of Jews in Slovakia. It also contains documents pertaining to the recruitment of ethnic Germans living in Slovakia into the SS and their subsequent service in various units and concentration camps.

  19. Trenčianska župa II

    • Trenčín County II

    Fonds contains preserved documents of the County Office of the Trenčín County (Trenčianska župa), which was the regional state administration body in Slovakia (1940-1945). Besides essential documents on the political, economic and security developments at the respected territory it contains important documents on the anti-Jewish policy of the Hlinka Slovak People´s Party Regime. Fonds, for example, contains files about the doctors of Jewish origin and limitations of their practice, file on the expropriation of the property of spa in Piešťany which belonged to Winter family and files on indi...

  20. Okresný ľúdový súd v Gelnici

    • District People´s Court in Gelnica

    The fonds contains various case files pertaining various forms of persecution of Jews in Slovakia (1938-1945). Besides the file containing the information on the so called aryanisation of the enterprise in Krompachy, there is also a file of the former official in Gelnica with the information on various forms of persecution of Jews, including the deportation of Jews from Gelnica in 1942. There is also a file with the information on the activities of the Heimatschutz in Gelnica and the persecution of specific person by it´s representative. Two separate case files concern former members of the...