
Displaying items 1,581 to 1,600 of 10,857
  1. US Army medical unit conducts target practice and eats

    American soldiers (US Army) in an open field for target practice. The unit's medical truck is visible in the BG, identifiable by the large red cross on the side of the truck. VS of the members of the unit shooting guns, setting up targets, sorting ammunition, talking, etc. The soldiers take a break: CU of a soldier smiling, sitting down on the ground to eat a sandwich and soup.

  2. Herbert F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Herbert F., an American who was drafted into the military and served on General Dwight Eisenhower's staff in England beginning in early 1944. He recounts assignment to the Pentagon; learning about the liberation of concentration camps from military documents; becoming the Pentagon liaison to American Jewish organizations wanting to improve conditions in the displaced persons camps; visiting the Rothschild Hospital displaced persons camp in July 1946 (he reads from the notes he wrote immediately after his visit); and contacts with members of the Jewish underground. Mr....

  3. American propaganda film to educate US soldiers going to France

    An American propaganda film produced by the U.S. Office of War Information to educate US soldiers before going to France. Some scenes are staged. Reel 3: French peasants hide their parachutes and a French priest (actor) hides the fliers and tells them of the French defeat. The fliers are secreted back across the English Channel. French soldiers retreat as the Germans advance. Gen. Petain calls for collaboration with Germany. General de Gaulle broadcasts a call for continued French resistance and speaks to French officers on a warship. Petain visits Hitler. Germans execute French hostages an...

  4. Trench warfare; German surrender in WWI; captured Germans

    View of World War I warfare from the trench, smoke rising from bombings in the field. Soldiers charge forward in grassy fields. 01:18:07 "Kamerad" (slate with Donald C. Thompson inscription) German troops surrender to Americans, taken into trenches. 01:18:51 "And still they come" More enemies are captured. 01:19:22 "Removing buttons to prevent escape" Cutting suspenders out of pants. Captured men behind barbed wire enclosure. 01:19:57 "Searching German officer" U.S. military inspect a German's notebook. 01:20:20 "Germans forced to abandon ammunition" MS, weapons abandoned in a field. 01:20:...

  5. American propaganda film to educate US soldiers going to France

    An American anti-war propaganda film produced by the U.S. Office of War Information to educate US soldiers before going to France. Some scenes are staged. Reel 4: Shows French POWs in a German camp, the Free French fleet and air squadrons, scuttled French warships in Toulon, and advancing Allied troops. French troops are reviewed by de Gaulle and in Great Britain, and Russian and French underground fighters kill German sentries, blow up bridges, and ambush German motorcycle columns. Germans seize and execute French hostages.

  6. Waffen-Gebirgs-Division der SS "Handschar" (Kroatische Nr. 1) collar tab acquired by an American soldier

    1. Malcolm Vendig collection

    Waffen-Gebirgs-Division der SS "Handschar" (Kroatische Nr. 1) collar tab brought back by Captain Malcolm A. Vendig, United States Army, 83rd Infantry Division, a soldier in Europe during World War II who served as military governor of Landkreis Dachau, Germany, during the postwar US miliary occupation government.

  7. German troops clear snow and repair vehicle

    Reel 3 German soldiers working in a blizzard; shoveling snow, driving a car, standing guard. Soldiers shoveling snow into the back of a truck for removal. German soldiers in white gear unloading shells off a wagon. An 8.8 cm flack gun mounted on a train fires. German vehicles parked in between large piles of snow. CU of a sign reading "Einheit Büttel" (Unit Jail). Man working on the engine of a military car, others attaching a fender. A covered military truck plows a road. Panning shots of jumbled telephone lines wrapped around a tree and running to the eaves of a house.

  8. Gardelegen burial of Nazi victims

    (LIB 5954) "Murder, Incorporated", Gardelegen, Germany, April 25, 1945 Pan, graves of 1100 victims. MCU, Col. G.P. Lynch, Chief of Staff, 102nd Div. delivers speech which tells of the methods used to exterminate these victims -- the dead were burned alive in a barn set afire by military bullets and grenades. LSs, MS, US soldier translates the speech into German. MLS, MS, chaplain speaks of Nazi atrocities. Fast pan past graves to German civilians and military attending services.

  9. Radio Luxembourg - December 14, 1944

    1. Operation Annie broadcasts

    TRACK 1 American military court. Date Dec. 14, 1944. English with German interpreters for the accused. The first case covers disturbing the peace. Accused pleads guilty. The second disobediance of military government- three people are tried at once and all plead guilty. The third on fake identity cards- accused pleads not guilty. TRACK 2 Continuation from the third case. Date Dec. 14, 1944. Witness is non-cooperative, accused of hostility. Case 4 covers having a false permit. The man was using his wife's pass, got caught, and then tried to commit suidice. Case is dismissed due to mental inc...

  10. Fascist volunteers from various countries

    Title: FRIVILLIGA till Fronter i öster fran Franrike, Belgien Danmark och Italien. Volunteers from France, Belgium, Denmark and Italy (USHMM excerpt does not include Italian volunteers). Interior shots of a crowded stadium with a banner displaying the letters LVF (Legion of French Volunteers against Bolshevism). Uniformed volunteers march down a street carrying a flag with the symbol of a fascist organization (Legion Flanders? Belgian volunteers?). Panning shot across the side of a train that has been painted with the words "Legion Flanders." Crowds of civilians in the train station wave go...

  11. Russian News (1944, No. E)

    On the liberation of Vilna, Latvia. Tanks and infantry move down a dirt road past cottages. "Road sign: Litovskaia SSR" [Road sign reads Lithuanian SSR]. Field guns and mortars are loaded and fired. Infantry runs past dead Germans. Soldiers advance from house to house. Flames pour from windows. Tanks pass through the streets. Machine guns are fired from rubble. Telephone wire is strung. Germans leave shattered buildings and surrender; long columns of them are marched to the rear. Troops march past two road signs indicating path to Grodno, Kaunas; and Kaunas Keningsberg. Victorious Russians ...

  12. German invasion of Poland

    Reel 2: Footage of Polish military parade and maneuvers. Burning villages "Polish outrages." Danzig: fighting in street, tank through streets, burning buildings. Professor Burkhart. Swastikas hanging from buildings in Danzig. German troops enter city. Graphic of "Polish attack" and German counter attack. German motorized troops mass. Tanks, then cavalry along road. Long line of troops march past trucks. More motorized troops mass. CUS of armored vehicles on the move. Tilt up to long line of tanks along road. MSs of tanks. Cavalry across field. Pov motorcycle along road. Side view - motorcyc...

  13. Evidence collected for Russelsheim Case

    Russelsheim Case, Russelsheim, Germany, July 21, 1945. LS, Frankfurterstrasse. Pan, Arc Hotel, where accused are billeted. Pan, from Frankfurterstrasse to Tannusstrasse. SEQ: US soldier walks route taken by American fliers. The solder points out where they were beaten, stoned, and finally died. LS, cemetery, sign in FG: "Bensheim American Military Cemetery." SEQ: men and women accused of murdering the fliers coming out of courthouse in Darmstadt and boarding truck under MP guard. CUs, still photographs showing civilians digging up the bodies. Three sketches showing wounds that killed the me...

  14. German capture of Vinnitsa, Ukraine

    Map showing Vinnitsa, Ukraine. Ukrainian citizens and German soldiers work to repair roads destroyed by the Soviets. German military vehicles attempting to drive down muddy roads; a large van slides along the road and must be pushed by a number of German soldiers. More street repair and muddy roads. The narrator announces the fight for Vinnitsa. German soldiers in a field; sound of gunshots. Destroyed bridges and vehicles, with some corpses visible. Germans marching through Vinnitsa after capturing the city. German soldiers greeted by a Hungarian officer.

  15. US tanks moving toward German town

    (LIB 5421) 4th Armored Division Drive, Kuhnhausen(?) Germany, April 12, 1945. LS tank and jeeps moving along road next to woods, GIs sitting on tanks. LS, town with tanks in FG. LS field, smoke rising from woods in BG. LS, plane strafing. MLS, tank rolling into town. Soldiers with rifles on tanks. LS tank and soldiers in field, along road. MLS tank moving away, creating dust cloud. Tank moving toward camera between rows of blossoming trees. GIs marching on foot. Truck goes over repaired bridge. MS, soldiers on foot and vehicles. LS, tanks rolling on road in hilly countryside. LS planes divi...

  16. The Year 1944

    Reviews events of the past year. Shows Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin at the Teheran Conference in 1943. U.S. troops land and fight on Kwajalein, Eniwetok, Saipan, Guam, and other Pacific islands. Russian troops advance to Romania and capture German soldiers. Ships carrying equipment, supplies, and men are loaded in England and cross the English Channel. Paratroops jump at Caen. Troops land under a naval barrage. Citizens of Rome, Paris, Bucharest, Brussels, Belgrade, and Athens celebrate their liberation. Shows scenes of the Dumbarton Oaks, Quebec, and Yalta Conferences, of the election ...

  17. Burning farms; POWs; town on fire

    LS views of farm burning in Bialystok; soldiers arrest citizens, check IDs. CU of frightened man. Long view of tanks lining road; soldiers. Pan of many wrecked tanks burning in fields near Minsk, all spewing black smoke. HA pan of Russian POWs sitting on the ground (POW camp?). CU endless line of turbanned Russian POWs, many with Asiatic faces. Distance sign: "Berlin/Breslau/Moskau." MS Kalvaria in flames in the distance. Nazis ride into town. Dead horse on road ("Dunaburg"?); scorched earth. Many views of smoking rubble, total destruction.

  18. German occupation of France and Holland

    Surrendered German soldiers are issued PG coats; PG is painted on by a French officer. CU, statue of Joan of Arc, German troops marching in front. German troops marching down street; dead horses and ruined carts cover street. German troops marching, on carts and motor vehicles. Civilians welcoming German troops, shaking hands with German officers. POWs marching down street. German prison camp. CU, various nationalities of POWs, some African, some Russian. Two POWs eating food from bowl, dancing, faces are tattooed, from North Africa. German troops marching into a town. Horse-drawn vehicles ...

  19. Yugoslavia during liberation: parade with troops and peasants

    Parade scenes. Troops marching through Terazyje Square (main square in Belgrade). Boys watching from trees. Children waving and cheering. Girls throwing flowers. Yugoslavian Partisan Army cavalry riding past. Reviewing stand in BG, officers saluting. Russian heavy tanks in parade. Pan across spectators waving scarves. Girls riding in truck. Peasants in native dress demonstrate, carrying banners and flags, marching. Boy playing accordian, band playing. Peasants dancing and singing. Demonstrators at Pozorizini Square. Statue of Prince Michael. National Theater in BG