
Displaying items 1,441 to 1,460 of 10,857
  1. March of Time -- outtakes -- Food delivery to liberated Paris

    Scenes in liberated Paris. Jubilant crowds carrying an American and a British soldier on their shoulders. Tanks and trucks crowded with people through the streets. British and French flags. Germans are driven through the crowd in jeeps. People jeer as they pass by. Brief shot of high-ranking German officers. The dope sheet indicates that they are at the train station being shipped to an internment camp. 01:21:50 Trucks carrying food supplies arrive in Paris. Crowds surround the trucks and people wave to the camera. Soldiers unload big bags of flour or sugar while the crowd cheers. Signs and...

  2. March of Time -- outtakes -- Liberation by Russians

    On the Eastern Front. Russian Newsreel. Village street with road sign in Russian. Russian infantry advancing past wrecked building. Russian cavalry. Germany surrenders. Concrete fortifications with underground furnaces. Yugoslav and Serbian men (in striped coat), Jewish woman with black eye. 01:12: EXT of German prison, iron handcuffs. Pile of dead bodies in the prison yard (4,000 in all). Entire prison yard filled with corpses. To 01:14:03 Street fighting, house to house fighting. Soviet soldier helping wounded comrade. Concealed pill boxes.

  3. German documentation used by the Prosecution during the Nuremberg Trials

    1. O.65 - Collection of Jacob Robinson, Jurist and Diplomat

    German documentation used by the Prosecution during the Nuremberg Trials - Speech given by Julius Streicher, 03/04/1933; - Demonstration by the Freedom Union in Vienna, 1936; - Directives by the SS regarding the surveillance of Catholics, Protestants, Free Masons, Jehovah's Witnesses and Jews, in preparation for the Referendum concerning the Anschluss (Annexation of Austria to Germany; - Report regarding the Judenaktion ["Kristallnacht"] on 09-10 November 1938; - Excerpts from the speech given by Julius Streicher on the day after Kristallnacht; - Steps taken by the Gestapo against the Jews,...

  4. Capture of Rotterdam

    Columns of smoke. Pan over river, showing destroyed Rotterdam. Explosion. CU, sniper, trees, smoke. Destruction, burning of Rotterdam. LS, Dutch troops walking toward camera waving white flags. Burning buildings, tanks, armored vehicles. CU, night shot: burning buildings in Rotterdam, troops. Civilians in FG, rubble. Aerial shots of Rotterdam. CU, government officials entering buildng. INT, Dutch surrendering Rotterdam to the Germans, officials seated at table. German plane as it turns over, three German planes taking off from airfield, more German planes in formation. Aerial shot, refugees...

  5. German invasion of W. Europe; Paris, France

    Reel 5: German tanks advance. Stukas bomb Allied positions. Wounded tank crewmen receive aid. German trucks haul artillery. German troops cross the Rhine in rubber boats over pontoon bridges. German soldiers stuff grenades into their belts. German troops lay wire, and horses are pushed into water. Shows wrecked French tanks, French POWs, French troops in the Maginot Line. Panoramic views of the Maginot Line. French troops in the Line run, ride a subway, dance, eat and man communications equipment. Maps the German attacks on the Line in Paris. Also maps France and Britain's colonial empires ...

  6. Combat in Soviet Russia

    Military Film Report: On the German and Russian encounter in the area of Kharkov, Murmansk, Rostov and Sevastopol, Russia. Reel 2: Part 3: "Sturm auf Rostow." German forces assault Rostov; boats land, troops billet. Shots of town after German occupation of July 23, 1943. Part 4: "Kaukasusfront Elbrusbesteigung." Map locates Caucasus Mountains and Mt. Elbrus. German troops and pack animals travel through Caucasus and assemble on Mt. Elbrus. Part 5: "Kampf um Sewastopol." German tanks, transport vehicles, and artillery advance on Sevastopol. German antiaircraft guns down Russian bombers and t...

  7. German invasion, occupation of France; surrender of French

    Reel 12: German troops advance, reduce French strong points, fire artillery, guard French POWs, cross a pontoon bridge and enter French forts. German officers ride in staff cars. French soldiers load guns in their forts. French officers surrender. French POWs plod along, Senegalese POWs dance. German flag covers a WWI monument in Compiegne, German troops stand at attention. Hitler, Goering and others enter the WWI armistice railway car and receive the French surrender from General Huntziger and others. Maps Vichy France, shows a cathedral. Hitler visits a Paris cathedral and addresses the R...

  8. Combat in Soviet Russia

    Military Film Report: On the German and Russian encounter in the area of Kharkov, Murmansk, Rostov and Sevastopol, Russia. 02:10:42 Reel 2: Part 3: "Sturm auf Rostow". German forces assault Rostov; boats land, troops billet. Shots of town after German occupation of July 23, 1943. 02:15:07 Part 4: "Kaukasusfront Elbrusbesteigung" Map locates Caucasus Mountains and Mt. Elbrus. German troops and pack animals travel through Caucasus and assemble on Mt. Elbrus. 02:19:15 Part 5: "Kampf um Sewastopol" German tanks, transport vehicles, and artillery advance on Sevastopol. German antiaircraft guns d...

  9. Germans occupy Copenhagen; panic in town square

    Germans takeover all Danish military installations and personnel and declared Martial Law. Two German soldiers marching up street lined with trees, in front of castle. CU, Martial Law document introduced on August 29, 1943 posted in window, reading "Militaire Undtagelsestilstand ihele Danmark." HAS street scene with German soldiers and Danish civilians, some with bicycles, around Town Hall Square in Copenhagen. HAS German military vehicle entering square. Automobiles, more bicycles. HAS men and women gathered around central building in square. German soldiers trying to keep a well-dressed m...

  10. Voennye soobshcheniia poluchennye cherez Odessu Военные сообщения полученные через Одессу

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The document contains a "military dispatch" concerning recent developments in the Soviet military, including military schools. It was received through Odessa and reports that graduates of the Odessa military school who are not members of the Comsomol would be stationed outside the Ukraine. The document mentions the reception of machine gun and tank prototypes, and the purported military situation in Rumania and Bulgaria. They note also the reception of a leave ticket from a navy soldier and provide a copy of this ticket. A brief summary page in English is attached.

  11. Campet Jacques

    General, chief of Petain's military cabinet 1941-1943.

  12. Nymphenburger Verlagshandlung - Urteil IMT Textausgabe, Korrespondenz I

    1. Sammlungen
    2. Nymphenburger Verlagshandlung (VÖ Urteil Nürnberger IMT)

    "Interner Aktenvorgang": Aufzeichnungen, Aktenvermerke zur Veröffentlichungen "Das Urteil von Nürnberg. Grundlage eines neuen Völkerrechts. Textausgabe" in der Nymphenburger Verlagshandlung München, 1946, darin auch Lizenz-Vertrag der Taschenbuchausgabe 1961 und niederl. Ausgabe, Honorarangelegenheiten, Presseausschnitte (auch zur Micro-Fiche-Ausgabe 1982) sowie Veröffentlichungen zum "Ärzte-Prozess"; Verlagskorrespondenz, Alphabetisch A - F betr. die Veröffentlichung, aber auch Personalia, Kontakte und weitere Verlagsgeschäfte, etwa: R.H. Jackson: Staat und Moral. Die Anklagereden vor dem ...

  13. Nazis enter Czechoslovakia

    Brief: animap of Hungary-Czechoslovakia region. VAR standard shots of the German military entering Czechoslovakia: soldiers ride bicycles, tanks, and motorcycles on the snowy roads. Military enters the cities of Jihlava and Německý Brod. and completely fill the squares with military vehicles. Soldiers and police (in long coats) stand around, eating, conversing. "PRAHA" sign. Swarms of people wave as vehicles drive down wet streets and then enter gated square. Snow falling and blowing. Crowds swarm to see Hitler, who is driven into the square. Wearing a long coat, he walks in the square amid...

  14. Nazis advance to the Balkans and Russia; France falls; Atlantic charter agreement

    A Castle Films showcase of news events for the year 1941 with English titles: "War-Five Years! China fights on as tension in Pacific grows!" "Siege of Tobruk! British guns repel year-long Axis attack!" 01:01:04 "Balkan crisis! Nazis overwhelm heroic Greeks!" Ruins, shocked civilians, wounded. Crowds of troops. 01:01:25 "Germans halted! Capture of Iraq stops Hitler's march toward Suez!" Air warfare, bombing, automobiles. "British and Free French capture nearby Syria from Vichy forces!" Scenes of occupied Syria, fighting. Injured military officer exits military vehicle. "France's tragic fate!...

  15. March of Time -- outtakes -- Hungarian troops, 1938-1939; Horthy; St. Stephen's day

    March 1939: Hungarian troops occupying Ruthenia (scenes taken from a lavender positive from the library of "Magyar Film Iroda," Hungary's official news agency). Tanks, military, soldiers and bicycles in snow. CU, Admiral Horthy reviewing troops. Troops on Ruthenian roads. Poland's General Wieczorkiewicz greeting Hungary's General Szombathelyi as Hungarian troops reach Polish border after occupying Ruthenia. 04:43:37 Weiss Manfred factories near Budapest (these factories produce everything from planes, bicycles, preserved food, to trucks, ammunition, tires, etc. This was a Jewish-owned compa...

  16. Operation Annie - January 15, 1945

    1. Operation Annie broadcasts

    0:00: Trojan Horse theme (sign-on). 0:54: This is Radio 1212 broadcasting daily from 2-6, every hour on the hour, with news for the Rheinland and reports from the Front and the homeland for the civilian residents of the Rheinland District and the Saar Palatinate. 1:25: Report on fighting in Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Germany. 8:32: Report on Allied air strikes on German localities. 12:34: Conclusion of reports from the Front. In a few minutes Radio 1212 will broadcast messages for the military and civilian populations of the Rheinland. 13:00: Radio 1212 with news for the military and civi...

  17. March of Time -- outtakes -- Cemetery in Łódź; dead honored

    October 18, 1947: Polish authorities at funeral of American soldiers in a Catholic Polish church. Clergy, US military, people on pews in church. 03:01:17 Coffin with American flag over it. Religious ceremony, including American Ambassador Stanton Griffis, Mr. and Mrs. Crocker, and Edward Raymond, Agricultural Attache at the Embassy. 03:02:14 American soldiers salute. Polish soldiers and Polish flag. Wreaths carried out. Clergy leave. 03:03:19 Putting wreaths in hearse. Polish officers shaking hands with American officers. 03:04:16 Military procession, coffin on road in Warsaw. 03:05:15 Nove...

  18. Surrendering to the Germans; burying German soldiers

    Reel 2: 00:04:23 Quick CU of a German soldier firing a rifle. German military trucks traveling through a village. Panning shot of locals standing outside village buildings. CU of a three-striped flag atop a flagpole in the middle of a large plaza surrounded by small buildings; German military vehicles enter the plaza. Soviet soldiers approaching the Germans on horseback waving a large white flag; Russians are surrounded by a group of German soldiers. Pan of a wooden bridge; a soldier swings a rifle (cuts out). Reel 3: 00:05:27 (Repeat in RG-60.4262) Shots of buildings on fire in the distanc...

  19. Hinter den Kulissen der Anklage: Die Geschichte der Beweisstückanalyse

    1. Manuskripte
    2. Abhandlungen, Studien, Berichte

    Entwicklung der Beweisstückanalyse für das Internationale Militar Tribunal und die zwölf amerikanischen Nachfolgeprozesse;Mschr., xerogr.