
Displaying items 1,561 to 1,580 of 10,857
  1. French refugees and POWs

    Refugee families with heavily loaded wagons cross in front of camera at end of town. Refugees, including children, push bicylces and baby carriages. Tanks pass by. Camera shoots from ground up toward soldiers atop tanks. The soldiers look and sometimes smile at camera. Germans search boarded-up shops, sprawl around city, taking over town. Brief inerior of soldier, asleep in a chair. French POWs entering and exiting building, being rushed down a street by German guard. A couple of civilians, including a woman, with the POWs. Various shots of POWS marching down road, with a tank and flowers g...

  2. War Criminals Hunt

    (LIB 7228-7229) War Criminals Hunt, Norway, June-July 1945. SEQ: US, British, and Nilorg (Norwegian Underground) troops entering German POW camp in the early morning and routing the prisoners from their sleep. The Germans are lined up outside of barracks and informers pass along the lines in an attempt to identify former Gestapo men. MLSs, MSs, German prisoners rush from their barracks in all manner of dress. In many instances the Norwegian troops boot the prisoners to hurry them along. MSs, informers pass along a line of women who had worked for the German government and are presently inte...

  3. Fighting at Narvik

    UFA Newsreel. Title: Frontberichte der Propaganda-Kompanien. REEL 1: Part 1: on the fighting at Narvik. Shows German warships in the harbor. German demolition teams blow up a railroad. White clad alpine troops fire on attacking British troops; German dive bombers attack British lines. German paratroopers land, assemble, and go into action. Part 2: German planes take off from an airfield. Show wrecked planes on a French airfield. Dive bombers attack an allied marching column. Shows wrecked allied equipment and dead. Part 3: German bombers fly in formation over Antwerp.

  4. Crowd in Alborg protests German occupation; Germans occupy Copenhagen

    Alborg (town in Northern Jutland, Denmark), crowds in the streets in connection with Niels Erik Vangsted's funeral on August 23, 1943. Bicycles. Man distributing/selling goods to a crowd of civilians. 00:09:31 HAS crowd, some people running, woman pursued in the street, German car forced backwards by angry citizens of Alborg. Sense of panic. People are fighting, beaten by German soldiers. HAS choppy movement. Bicycles and pedestrians. Soldiers marching through the city. People running. 00:10:06 Cut to airplane. Nazis exiting, saluting. Military vehicle (truck) entering Copenhagen, Denmark o...

  5. Buchenwald during and after liberation

    Mostly military scenes, group shots of soldiers, tanks and jeeps driving over bridges. CU, corpses with lime. MS, soldier (back to camera) looking into black doorway, taking picture. CU, dressed corpses, in loose pile on ground, blood on ground. WS, enormous mounds of white substance. Collapsed building, soldiers walking on top. LS tank driving over and into plane wreckage in a field. Tank driving towards camera. CU, four soldiers in tank. Refugees walking along road with oxen and big carts covered. Refugees on country path, bikes laden with belongings.

  6. Woebbelin concentration camp; Russians and GIs; US generals at bridge

    (LIB 6299) Prisoners of Concentration Camp, Wobbelin, Germany, May 4, 1945. MSs, CUs, weak starved inmates of the camp. CUs, extremely emaciated individuals. Seq: Emaciated prisoners are helped by other inmates into trucks. In many cases victims cannot stand on their feet. MSs, CUs, weak, sick prisoners lying on ground near barracks pleading for help. (LIB 6300) Russians and GIs, Sandau, Germany. INT, banquet given by Polish and Russian officers to liason pilots of the 102nd Division. Short scene: Russian and US soldiers speaking on the banks of the Elbe River. (LIB 6301) PWs and Infantry, ...

  7. German newsreel excerpts: Rommel's funeral; German retreat from Finland; Romanian POWs; Siegfried Line

    "OSS-316 Export" Reel 1, Part 1, German amphibious training in Northern Europe. Part 2, Gen. Rommel inspects Atlantic Wall defenses and traels in a scout car in North Africa. Tearful civilians observe Rommel's funeral cortege passing. Gen. Runstedt places Hitler's wreath on the bier. Part 3, the German retreat from Finland: refugees and military supply trains move along the Arctic Highway. Crates of civilian and miltiary equipment are piled on a railway platform and loaded into freight cars. Part 4, antitank guns are fired and German tanks advance in Romania's Grosswardein sector; Romanian ...

  8. US army in Dachau; Germans flee Russian army

    (LIB 6069) 20th Armored Division, Dachau, Germany, April 1945. CU, sign: "Stadt Dachau." RVs, MS, M-24 tanks and vehicles of 20th Armored Division followed by infantrymen on foot enter city. Seq: Released Russian prisoners, civilians and soldiers rush to greet US soldiers. Short scene, German prisoners march through streets followed by US MPs in jeep. MCU, Russian soldier speaking with two US soldiers. VS, large group of slave laborers in courtyard of concentration camp. VS, US infantrymen attached to the division cautiously advance thru broken fences, backyards and across fields. (LIB 6070...

  9. Stanislaw Mambort papers

    1. Stanislaw Mambort collection

    Collection of documents relating to Stanislaw Mambort who fought in the Warsaw Uprising and joined the Polish Military in the West upon his liberation. The collection includes an identity card (Kennkarte) issued in 1942; AK temporary ID card issued on October 4, 1944; Military Driver's License issued in December 1945; DP registrations; and military decorations ID's among the Cross of Valour.

  10. VE day in Paris; Latvian children in Germany; US soldiers; German surrender in small town

    01:34:36 (LIB 6426+6428) Paris Lights up on VE Day, France, May 8, 1945. Night shots, lights are on at Trocadero fountain, Arc de Triomphe, Place de la Concorde. Crowds milling about. Day shots, American and British soldiers dancing with civilians in the streets, celebrating VE day. 01:38:54 (LIB 6429) Latvian Children, Hahnenklee, Germany, May 4, 1945. INT, MSs, CUs, several small children, sick and undernourished, lying in beds. LS, MS, house in resort town which shelters Latvian and Polish children. MS, CU, sign at entrance to town: "Resort for Mothers and Children." 01:40:58 (LIB 6430) ...

  11. Wehrmacht in France; French POWs

    German soldiers in field. Sign "Achtung Minen Lebensgefahr" warning about mines. Various views of men on the front, fences. Minefields. Cemetery. Ruins. Soldiers shave, cook, rest. 10:19:19 Pak at street. Local French town in ruins. Germans pass on horseback, tanks. Roadside gravesites. Monument. 10: 21:13 French bunker. More graves of German soldiers who died on June 15, 1940). Destroyed village, downed French plane. 10:22:10 Pak at the coast. Troops advance. 10:22:14 Brief shot of French civilians en route. German troops on road. "RAON L'ETAPE (Vosges)" 10:23:13 French prisoners of war ma...

  12. Paris under German occupation

    Aerial view of German military parading on a street. Camera pans along the street. Shots of a brunette woman (featured in Film ID 2720) being playful with the German in dark-rimmed glasses. Two blondes, not seen before. Rooftops of Paris and the Eiffel Tower in the distance, scenes of Germans at Versailles. Camera focuses on two German officers walking towards camera, including the officer leading the meeting in Story 4414 at the left. As the men exit the grounds of the palace, women converge on the men and attempt to hand them pieces of paper, which the men ignore. Brief scene of a checkpo...

  13. German troops leave Belsen

    Group MS of German officers with Colonel. In foreground, frame right, is Lt. Col. Taylor. MS as members of Colonel's staff board lorry - older men, long coats, all lifted up/climbing onto back of truck. Lots of soldiers with machine guns, backpacks as they await transport. Men climb into lorries, watched by British and German officials in foreground. Column marches past, men seem cheerful. MS of one man, a medical orderly, in back of lorry as he flirts with a local girl who has come to see him off. Convoy ready to go. View from truck. CU, soldiers' faces. Women alongside road waving. Office...

  14. German officers confer on East Front

    Reel 2: 00:48:35 Large gathering of German military officers conferring in the field around a map. Soldiers resting by the side of the road. 00:49:35 Armored cars and tanks bear large "+" markings. 00:50:00 Side view of short general, two Iron Crosses on uniform. Others around him, including some in black Panzer troop uniforms. 00:50:13 Front view of high-ranking (short) man, possibly Gen. Heinrici (could also be von Kluge).

  15. Finland

    Map of border between the USSR and Finland. German troops on the border in the area of Salla, Finland, marching, shooting howitzers. Map showing southern wing of the front. Romanian troops march along a road. The narrator states that Bessarabia [which the USSR had demanded and received from Romania in June 1940] was now free. German and Romanian officers in the field consult a map. Romanian soldiers marching over a bridge. Romanian King Michael and General Ion Antonescu are shown in the field with Romanian troops. German troops crossing a river in small boats, under enemy fire, marching alo...

  16. POWs liberated; medical care; burning village; evacuation; French troops

    00:01:57 "Temoignages Accablants" Sasbach, Westphalia (20 km from Stuttgart) Prisoners of war, various nationalities. In striped uniforms, liberation. Good CUs faces, survivors. Barbed wire. Burial, carrying bodies on litter. MS, military burial, French officers and military salute with accompanying music, CU headstone. Fire. Survivors at table, talking to officers. Nurses provide medical treatment. Put weak survivor in truck. 00:04:44 "A travers la foret Noire" French troops, bicycles and by foot through the woods. Dead Germans. Tanks, good landscape atmosphere. Liberation. Burning village...

  17. March of Time -- outtakes -- American soldiers in France; wounded German POWs

    American soldiers drive tanks through a town on their way to Avranches, in Normandy. A long line of American military vehicles is greeted by a few civilians on the roadside. Scenes of Americans passing columns of German POWs on dusty roads, with destroyed buildings visible. The POWs walk with their hands clasped behind their heads. German prisoners receive medical care (a plasma IV) from American medics. German wounded are loaded into the back of an ambulance. A couple of German soldiers stand with Americans next to the ambulance. One of the Germans wears a red cross armband. More interacti...

  18. Germans make their way into Poland; horse-drawn vehicles; General congratulates troops

    Part 3 (Reel 2): Animated map shows battle positions of German Army as it goes deeper into heart of Poland. Hitler stands at side of road as German soldiers march past in their advance into Poland. Hitler examines map of advance. Troops on horse-drawn wagons advance into city. Smoke from burning buildings lies heavy along street as infantrymen make their way forward. Pan, destroyed area as fires rage within dwellings. VS, German troops move forward on horse-drawn vehicles. Soldiers and horses rest along roadway and field. Men clean their equipment and perform personal chores before moving f...

  19. SS uniform collar tab found at Dachau by an American soldier

    1. Malcolm A. Vendig collection

    SS uniform collar tabs brought back by Captain Malcolm A. Vendig, United States Army, 83rd Infantry Division, a soldier in Europe during World War II who served as military governor of Landkreis Dachau, Germany, during the postwar US miliary occupation government.