Cohen, Harriet, 1895-1967

Language of Description
1 Jan 1943 - 31 Dec 1954
  • English
EHRI Partner


  • ports.

  • Envelope 4/130 ; microfilm reel 056 ; Frames 1003 - 1016

  • 7 newspaper clippings

  • Harriet Cohen was a famous Jewish British pianist, one of the most talked-about and photographed musicians of her day. Cohen's influence went well beyond that of a musician. She became strongly associated in the 1930s with publicizing the plight of German and Austrian Jews and even played a concert with the scientist Albert Einstein in 1934 to raise funds to bring Jewish scientists out of Germany. She became a supporter of the Zionist cause, visited Israel in 1939 and gave concerts around the country. She was a close friend with Chaim Weizmann, who later became the first president of the state of Israel -- Wikipedia

  • Harriet Cohen was the Vice-President of the Palestine Conservatoire of Music and of the Young People's Committee of the Jewish National Fund -- Jewish Chronicle, 27.11.1953

  • detailed dates of material: 1943, 1949, 1950, 1953, 1954


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