Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 221 to 240 of 378
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Latvian
Language of Description: Dutch
Country: Czechia
  1. Agricultural Office of Mariánské Lázně

    The fonds includes archival records resulting from the activities of the Agricultural Office of Mariánské Lázně. The archival records related to the Jewish population or to its property can be found throughout the entire fonds. The most interesting ones may be those stored under inv. No. 18 - An inventory of landed property of Czechs and Jews by districts (as indicated by name, municipality, house number and area) and inv. No. 23 - The consolidation of lands in 1939-1942 (there is, among others, a tentative identification of districts for the purpose of consolidation indicating the possessi...

  2. Liebauthal Textile Works, Fischer and Co., GP, Libavské Údolí

    The fonds contains documents from the Liebauthal textile factories of Fischer and Co., Libavské Údolí from 1938 to 1950. Since these are documents of the Aryanised company, originally Noë Stross joint-stock company, United Textile Factories in Libavské Údolí and Bělá pod Bezdězem, a large number of documents are related to Jewish history. Matters pertaining to Aryanisation, its circumstances and its consequences are located mainly in part I. of the fonds. These include mainly Aryanisation contracts from 1939, transfers, buy-offs and payouts of shares in connection with the Aryanisation proc...

  3. Amtsanwalt (District Prosecutor´s Office) of Karlovy Vary

    Archival records in the fonds are a valuable source relating to development of the German Reich justice system in 1938–1945. For study of Jewish history, it is possible in particular to use files documenting a wide range of cases of looting of Jewish property in Karlovy Vary after having been abandoned by the owners during the autumn of 1938 and spring of 1939, this in particular concerning inv. № 12, box № 1–7 and inv. № 13, box № 28–34 (criminal files ref. 1 PLs and 2 PLs, 1939).

  4. Amtsanwalt (District Prosecutor´s Office) of Cheb

    Archival records in the fonds are a valuable source relating to development of the German Reich justice system in 1938–1945. For study of Jewish history, it is possible in particular to use files documenting a wide range of cases of looting of Jewish property in the Cheb region after having been abandoned by the owners during the autumn of 1938 and spring of 1939, this in particular concerning inv. № 39, box № 3–15 (criminal files ref. PLs, 1939).

  5. Regierungspräsident (Office of the Governing President) of Karlovy Vary

    This is an exceptionally valuable fonds regarding political, economic, social and cultural history of an important part of the Sudetenland Reichsgau (Sudeten Reichs Region) in 1938–1945. For study of Jewish history, it is possible in particular to use the following archival records: box № 1 (Reports by the Gestapo on number of arrested and confiscated property of Jewish associations, 1938), box № 1 (Pogroms on Jews, burning to the ground of synagogues, 1938), box № 7, call № 1103 (Aryan origin of officials, 1938–1943), box № 8, call № 1203 (Employment of Jews in state services, 1939–1944), ...

  6. Landgericht (Reichs Regional Court) of Cheb

    The fonds contains documents relating to the judicial, political and economic development of detached regions in West Bohemia in 1938–1945. For study of Jewish history, it is possible in particular to use call № 2005, box № 1 (Organisation of officials, 1939), call № 2008, box № 1 (List of staff status, 1939–1942) and also the personal files of legal representatives (call № eA1 to eZ4, box № 86–91) and notaries (call № fB1 to fT3, box № 91–92), which provide information on racial matters and staffing circumstances in the judicial system in the Sudetenland Reichsgau (Sudeten region). Attenti...

  7. Amtsanwalt (District Prosecutor´s Office) of Stříbro

    Archival records in the fonds are a valuable source relating to development of the German Reich justice system in 1938–1945. For study of Jewish history, it is possible in particular to use files documenting a wide range of cases of destruction and looting of Jewish property in the Stříbro region after having been abandoned by the owners during the autumn of 1938 and spring of 1939 and other forms of persecution of citizens of Jewish origin, this in particular concerning inv. № 16, box № 1–70 (criminal files ref. PLs, 1939).

  8. Landgericht (Reichs Regional Court) – Kašperské Hory branch

    Archival records in the fonds are an important source for the development of the judicial system and administration of justice in regions which were administratively affiliated in 1939 to the Bavarian Ostmark. For study of Jewish history, it is possible in particular to use call № 346, box № 33 (marital law, 1939–1944), call № 346a, box № 33 (requests for removal of obstacles in marriage, 1939–1943) and also in particular the agenda of marital matters stored under call № R, box № 80–99 (marital matters, divorces etc., 1938–1944), which contain information about oppression and persecution of...

  9. State Police Office in Domažlice

    The fonds contains documents from the activity of the State Police Office in Domažlice. The vast majority of the preserved documents are constituted by associations’ files, but also matters of issuance of passports and emigration and the agenda of refugees from occupied areas inland in the autumn of 1938. Politically important files were not however preserved, these evidently having been destroyed before 1945. For study of Jewish history, it is possible to use in particular register books, this in particular concerning K 6 (List of passports issued, 1938–1939), K 7 (Index to this list, 1938...

  10. Reichs Gendarmerie Station in Mikulov

    Jewish issues do not specifically appear in the files but the relevant information can be expected in the following ones: Staff book 1938-1942 (inv. No. 1, 2), Lageberichte 1938-1943 (inv. No. 25, 26, 29). The fonds contains materials concerning the life of the Czech minority, the agenda of POWs, and various events not even mentioned by the official propaganda.

  11. Amtsgericht (District Court) of Duchcov

    The fonds includes documents of the court functioning in the territory of the judicial district of Duchcov in 1938-1945. The files from 1941, labelled Cs, include reports on Jews who did not respect the Nazi order to use names of Israel and Sara in addition to their own names (inv. No. 9). Information can also be expected in the following files: Civil disputes 1938-1942 (inv. No. 4), Forced administration of property 1938-1944 (inv. No. 7), Private lawsuits 1940-1941 (inv. No. 8), and Criminal offenses 1940- 1945 (inv. No. 10).

  12. Police President in Ústi nad Labem - Department of Teplice-Šanov

    The fonds contains some essential materials concerning the history of the Nazi occupation in 1939-1945 and the work of the police in 1938-1945. Jewish-related documents can be found in the following files: Passports and visa matters for Jews 1939-1941 (inv. No. 66), Identity cards compulsorily carried by Jews 1941 (inv. No. 86), Jewish family names 1940-1941 (inv. No. 161), Police surveillance of Jews 1940-1942 (inv. No. 497). Records of Jews may also be expected in the following files: Cancelling trade establishments 1939-1935 (inv. No. 428), Religious organizations and their prohibition 1...

  13. Reichs Gendarmerie Department of Pozorka

    Jewish issues do not specifically appear in the files but the relevant information can be expected in the following ones: Passport issues of the Protectorate citizens in 1943 ( inv. No. 19). The fonds contains materials concerning the life of the Czech minority, the agenda of POWs, and various events not even mentioned by the official propaganda.

  14. Landrat (District Councillor) of Bílina

    The fonds contains documents concerning the political administration of the Bílina district in 1938-1945. The Jewish population is mentioned in the following files: Registering Jewish property 1938-1939 (inv. No. 38), the Aryanization - Jews in the Bílina district 1939 (inv. No. 50), Jewish synagogues - the canceled ones, trades for Jews 1939 (inv. No. 52), Religious communities 1939 (inv. No. 63), Criminal police - Jewish half-breeds in the ranks of the police 1940-1945 (inv. No. 66).

  15. Landrat (District Councillor) of Teplice

    The fonds contains documents of the political administration of the Teplice district in 1938-1945. Documents concerning the Jewish population can be found in the following files: Registration of Jewish property 1939 (inv. No. 32), Register of Jews 1941-1942 (inv. No. 40), Jewish land property in the Teplice district 1939 (inv. No. 81), List of Jewish land property in the district of Usti nad Labem 1941-1942 (inv. No. 82), Jewish property 1940-1942 (inv. No. 83), Lists of fugitive Jews and Czechs, 1939-1940 (inv. No. 98). Sources concerning the given topic can also be expected in the followi...

  16. Amtsgericht (District Court) of Teplice

    The fonds includes documents of the court functioning in the territory of the judicial district of Teplice in 1938-1945. Jewish issues are not expressly mentioned in finding aids but they can be expected in the following sources: civil disputes 1939-1940 (inv. No. 3-6), forced administration of property 1939-1943 (inv. No. 13-15), bankruptcies 1939- 1941 (inv. No. 19), private lawsuits 1938-1944 (inv. No. 20-24), and minor offenses 1938-1943 (inv. No. 40-42).

  17. Reichs Gendarmerie Station in Kostomlaty pod Milešovkou

    Jewish issues do not specifically appear in the files but the relevant information can be expected in the following ones: Lageberichte-situational reports on the mood of the population 1938-1945 (inv. No. 7), Copies of case files from 1939-1941 (inv. No. 40). The fonds contains materials concerning the life of the Czech minority, the agenda of POWs, and various events not even mentioned by the official propaganda.

  18. Reichs District Gendarmerie Station in Pozorka

    Jewish issues do not specifically appear in the files but the relevant information can be expected in the following ones: Regulations and guidelines of the Gestapo offices in Liberec and Teplice on church affairs 1941 (inv. No. 23). The fonds contains materials concerning the life of the Czech minority, the agenda of POWs, and various events not even mentioned by the official propaganda.

  19. German Settlement Company in Nová Bystřice

    The fonds includes fragments of the archival records of the German Settlement Company in Nová Bystřice, showing the life and administration of the Nazis in the border regions in 1938-1945. The files relating to prisoners of war and foreign nationals are especially valuable. There are also interesting documents concerning property affairs of individual estates, showing the bad relations between the local officials of the Sudeten and the Nazi movements. Other documents relate to efforts to subordinate the agricultural production to the war economy. Jewish issues can specifically be found in f...

  20. Landgericht (Reichs Regional Court) of Linz – branch in Český Krumlov

    In the files of the criminal, civil and administrative agendas there is only one case concerning a Jewish defendant: No. Vr 243/41 (Blaha Sara, housewife, from Benešov nad Černou, accused of not using her first Jewish name and not getting her Kennkart (personal ID)).