Carstens, Karl, 1914-1992

Language of Description
1 Jan 1960 - 31 Dec 1979
  • English
  • German
EHRI Partner


  • ports.

  • Envelope 4/96 ; microfilm reel 055 ; Frames 906 - 941

  • 22 newspaper clippings and 5 pages issued by the German Embassy in London and 1 p. of biographical information

  • biographical information in digital form

  • Karl Carstens was a German politician. He served as President of the Federal Republic of Germany from 1979 to 1984. During the 2nd world war he served in the Wehrmacht. In 1940 he joined the Nazi party and before that he was a member of the Nazi SA paramilitary organisation. In 1955 he joined the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) under Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and was elected to the Bundestag and later on president of Germany -- (Wikipedia)

  • detailed dates of material: 1960, 1973-1974, 1978-1979


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