Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 21 to 37 of 37
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Language of Description: French
Language of Description: Croatian
Language of Description: Ukrainian
Country: Italy
  1. RSI, Prefettura di Milano

  2. RSI, Carteggio ordinario

  3. Alto Commissariato per le sanzioni contro il fascismo

  4. Alta corte di giustizia per le sanzioni contro il fascismo


  6. Archivio della Commissione d'inchiesta per i criminali di guerra italiani secondo alcuni stati esteri

    • Archives of the Inquiry Commission on Italian War Criminals according to Foreign Countries

    A certificate delivered by the head of the Jewish community of Nice to the director of the Italian civil police during the Italian occupation can be found inside the file n.118, sub-file n.1.

  7. Catecumeno

    The Opera Pia del Catecumeno offered help to baptised Jews and Jews converted to Catholicism.

  8. Gabinetto della Prefettura di Venezia

    Contains acts and files produced by the cabinet of the prefetto concerning public security in the province of Venice.

  9. Gabinetto della Questura di Venezia

    • Cabinet of the Venice Police Direction

    Contains personal files about criminals and dangerous elements.

  10. Questura di Potenza, Ebrei

    • Police in Potenza, Jews

    Selected records concerning the discrimination and persecution of Jews in Italy in the community of Potenza, including a census of the Jews and records of the Police headquarters relating to citizens of Jewish origin, and questionnaires concerning the Jewish question sent by the Ministry of Interior on Sep. 21, 1945 to all prefects of the Kingdom of Italy.

  11. Commissariato di pubblica sicurezza di Foligno

    • Foligno Police Station

    Holocaust-relevant material is arranged in three series: 1.Community of Foligno, 1940 (Moderno IV, b. 24); 2. Community of Foligno, 1944 and 1946 (Moderno IV, b. 762); 3. Community of Foligno, 1939-and 1942 (Moderno IV, b. 787).

  12. Archivio Storico del Comune di Assisi

    • Historical Archives of the Municipality of Assisi
    • Archivio Storico Comunale di Assisi
    • ASCA

    Holocaust-relevant material is arranged in four series: 1. Requisition of Jews art works, and tracing of foreigners in Italy (ASCA, b. 644); 2. List of displaced persons, Oct. 1-15, 1943 (SASA, ASCA, b. 646); 3. Resolutions of the Podesta: City cemetery matters, 19 February 1944 (SASA, ASCA, reg. 62, 1943-1944); 4. Constitution in Assisi of a subcommittee of the Union of Jewish Communities, August 1, 1944 (SASA, ASCA, b. 390, issue).

  13. Archivio Storico del Comune di Orvieto

    • Historical Archives of the Municipality of Orvieto
    • ASCO
    • Archivio Storico Comunale di Orvieto

    Holocaust-relevant material is arranged in four series: - Protocols, 1939: Discrimination of Jews and immigration issues (ASCO, b. 195); - Protocols, 1940: Defence of the breed (ASCO, b.199); - Protocols, 1942: Assessment of breed (ASCO, b. 208); - Protocols, 1944: Assessment of Jewish communities in Orvieto (ASCO, b. 216).

  14. Prefettura di Livorno, Gabinetto

    • Livorno Prefecture, Cabinet

    It contains records from the Prefecture of Livorno relating to the racial laws and their implementation in Livorno. Records include a census of Jews of Livorno municipality in 1938 and other records relating to internment in concentration camps, and arrests of Jews.

  15. Questura di Livorno

    • Livorno Police

    The fonds contains series A 13, State of War; Royal Police, later called Police of Livorno, Series A1, A4, A 4b and nominative files.

  16. Prefettura di Potenza, Gabinetto

    • Potenza Prefecture, Cabinet

    Selected records concerning the discrimination and persecution of Jews in Italy in the district of Potenza, including newspaper clippings from August 1938 on the presence of Jews in all Italian regions following the racial laws