
Displaying items 1,601 to 1,620 of 10,857
  1. Hungary and Slovakia

    Silent with Hungarian intertitles. "HATARMEGALLAPITAS: A magyar- szlovak hatarmegallapito bizottsag 1067 negyzetkilmoetert csatolt viszsza Szent Istvan orsagahoz." Animated map of Hungary/Slovakia. EXT scene, troops marching (difficult to see due to high contrast of the film print). Waterfall. MS, troops marching, mountains in BG. CU, three soldiers plotting their course. VS, soldiers. "MUNKACS: Az ujoncok eskiitetle alkalmaval tuntettek ki Munkacs hos vedoit, akik a januari cseh tamadast visszavertek." This is the town where military troops swear their allegiance to Hungary. Large crowd, c...

  2. German soldiers; loading train; command post

    Landscape with trees, powerlines, and a road. Town, church, possibly in France. Crossroads in a path. Sign with an arrow pointing “Befehlsstelle” and “Keimer.” Traveling shots. Checkpoint with a German soldier standing beside. Sign: “Einbahnstrasse.” German military compound. Brief shot of man at a table writing while a German soldier leans over him. Men shoveling beside barrier. German soldier looks directly at the camera. Farming in a field. Traveling on the road. Sign/stone marker: "St. Gabriel 1k Creully 3k" Pan of snowy landscape. (4:26) German officials oversee cars being loaded onto ...

  3. Various orders and dispositions

    Various orders and dispositions regarding forced labor of Jews. Directives for the discovery of infiltration of Russian agents dressed in Romanian military uniforms and carrying documents from Romanian military who were killed or are prisoners. Directives and orders form the General Staff showing an amelioration of the regime of forced labor for the Jews. Interdiction for Jews to work or be present in administrative offices. No Jewish craftsmen are allowed in military workshops. They will work in shops outside the limits of military barracks or office areas. Transfer of material from archiv...

  4. Obrana Národa

    • National Defense
    • ON

    Obrana Národa was a Czech resistance underground organization, founded by military officers of the Czech army. The aim of Obrana Národa was to prepare for a national uprising if a European war broke out. In the meantime its leaders sought to establish a clandestine intelligence network at home and a Czech military force abroad.

  5. Bataliony Chłopskie

    • Polish Peasant Battalions
    • BCh

    Stronnictwo Ludowe (Peasant Party), the largest political grouping in the Polish underground, maintained military units known as Bataliony Chłopskie and insisted on retaining operation control over them. In principle the BCh supported the Związek Walki Zbrojnej, though they mistrusted the professional military establishment and suspected it of planning to restore the prewar regime. It partly integrated in the Armia Krajowa.

  6. Organisation de Résistance de l'Armée

    • Army Resistance Organisation
    • ORA

    Founded in 1942-12-01

    On 1942-12-01 the Organisation de Résistance de l'Armée was formed by General Aubert Frere. ORA became active after Germany occupied the Free (Vichy) Zone in 1942-11. Organized by career officers and run on a professional military basis, ORA initially backed General Giraud rather than de Gaulle as the head of the Resistance: it's mission was military, not political.

  7. The Israel Defense Forces and Defense Establishment Archives

    • ארכיון הצה''ל

    1948 -

    The Israel Defense Forces and Defense Establishment Archives (IDFA) was established in July 1948, during Israel's War of Independence. IDFA keeps Israeli military documentation of all sorts, including files, publications, audio and video, photographs, maps and posters. IDFA and its subsidiaries also house documentation of Jewish military organizations which were active before the establishment of the State of Israel, such as "Haganah", "Lehi" and "Hashomer", as well as a collection dedicated to Jewish Soldiers in World Armies.

  8. Czech recruits swear allegiance to Hitler

    Somewhat dark shots of German officials saluting Czech recruits. The officials watch as the recruits sign an oath of allegiance to Adolf Hitler as Protector of Bohemia and Moravia according to a decree of 8 March 1940. CU of the oath reveals that it is written in both Czech and German.

  9. Burning the barracks at Belsen

    Huts/barracks burned by flamethrowers from military tank. Conflagration. Building engulfed in flames and thick black smoke. Soldiers. Fire blowing tractor lumbers along, shooting fire. LS of trucks driving around camp. Panoramic shots of smoke and burning camp.

  10. March of Time -- outtakes -- Iran

    Iran: Ancient minarets in Teheran. Russians accepting planes with US insignia. Lend-lease. Natives assemble freight cars. Trains going through mountains, railroad yards. Russian soldiers.

  11. Preparing for burial at Belsen

    Large group of young children, standing for camera. MCU of children and woman holding baby. MS through wire of perimeter (barbed wire) fence to children who approach and look at cameraman. Children smile and react favorably to camera. MLS over detachment of Hungarian Garrison troops digging new grave, assisted by British bulldozer.

  12. Repatriation of POWS: Female entertainer; marching

    Repatriation of Russian POWs in Bari and Florence, Italy. Reel 6: Back view of Russians at entertainment show, US sergeant introducing female Italian singer, dancer, and juggler. Singing "Indian Love Call." Russian lieutenant drilling the men.

  13. German Army advances

    Trucks cross "bridge" over mud. Army struggles to move through muddy street. Clear, close-up shot of dead German soldier.

  14. WWI Hindenburg Cross medal with attached red, white, and black ribbon

    1. Gela Jane Benton collection
  15. Erntedanktag Parade; Hairstyles; Carnival

    KODAK. Titles: “Allerlei vom Tage” “Erntedanktag.” A military parade with a marching band, a flag bearer carrying a Nazi flag, and women dressed in traditional German garb. Various floats in this festival for the “Erntedanktag,” an official holiday in Germany celebrating the harvest. "Frisuren 1938" Mannequins displaying 1938 hairstyles. Carnival rides at the fairgrounds. Man reading newspaper.

  16. Nuremberg stadium, swastika blown up by US troops

    US and Russian troops meet at the Elbe. Shows General Emil Reinhardt. Shows scenes of Nazi headquarters in Nuremberg. Huge US flag is raised over the giant swastika atop the Nuremberg stadium. Swastika is later blown up - the actual explosion and flying debris.

  17. Dr. Maxwell O. Johnson papers

    Contains photographs, newspaper clippings and a book entitled "The 'Dora'-Nordhausen War Crimes Trial," likely related to Maxwell Orme Johnson's experiences as a staff member of the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg. Most photos and some articles are on scrapbook pages.

  18. Gabriele Schiff photograph collection

    1. Gabriele Derenberg Schiff collection

    The collection consists of photographs depicting the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg, Germany, from 1945 to 1946.

  19. Ilya Ehrenburg talks with Soviet soldiers in Koenigsberg

    The Soviet writer Ilya Ehrenburg talks with a group of Soviet soldiers in Koenigsberg. The camera pans around the circle of men around Ehrenburg, high angle shot. Nice close-up of Ehrenburg wearing a winter hat. A soldier shows him a rifle scope. Ehrenburg smiles and shakes hands with the men.

  20. Russian News (1943, No. 73-74)

    Reel 1: Artillery shells Dobronske, White Russia. Tanks and infantry advance. A German observation tower is blown up and its occupants killed. Troops enter the rubbled town and are greeted; they cross the Soje and Dnieper Rivers in boats and on pontoon bridges that are heavily shelled. Titles in Russian.