
Displaying items 1,421 to 1,440 of 10,857
  1. Wolf family collection

    The collection consists of correspondence, photographs, passports, a WWII diary, and some military medals and insignia that belonged to the Wolf family, namely Eric W. Wolf who was a German refugee who served in the U.S. Military in the Signal Corps.

  2. March of Time -- outtakes -- Experimental fighter planes

    Experimental fighter planes, Muroc Air Base, CA. The aircraft shown in the footage is the prototype of Northrop's XF-89.

  3. Benjamin Gerow papers

    Contains an IMT International Military Tribual identification card, one letter, ten black and white photographs, thirteen signatures of defendants, IMT International Military Tribunal publication, "These 21" compliments of Stars and Stripes.

  4. March of Time -- outtakes -- Experimental fighter planes

    Experimental fighter planes, Muroc Air Base, CA.

  5. Essays by the Emergency Committee for Zionist Affairs

    Contains two essays: "A Jewish military force" and "Palestine and the Arab world." Discusses the need for a Jewish military and the implications of establishing one.

  6. Russia campaign

    Snowy streets. Caravan of German soldiers on horseback, buggies. Unsteady camera. Various angles. Examining maps in snow. Men on horseback. Bridge

  7. March of Time -- outtakes -- VIPs during postwar; Soldiers raiding homes

    1425 FF (16:00:40-16:06:30) Grafenmehr and Rheinman, Germany, Rhein Main Terminal airport. Joint Chiefs of Staff confer in Europe. Airport. LS, down gangplank of plane. Admiral Donfield, Gen. Bradley, and Gen. Vandenberg near plane. Other officers, civilians. Color guard. Generals talking and the press. Airport; army personnel. Military men, saluting, getting into car, moving off, motorcade. 1425 GG (16:06:32-16:14:40) Early morning shots of tanks, jeeps, along roads of Munich on snoop raid (in winter). LS, vehicles through bombed-out Munich. Infantry men. MLS, GIs raiding house for suspect...

  8. Funeral for Ernst vom Rath

    Views from the funeral train as it passes military troops at attention, civilian crowds at train stations, bridges adorned with swastikas and flooded by saluting military and civilians; occasional views of flower-draped casket on the train. View of train pulling into Dusseldorf station; swastika on front of engine. Views of soldiers, dignitaries at the station. Swastika-draped casket is carried from station and placed on a rolling carriage. VAR views as massive funeral cortege proceeds down wide avenue: swastika banners draped above the street; crowds pack the sidewalks; all levels of milit...

  9. Pathé Front Page -- Nuremberg trials: verdicts announced; shots of war criminals; prosecutors and local civilians

    Title reads: "Nuremberg" Various shots of sentenced war criminals, Rudolf Hess and Franz Von Papen standing out from the group, chat together and bid farewell in the courtroom, while U.S. military police look on. Various shots of the citizens of Nuremberg buying "Nuremberger" newspapers and reading the result of the trials. American armoured cars patrolling the streets. American soldier inspecting pass of civilian CU of an emblem carved in stone on the outside wall of the Nuremberg Courthouse, showing scales encircled by a laurel wreath. HAS of British team of prosecutors (most in military ...

  10. US Army infantry advances in Germany

    Staff Film Report no. 46; Combat Bulletin, no. 46. (with intertitles) Reel 2: The 29th Division crosses bridge at Jülich. Aerial views of the wrecked city of Jülich. Gen. Gerhardt and his G-2 officer report plans and conditions at a staff meeting. Troops cross a bridge under enemy fire. Gen. Gerhardt crosses the bridge. The 102nd Division liberates US prisoners at Erkelenz. Undelivered Red Cross packages intended for American POWs but used by Nazis are found in Heppendorf. The 1st Army battles toward Cologne; the 83d Division takes Neusse. Telephoto images of Düsseldorf under bombardment fr...

  11. Waffen-SS photograph album

    1. Thomas W. Miles collection

    The collection consists of a photograph album of a former Waffen-SS youth and contains photographs depicting German military life on campaigns throughout Europe during World War II. Some of the photographs have fallen out of the album and are stored separately. The collection also contains handwritten notes listing English translations of German words and phrases.

  12. Liberation of Italy; wedding at liberated concentration camp

    CU of Italian General Badoglio and American General Mason-MacFarlane. The narration says this indicates the Italians "eventually may fight on our side." Allied planes fly over the volcanic island of Stromboli on their way to bomb targets near Naples. Locals welcome Allied soldiers into a town. Former prisoners walk through the gate of a concentration camp, under a sign that reads Campo di Concentramento. Some of the men wear yarmulkes and the narrator mentions that the inmates were "Jews, anti-fascists, Albanians and Yugoslavs." Representatives of the Allied military government (AMGOT) dist...

  13. Nazis enter Gdynia

    Nazis enter Poland. POV front of truck into barricaded street in city of Gdynia, side view. Men (holding hands up in surrender) are searched and ID-checked by German soldiers. View of sandbagged building guarded by German soldiers. Poster reads: "Do Braci Polakow...Twierdza musi nam byc kazdy prog." Former state president speaks with and surrenders to commander of German troops. Men in civilian dress, some wearing white armbands, leave sandbagged building and march past camera (VO indicates they are Polish troops who had taken off their uniforms). VAR shots: masses of German troops in the s...