Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 261 to 267 of 267
Country: Russia
  1. Рославльская городская управа

    • Roslavl town council

    Orders, commands and warrants of a city mayors: on registration of population and on issue of uniform identity cards as a supplement to passport; on introduction of labor service; on taxes and duties; on establishment of city- and and volost' police; on mobilization of an unemployed people for railway tracks cleaning; on necessity of communist literature collection. Orders on households registration in Smolensk city and suburban areas; on rename of streets, lanes, squares and parks. Acts of seizure of city residents' property. Birth and death certificates of Smolensk residents for 1942-1943...

  2. Андреевская районная управа

    • Andreevo district council

    Orders, commands and warrants of heads of districts. Warrants for heads of districts and prefects on residents' forced labor, on recruitment of the labor force in Germany. Prefects' reports about residents that are leaving the forestry without an authorization. Passports, issued by occupational authorities; report and accounting books of passports and certificates.

  3. Глинковская районная управа

    • Glinka district council

    Orders, commands and warrants of heads of districts. Warrants for heads of districts and prefects on residents' forced labor, on recruitment of the labor force in Germany. Prefects' reports about residents that are leaving the forestry without an authorization. Passports, issued by occupational authorities; report and accounting books of passports and certificates.

  4. Издешковская районная управа

    • Isdeshkovo district council

    Orders, commands and warrants of heads of districts. Warrants for heads of districts and prefects on residents' forced labor, on recruitment of the labor force in Germany. Prefects' reports about residents that are leaving the forestry without an authorization. Passports, issued by occupational authorities; report and accounting books of passports and certificates.

  5. Боярщинская волостная управа

    • Boyarshchina district council

    Orders, commands and warrants of heads of districts. Warrants for heads of districts and prefects on residents' forced labor, on recruitment of the labor force in Germany. Prefects' reports about residents that are leaving the forestry without an authorization. Passports, issued by occupational authorities; report and accounting books of passports and certificates.

  6. Документы о партизанском движении в Ростовской области в годы Великой Отечественной войны

    • Documents about partisan movement in Rostov region during the Great Patriotic war

    Документы, отражающие деятельность 83 подпольных групп и партизанских отрядов Ростовской области в годы оккупации (1941 – 1943): списки их личного состава, личные листки, характеристики на организаторов и участников партизанского движения, наградные листы, анкеты, клятвы, воспоминания, дневники партизан. В документах фонда имеются сведения о предателях и активных пособниках немецких властей, газеты и журналы, издававшиеся на оккупированной территории («Голос Ростова», «Новое слово», «Казачий вестник» и др.), письма немецких солдат и офицеров.