Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1 to 20 of 267
Country: Russia
  1. Dokumental'nye materialy razlichnykh lits (kollektsiia)

    • Documentary Materials of Various Individuals (consolidated collection)

    The collection's contents are catalogued in two inventories, which are arranged by document type in order of the collection originators' surnames. The collection constitutes an accumulation of various individuals' documents united only by authorship or by the documents' belonging to a particular individual. This collection of documents was compiled by archival staff from unsystematized files. The collection includes notes (author unknown) on the situation of Jews in Austria; correspondence of S. Barber with Jewish émigrés from Czechoslovakia on helping them obtain residency rights in countr...

  2. Dokumenty politicheskogo, ekonomicheskogo i voennogo kharaktera uchrezhdenii i organizatsii Frantsii, Bel'gii, i dr stran (kollektsiia)

    • Political, Economic, and Military Documents of Government Offices and other Organizations in France, Belgium, and other Countries (consolidated collection)

    The collection constitutes an accumulation of documents of various institutions and organizations, often of undetermined collection provenance, compiled at the Central State Special Archive. These are documents of a political, economic, and military nature of various institutions and organizations in France, Belgium, and other countries. The collection includes materials on history, philosophy, politics, and economics, as well as information on the armed forces, police, intelligence activities, political Parties and organizations in various countries. The collection's contents are described...

  3. Evreiskaia obshchina (g. Zagreb)

    • lsraeliticka bogoštovna op ina (Zagreb); Jewish Community of Zagreb

    The collection's contents are catalogued in one inventory. The collection's documents consist primarily of correspondence: internal community correspondence (on public events, the execution of intracommunity administrative duties, educational issues, religious issues, the distribution of Zagreb synagogue positions, and so on); correspondence with Jewish and Zionist organizations, including the Union of Jewish Religious Communities of Yugoslavia, the Ashkenazi community of Belgrade, the Sephardic community of Sarajevo, the Hochschule for Jewish Studies in Berlin, the Dr. Bernard Singer Jewis...

  4. Kollektsiia materialov po istorii i kuiture evreev v Evrope

    • Collection of Documents on the History and Culture of European Jewry

    The collection's contents are described in one inventory arranged geographically and thematically. It consists of documents from Austria (67 files), Belgium (1), Britain (1), Czechoslovakia (1), France (3), Germany (87), Latvia (1), Poland (3) Yugoslavia (1), various countries of Europe, Asia and Africa (40), Zionist organizations (8), Jewish emigration (4), Jewish political organizations (8), societies against antisemitism (4), studies of Jewish religion, philosophy and culture (23), and miscellaneous materials. Among the materials of Austrian Jewish organizations, it holds the charters of...

  5. Komitet pomoshchi evreiskim bezhentsam (g. Zagreb)

    • Odbor za pomoc židovskim izbeglicam (Zagreb); Committee for Aid to Jewish Refugees (Zagreb)

    The collection's contents are described in one inventory, which is arranged by structure and chronology. Deposited in the collection are documents connected with the activities of the Zagreb HICEM Committee regarding the reception, settling, and transport to third countries of Jewish refugees from Germany and Austria. It includes correspondence with HICEM committees in Austria, the United States, Britain, Germany, Italy, and other countries, and with the Union of Jewish Religious Communities of Yugoslavia, the German Jewish Aid Society, the Jewish religious community of Brody, the JDC, the ...

  6. Ministerstvo vnutrennykh del Rumynii (g. Bukharest)

    • Ministerul de Interne (Bucure0); Ministry of Internal Affairs of Romania (Bucharest)

    The collection is described in one inventory. Materials are catalogued chronologically. The file was transferred to the archive from the archival administration of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The collection contains applications received by the Bucharest prefecture from cultural, youth, religious, and other societies for licenses to engage in activities stipulated in the societies' charters. There are charter and other documents on Jewish religious, cultural, philanthropic, and other organizations active on Romanian territory: the Intaitarea society to help poor students with clot...

  7. Tаганрогское городское управление бургоминистрества

    • Taganrog city administration

    Распоряжения и приказы бургоминистерства. Списки лиц, взятых на учет биржей труда. Карточки граждан, угнанных в Германию. Акты ревизий предприятий города. списки граждан, оштрафованных полицией.

  8. Velikie lozhi evreiskogo ordena "Bnei-Brit" v lugoslavii i Gretsii i ikh dochernie lozhi

    • The Grand Lodges of B'nai B'rith in Yugoslavia and Greece and their Affiliated Lodges (consolidated collection)

    The collection includes documents reflecting the activities of the Grand Lodge of B'nai B'rith in Yugoslavia and its affiliated lodges "Serbia," "Sarajevo," and "Zagreb." These include circulars from leaders of the Grand Lodge to affiliated lodges; a register of proceedings of the "Serbia" lodge, and a list of its board members; brief biographical information oThe collection includes documents reflecting the activities of the Grand Lodge of B'nai B'rith in Yugoslavia and its affiliated lodges "Serbia," "Sarajevo," and "Zagreb." These include circulars from leaders of the Grand Lodge to affi...

  9. Австрийский союз еврейских легитимистов (г. Вена)

    • Verband der jüdischen Legitimisten österreichs (Wien)
    • Records of the Verband der jüdischen Legitimisten Österreichs (Association of Jewish Legitimists of Austria), Vienna

    The records of Fond 1189 contains materials related to the activities of the Union of Austrian Jewish legitimists, its board, and departments: the youth group, the legitimist Union of Jewish Women, the legitimist Jewish Veterans organization, and the editorial Office of the newspaper "Legitimist” the organ of the Union of Austrian Jewish Legitimists. Deposited in the collection are charter documents; minutes of general assembles of the union and of meetings of its board; correspondence with affiliated Jewish organizations and with organizations of war veterans and other organizations; finan...

  10. Адыгейский обком КПСС

    • Adygeya Regional Committee of the CPSU

    Сведения о коллаборационизме коммунистов, оставшихся на оккупированной территории из бывших и настоящих членов партии Выступления на бюро обкома ВКП(б) по вопросу об итогах партизанского движения и подпольной работы в области Докладные записки обкому и крайкому ВКП(б) об ущербе, нанесенном немецкой оккупацией и ходе восстановления народного хозяйства области после изгнания их Акты и сводные ведомости об ущербе и убытках, причиненных НФЗ народному хозяйству и гражданам области

  11. Американская объединенная восстановительная организация. Управление делами

    • American Joint Reconstruction Foundation
    • Amerikanskaia ob"edinennaia vosstanovitelnaia organizatsiia. Upravlenie delami

    The collection's contents are catalogued in three inventories. Each of these contains three sections: secretariat documents, documents of the finance department, and printed materials. The collection contains the JDC charter of 1924; the JDC's assignment of legal rights to the newly created American Joint Reconstruction Foundation; listings of transferred bonds, promissory notes, bills of exchange, and other securities (1924); and accounts of the Reconstruction Foundation's activities for 1924-26 and 1937-39. The collection also contains correspondence of JDC administrative council members ...

  12. Американский еврейский объединенный комитет по распределению фондов (Джойнт). Европейское исполнительное бюро

    • American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, European Executive Bureau
    • Amerikanskii evreiskii ob"edinennyi komitet po raspredeleniiu fondov (Dzhoint). Evropeiskoe ispolnitel'noe biuro

    For the most part, the collection reflects the activities of the JDC European Executive Bureau in Paris during the period 1933-40. The collection includes the JDC charter (1931); accounts of JDC activities (1932-38); minutes of sessions of the presidium of the JDC executive committee in New York (1929-33, and 1938), of the JDC managing committee in New York (1937-38), and the JDC presidium and executive committee (1938); reports by members of its managing committee and board of directors (1938-39); minutes of the meeting of subsections of the European Executive Bureau in Paris (April 1935)....

  13. Анапская районная управа

    • Anapa District Government

    Распоряжения районного бургомистра, постановления начальника казачьей жандармерии. Списки работников районной управы. Списки регистрации населения, заявления граждан, договора об аренде и приобретении имущества, свидетельства о наследовании и др.

  14. Андреевская районная управа

    • Andreevo district council

    Orders, commands and warrants of heads of districts. Warrants for heads of districts and prefects on residents' forced labor, on recruitment of the labor force in Germany. Prefects' reports about residents that are leaving the forestry without an authorization. Passports, issued by occupational authorities; report and accounting books of passports and certificates.

  15. Антифашистский комитет советской молодежи (АКСМ).

    • Anti-Fascist Committee of Soviet Youth (AKSM)

    (выбор сделанный сотрудниками USHMM) Оп. 1 – 2213 дел за 1941 – 1956 гг. Д. 1. Материалы 1-го Антифашистского митинга советской молодежи 28 сентября 1941 г. имеется список первого состава АКСМ и план его работы. Сентябрь – октябрь 1941 104 л. Д. 3. Специальный бюллетень Антифашистского митинга советской молодежи «Молодежь всего мира с нами». 11 октября 1941 41 л. Д. 10. Перевод статьи Р. Заутера «Гитлеровская молодежь. Жизнь большого товарищества». 1941 22 л. Д. 11. Смета, структура, списки членов пленума и президиума АКСМ, письма в ЦК ВКП(б), ЦК ВЛКСМ, Наркоминдел, Информбюро. Справки, отч...

  16. Армавирский горком ВКП(б)

    • Armavir City Committee of the CPSU (b)

    Делопроизводство Армавирского городского комитета партии

  17. Архивы на перемещенных лиц

    • Archives of displaced persons
    • Центр розыска и информации российского Красного креста
    • Архивы на перемещенных лиц
    • Russian
    • 1945
    • Точное количество документов установить сложно, т. к. в одной учетной карточке содержится до пяти ссылок на том и страницу документа, касающегося конкретного лица. Приблизительное количество документов – 1 млн.

    Документы разнообразны по содержанию: • списки советских граждан, репатриированных на родину; • трудовые книжки рабочих Германского рейха; • списки восточных рабочих; • листы регистрации бирж труда; • личные дела рабочих; • листы страхования рабочих; • свидетельства о смерти рабочих; • свидетельства о рождении детей в Германии; • удостоверения личности, выданные германскими властями; • списки военнопленных; • списки мест захоронений и т. д.

  18. Ассоциация польских евреев во Франции (г. Париж)

    • L'association des juifs polonais en France; Association of Polish Jews in France (Paris)
    • Assotsiatsiia polskikh evreev vo Frantsii (g. Parizh)

    The collection's contents are described in one inventory. The documents are catalogued by type. Featured among the collection's documents are reports on association activities for 1933-40, as well as reports of the constituent session of the association's finance commission for 28 November 1939; minutes of the general assembly of association members from 4 February 1940; lists of members of the Association of Polish Jews in France; association membership application forms; cashbooks for September 1939—April 1940; as well as correspondence with the Polish Consulate General in Paris and with ...