Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 21 to 40 of 267
Country: Russia
  1. Бабий Яр

    • Babi Yar

    Kiev suburbs, December of 1943. German prisoners are digging the ditch, where tortured Soviet people were buried. One of the former camp prisoners tells about fascist crimes during the Kiev occupation.

  2. Батуринская районная управа

    • Baturino district council

    Orders, commands and warrants of heads of districts. Warrants for heads of districts and prefects on residents' forced labor, on recruitment of the labor force in Germany. Prefects' reports about residents that are leaving the forestry without an authorization. Passports, issued by occupational authorities; report and accounting books of passports and certificates.

  3. Белгородчина в период Великой Отечественной войны Советского Союза 1941-1945 гг.

    • Belgorod Oblast during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945

    Fond contains materials related to the patriotic activity of partisans in Belgorod Oblast, to the fascist atrocities, economical and cultural loss. Materials are also related to the combat activity in the region, reconstruction of national economics, to the Belgorod citizens who participated in the War.

  4. Берлинское сионистское объединение

    • Berliner zionistische Vereinigung; Berlin Zionist Union*
    • Berlinskoe sionistskoe ob"edinenie

    The collection's contents are catalogued in one inventory; the inventory is arranged by document type. The collection includes the charter of the BZU; minutes of meetings of the BZU board for 1937; minutes of sessions of electoral caucuses, and materials on the election of delegates to the delegate assembly; minutes of the 1936 twenty-fifth congress of the Zionist Federation of Germany; minutes of preelection meetings of BZU members for 1938; circulars on admitting new members and on improving the work of Hebrew language courses; membership cards; and instruction booklets for new members. T...

  5. Боярщинская волостная управа

    • Boyarshchina district council

    Orders, commands and warrants of heads of districts. Warrants for heads of districts and prefects on residents' forced labor, on recruitment of the labor force in Germany. Prefects' reports about residents that are leaving the forestry without an authorization. Passports, issued by occupational authorities; report and accounting books of passports and certificates.

  6. Бургоминистерство города Ростова-на-Дону

    • City ministry of the city of Rostov-on-Don

    Orders initiated by the City Ministry. Appeal to the citizens. Fascist propaganda posters, leaflets, interrogation reports, explanatory notes of prisoners of war. Information about the formation of Cossak units. Information about "Volksdeutsche".

  7. Бюро имперского протектора в Богемии и Моравии (г. Прага)

    • Records of the Reichsprotektor in Böhmen und Mähren, Prague
    • Büro des Reichsprotektors in Böhmen und Mähren (Prague)

    Contains a March 1941 monthly situation report of the head of the SD in Prague that mentions the emigration and "resettlement" of Jews. Also included are letters to other German authorities that include a listing of all leadership offices, statistics on German nationals, and the reestablishment of Deutschtum ("Germanness") in the Protectorate.

  8. Бюро судебно-медицинской экспертизы по Орловской области

    • Bureau for forensic medical examination for Orel oblast

    Lists of dead and buried prisoners of POW camp in Orel

  9. В городской чрезвычайной комиссии г. Ленинграда

    • In the city Extraordinary Comission of Leningrad

    January of 1944. The meeting of Extraordinary State Commission for investigation of fascist invaders crimes in the presence of members of expertise bureau. Among them: engineers Bronnitsky, Kuprianova, professors Farmakovsky, Fomin and corresponding member of the Academy of Architecture Fedorova.

  10. В освобожденных районах

    • In the liberated areas

    Members od Extraordinary State Committee headed by N.M. Shvernik observe destroyed buildings in Gzhatsk, Vyazma, Sychevka, Rzhev. Member of the commission Nikolay, metropolian of Kiev and Halych observes schools, ornaments from churches. N.M.Shvernik talks to the citizens of Gzhatsk. Views of the destroyed churches, schools, and other buildings. Members of the Commission on the site of murder of Citizens of Vyazma. Members of the Commission on the German cemetery in Sychevka. View of the barracks where Soviet POW lived. N.M.Shvernik in orphanage in Sychevka.

  11. Великая ложа Германии еврейского ордена "Бней-Брит" (УОББ) (г. Берлин)

    • German Grand Lodge of B'nai B'rith (Berlin); Grossloge für Deutschland des Unabhangigen Ordens "Bne Brith" (UOBB) (Berlin)
    • Velikaia lozha Germanii evreiskogo ordena "Bnei-Brit" (UOBB) (g. Berlin)

    The collection's contents are described in three inventories; the collection has a geographical index. Deposited in the collection are the constitution of the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith; charters of the Grand Lodge and of affiliated lodges in Germany and the United States; the charters of the order's committees on youth organizations and Jewish women's organizations; the charters of affiliated lodges' courts of honor; draft charters of youth organizations; the charters of the women's charitable society Schwesternbund, of the Eintracht lodge's women's organization, and of the women's ...

  12. Владимирская волостная управа

    • Vladimirovka district council

    Orders, commands and warrants of heads of districts. Warrants for heads of districts and prefects on residents' forced labor, on recruitment of the labor force in Germany. Prefects' reports about residents that are leaving the forestry without an authorization. Passports, issued by occupational authorities; report and accounting books of passports and certificates.

  13. Военнопленные Орловского концлагеря (1941-1943)

    • Orel camp for war prisoners (1941-1943)

    Книги записей больных, раненых и умерших военнопленных, алфавитные книги, тетради регистрации военнопленных.

  14. Воронежская областная комиссия по установлению и расследованию злодеяний немецко-фашистских захватчиков

    • Voronezh oblast commission for for ascertaining and investigating crimes perpetrated by the German–Fascist invaders and their accomplices

    Acts of investigation of nazi crimes by local commission

  15. Всемирная организация борьбы против расовой ненависти и нужды (г. Вена)

    • Weltorganisation gegen Rassenhass and Menschcnnot (Wien); World Organization Against Racial Hatred and Poverty (Vienna)
    • Vsemirnaia organizatsiia bor 'by protiv rasovoi nenavisti i nuzhdy (g. Vena)

    The collection's contents are catalogued in two inventories. The inventories are arranged by document type. The collection contains bylaws, memoranda, platforms, minutes, instructions, and appeals of the World Organization; biographical information on the organization's leader, Irene Harand; applications to join the organization; correspondence with subscribers to the newspaper Gerechtigkeit (by country); lists of subscribers to the newspaper Gerechtigkeit; correspondence on providing aid to the Jewish population of Vienna; letters of invitation to Harand; proposals for publication in the n...

  16. Вы - преступник, Оберлендер!

    • You are a crimainal, Mr. Oberlander!

    Министр ФРГ, депутат бундестага Т. Оберлендер - военный преступник в период 2-ой мировой войны. Кинохроника. Еврейские погромы в Восточной Пруссии, расстрелянные жители городов: Львова, Пятигорска, Нальчика (Западная Украина, Северный Кавказ). Карательные отряды "Нахтигаль", "Бергман", которыми командовал Т. Оберлендер. Лидер украинских националистов Степан Бандера, сподвижник Оберлендера. Город Москва. Пресс-конференция Чрезвычайной государственной Комиссии по установлению и расследованию злодеяний немецко-фашистских захватчиков. Пресс-конференцию проводят члены Комиссии: академик Т. Д. Ды...

  17. Вяземская городская управа

    • Viazma town council

    Orders, commands and warrants of a city mayors: on registration of population and on issue of uniform identity cards as a supplement to passport; on introduction of labor service; on taxes and duties; on establishment of city- and and volost' police; on mobilization of an unemployed people for railway tracks cleaning; on necessity of communist literature collection. Orders on households registration in Smolensk city and suburban areas; on rename of streets, lanes, squares and parks. Acts of seizure of city residents' property. Birth and death certificates of Smolensk residents for 1942-1943...

  18. Газета «Большевик» - орган крайкома ВКП(б) за 1943 г.

    • The newspaper "Bolshevik" - the organ of the regional committee of the CPSU(b), 1943

    Главный редактор газеты И. Юдин, опираясь на рассказы свидетелей и документы, опубликовал специальную работу о зверствах немцев – «Следы фашистского зверя на Кубани».

  19. Газета «Кубань» - орган управления бургомистра г. Краснодара

    • The newspaper "Kuban" - the governing body of the mayor of Krasnodar

    1942: №№ 1 – 27 (с 26 сентября по 29 декабря). 1943: №№ 1 – 14 (1 января – 9 февраля).

  20. Газета «Майкопская жизнь». Издание городской управы Майкопа за август 1942 – январь 1943 гг .

    • Newspaper "Maykop Life". Publication of the Maykop City Government for August 1942 - January 1943.

    статьи антисемитского характера статьи из жизни в оккупационной Адыгее