
Displaying items 1,461 to 1,480 of 10,857
  1. Lebensbericht

    1. Manuskripte
    2. Erinnerungen, Erlebnisberichte, Autobiographien
    1. Band: Autobiographische Aufzeichnung der ersten Kindheitsjahre in Berlin (1910-1920), Gymnasialzeit in Ettal und Brüssel (1920-1929) sowie der Studien- und Referendarjahre (1928-1936); der ersten Berufsjahre im Auswärtigen Dienst in Berlin und Helsingfors (1936-1940); es folgt der Militärdienst in Kiel, Norwegen und Berlin (1940-1944), das Kriegsende, Internierung, der Freundeskreis in Jettingen und die neuerliche Berufssuche (1944-1946); die Mitarbeit bei der Dokumentation sowie seine Tätigkeit als Hilfsverteidiger bei Nürnberger Prozessverfahren (Februar 1947-Dezember 1948), seine Arbe...
  2. Textausgabe, Korrespondenz II

    1. Sammlungen
    2. Nymphenburger Verlagshandlung (VÖ Urteil Nürnberger IMT)

    Verlagskorrespondenz Nymphenburger Verlagshandlung München, G - Z, weitgehend betr. Textausgabe des Nürnberger Urteils und Folgepublikationen, insbesondere mit Militärbehörden, Karl Holl, Robert Kempner, Herbert Kraus, Alfred Schilf.

  3. Schwerin von Krosigk, Lutz

    1. Zeugenschrifttum
    2. Sch

    F. Varia: 1) Aufzeichnung über Besprechung Schwerin von Krosigk mit Office of Military Government for Germany (US) (OMGUS), Legal Section am 28. Februar 1949: Schwerin von Krosigk "sachverständige Auffassung" zu Art. 122-126 des Verfassungsentwurfs behandelten Problemen (Finanzausgleich); handschriftlich; Bl. 1-2; 2) Eidesstattliche Erklärung Schwerin von Krosigk vom 18. März 1949 zu beiliegendem Fragebogen der Hauptkammer München betreffend Verfahren Fritz Reinhardt; maschinenschriftlich mit handschriftlichem Entwurf; Eidesstattliche Erklärung Schwerin von Krosigk für Militärgerichtshof IV...

  4. Lage und Aufgaben der Kirche, Kirchenpolitik 1945

    1. Nachlass Theophil Wurm

    Enthält u.a.: - Kirchenpolitische Korrespondenz, u.a. Military Government an alle Kirchengemeinden im Stadtkreis Frankfurt a.M., betr. die deutsche Kirchenpolitik des A.M.G., 26.4.1945, Alfred Braun an W., Betr.: Denkschrift über Ordnung im Schulwesen, Weinsberg 28.5.1945 - Anklageschrift des ‚Oberreichsanwalts beim ‚Volksgerichtshof' gegen eine Privatperson und diesbezügliche Korrespondenz, 1945 - Geschäftliche und Politische Korrespondenz - Konzept zur Vorlage, betr. ‚Christlicher Friedensring', o.D. - Unterlagen betr. den Aufbau eines Friedensschutzamtes, 5./6.1945 - Manuskripte, u.a. ‚D...

  5. World War I: German retreat & Battle of Arras

    Parts 1, 2, and 3. World War I scenes. (Double Intertitles: German and French) "2me partie" [Part 2]. Artillery at Mons front (British). Arras railway station, heavy damage. Three soldiers smoking. [Part 3] Battalion of London Stock Exchange en route to Arras. German prisoners carry wounded Brits on stretchers. Long, close to camera. Germans in both caps and helmets. Up and past camera (to left). Other stretchers in background. Rough, wet, muddy ground. Difficult work of Sam ..... in trenches. Trenches and explosions. Artillery fire. Distant fog. Explosions at horizon (strange effect on fil...

  6. German invasion of Soviet Union

    Reel 2: German artillery and rockets fire at Russian positions along Leningrad front. German planes bomb the Russian city Orel and troops burn village of Russian partisans. Shots of captured Russian partisans and of German supply train going to Orel front. Shots of captured Russian POWs; German troops eat and go into battle.

  7. March of Time -- outtakes -- German prisoners; celebrating liberation

    Link up between American's First and Ninth Armies. American tanks on street at Lippstadt; POWs on the top of the vehicles. German prisoners under guard. Ex-slave laborers taking things from shop windows, embracing, drinking wine, carrying belongings. Released prisoner playing the accordian and singing. US armored vehicles passing through crowds.

  8. WWI Hindenburg Cross Medal awarded to a German Jewish veteran

    1. Bernard Feingold collection

    The Hindenburg Cross (a.ka., German Cross of Honor) was awarded to Walter Joseph, a German Jew, for his military service in World War I.

  9. Newsreel film recording worldwide war activities

    Records world-wide war activities. Reel 1: (1941-42) Pearl Harbor is attacked. President Roosevelt signs a mutual aid pact with 26 other nations. Churchill inspects damage in London. Shows destruction in Russia and China. Industry is converted to war production. Draftees are inducted and trained. German submarines sink US ships. Wheat, factories, and bridges are destroyed by retreating Russians. Shows Cordell Hull.

  10. Postwar Germany; refugees; war crimes trials

    Reel 2, Narration refers throughout to "M.G." -- military government. Damaged hospitals, pharmacies. Transportation and communication services are repaired. View of Cologne Cathedral. Refugees receive food and clothing at an American Military Government camp. A monument to Nazi concentration camp victims is unveiled. Shows brief scenes of an American Military Government trial. 01:31... Children burn Nazi flags, emblems, and pictures. (Footage from 111 ADC 4727) 01:32:20 Jews worship in their temples again 01:32:40 Man with Buchenwald armband on jacket 01:36:30 Kids burning flags, etc. Close...

  11. WWI activities; excerpts from Hollywood feature films

    Intertitle: "America enters the fight for democracy!" General Pershing and officers meet. Map of France with animation. 01:03:30 Excerpts from two Hollywood feature films: "Sergeant York" (1941) and "Wings" (1925). Dramatized footage of troops fighting in WWI (some in slow motion). Newspaper headlines of NY Telegram: "War Ends"

  12. Jewish Brigade, 1940-1949

    The Jewish Brigade in action in Italy: Mortars firing; soldiers showing Star of David on tank. Brig Gen Benjamin talking to Major Jackson. 25 pound gun in action. CUs, soldiers, badges. Night fighting patrol lined up and receiving instructions from officer. Funeral ceremonies for member killed in action, Star of David tomb marker. German prisoners captured by the Jewish Brigade. VAR, CUs of Germans and smiling Brigade officers.

  13. Jerold F. Majerus collection

    1. Jerold F. Majerus collection

    Collected materials obtained by Jerold F. Majerus, during his service with the U.S. Army, in the 6827th Military Detachment, as part of the stenographic support staff of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, 1945-1946. Includes printed material, tickets, photographs, daily bulletins, memoranda, concert programs, an autobiographical text, and other related materials.

  14. VE Day in Paris

    Scenes of massive VE day celebration. French civilians, American soldiers, and WACs parading in the streets, riding on military vehicles. Crowds of people, confetti. More scenes of wounded soldiers at the 48th General Hospital, upon hearing the news of victory, dancing with nurses. Marching band, parade. Ceremony in field.

  15. March of Time -- outtakes -- Free French in London

    Members of the French military who escaped from German camps into the USSR and have made their way to London to join the Free French resistance group. The men stand in the back of an open truck and look at the camera. Standing below them are three American soldiers (American flag patches on their sleeves). 01:26:06 begins apparently unrelated footage of American soldiers on an airfield. They inspect several badly damaged planes.

  16. Liberation in Prague

    Issue 163, Part 1: Prague liberated, street signs ripped down. Street fighting between civilians and SS units. Good shots of street battles. Czechs use rifles, grenades. Dead in street. Germans shell city, burning buildings. Trucks of Russian army enter city, units of first Czechoslovak army, tanks. Pres. Edvard Benes dismounts from train. Shot of him at balcony.

  17. March of Time -- outtakes -- troops; May Day celebration

    Czechoslovakian President Benes inspects troops. Troops marching, tanks, anti-aircraft machinery, planes. 01:18:29 May Day at Wenceslas Square in Prague (apparently all political parties faithful to the government assembled that day). 120,000 people on the square.

  18. Anti-Bolshevism; Germans advance in Yugoslavia

    [Rangee de SS aplaudit a une reunion, Paris] Title: "L'Europe unie contre le Bolchevisme" Joseph Darnand speaking (no sync). Crowd, applause. Marcel Dead speaking (no sync). Serbian volunteers marching and joining the anti-Bolshevik battle. Fighting, advancing, weapons. Military officers meet in office. German cavalry. Guard boats along coast. German units, stocking weapons, tank, over marshy land, in knee-deep mud. Difficult advance.

  19. German occupation of Danzig

    Reel 18 from the Biedenbach collection of home movies is a newsreel on small-gauge film for home-screening. Starts with good quality, then very grainy. Degeto Weltspiegel Nr 5. Okt 1939 "Danzig ist wieder Deutsch" German occupation of Danzig at start of WWII. Airplanes. "Der Fuehrer und der Front" 02:48 “Polnische Insurgenten” title over shots of Jewish men, some imprisoned. 03:15 "Der geschlagene Heer." Interview with Russian prisoner, subtitled, “arbeitslos” [unemployed].

  20. March of Time -- outtakes -- Liberation of Paris

    Fall of Paris. American GIs marching on road in Etamps (outside Paris), holding pictures of Hitler and Goering on bayonettes. Road sign, "Paris 50." People waving at passing Americans. GIs in jeep unfurling American flag, crowd cheers. US tanks enter Paris, pass Eiffel Tower. Civilians building sandbag barricade. Tanks firing at snipers in Paris outskirts. Street fighting in Paris outskirts. Jeepload of prisoners, crowd tries to mob them.