
Displaying items 1,341 to 1,360 of 10,857
  1. March of Time -- outtakes -- American ambassador to Vichy France

    Admiral William Leahy, American ambassador to the Vichy government, with a French general and other officials. Two groups of men, some military and some civilian, leave a building and salute French soldiers standing at attention. The third group of men includes Admiral Leahy. Close-ups of Leahy begin at 01:23:24. More French military personal, including the general from the first scene. They are surrounded by a crowd. The general stops and salutes a group of soldiers.

  2. Robert E. Magnusson collection

    Program guide: “International Military Tribunal / Nurnberg Germany / 1945-1946”; inscribed by Lt. R.E. Magnusson inside front cover; Floor plan of the International Military Tribunal; Two (2) passes to the Visitors’ Gallery at the International Military Tribunal; for sessions 341 and 342; pass for 341 signed on verso by Robert E. Magnusson. Materials acquired by 2nd Lt Robert Eugene Magnusson (donor’s father), who served as a member of the OSS in Europe during WWII. He attended the IMT in Nuremberg on July 19, 1946.

  3. Roehm and Himmler

    September 23 and 24, 1933. Ernst Roehm, Heinrich Himmler and others at (outdoor) military event (Reichsfuehrer Day?). Many flags with the German Cross. Parade in Hannover. Jodphurs and big boots. Lots of MS, MLS, LS. Happy atmosphere of soldiers. MS of participants. Nazi entourage walks up to podium, Roehm in center, Himmler behind him. Franz Seldte speaks (man with glasses). Roehm and Himmler on viewing stand. Kronprinz Wilhelm signing autographs.

  4. Liberation of Bessarabia, North Bukovina, June 1940

    People welcoming troops. Zhukov and military parade: main street. People demonstrate with banners, fists in the air. Timoshenko and Khruschev, with peasants, locals, Romanian POWs. VS of shackles, soldiers and POWs holding implements of bondage, torture. There are joyful scenes of reunion- men and women kissing and hugging each other, etc. Scenes are from several areas in Ukraine and Moldova, as well as Bessarabian villages.

  5. Budapest after liberation

    Budapest after liberation by Soviet forces. Quality varies. A Soviet soldier writes "Budapest" in Russian on a sign. Shots of burning, partially destroyed buildings. A corpse lies in the foreground. More shots of corpses. Soviet soldiers walk across a snow-covered square. Soviet and Romanian (?) officers meet and confer. Soviet soldiers with captured flags. Soviet soldiers arrest Hungarian soldiers. Soldiers are led out of a cellar while other are forced to march down the street with their arms up.

  6. March of Time -- outtakes -- Liberation of Paris

    Paris Liberation, 1946-1947. Overturned burning truck, exploding. Allied tank painted with cross of Lorraine. FFI men painting over captured German cavalry. French gendarme. Priest getting escorted under Red Cross flag. Man getting into ambulance. Gates of Paris, cemetary, graves of French patriots. Banner on the street with a German inscription. FFI men dismantling light machine gun.

  7. US Army on Patrol

    Patrols of the 83rd Division, Houstenbeck to Bad Lippsringe, Germany, April 6-7, 1945. US Army soldiers/tanks at rest in a village. Rainy. MSs tanks loaded with soldiers moving through town; soldiers waving. Soldiers examine burning enemy plane in a field (plane shot down). MSs and CUs faces of troops of the 331st Regiment, 83rd Division, atop M-24s and M-18s. Tanks move out. MSs soldiers on foot in town; marching toward tanks; mounting tanks.

  8. March of Time -- outtakes -- Breda, Netherlands

    Dutch army near Breda, Netherlands. Soldiers on bicycles, motorbikes, tanks moving through Dutch countryside. 04:40:23 Soldiers in trench, camouflaged lookout. 04:41:12 Soldiers and civilians, flasks being filled with rations. Digging trenches. Soldiers and civilians drinking, smoking. 04:42:48 Soldiers marching, windmill in BG. Putting dynamite around trees, for blocking roads in case of attack. Machine gun. 04:44:06 Soldiers marching in farm and along road. 04:45:00 Filling wheelbarrows, digging trench. 04:46:07 Sitting in shelter. Machine gun.

  9. Russian troops celebrate liberation; conferences; invasion of Normandy; Allied troops

    Records world-wide war activities. Reel 6: (1943-44) Russian troops, guerrillas, and citizens celebrate their victory. Marines land and fight on Tarawa. FDR and Churchill meet with Chiang Kai-shek at Cairo and with Stalin at Teheran. Shows Tito and Yugoslav guerrillas. Normandy is invaded; Allied troops and French guerrillas battle Germans.

  10. Olympic Contests

    Military riders from Germany, Italy, France and Great Britain jump their mounts over various types of rural hurdles and obstacles on the second day of the events for military riders in Berlin in 1936. With intertitles. Horseback riding, jumping, outdoors, "cross country." Horse and rider descend step. Crowd stands along edge of hill, watches competition. Struggle to get horse out of ditch. Horse into pond. Titles at beginning: Olympia vielseitigkeits prufung (military). Berlin 1939. Tag: Prufung in Gelande Hqtm. Stubbendorf Deutschland, auf nurmi Sieger der Vielseitgkeitsprufung Der Reiter ...

  11. Polish and English POWs

    Views of extremely long line of Polish POWs trudging along road, including CU of bare and booted feet. LS of POW camp, POWs getting sandwiches. CUs of prisoners lying on ground, looking tired, CU faces. General views of camp, English POWs and Polish POWs. English military officer POW makes statement (in English, synch sound) on the good treatment he has received as a POW. Ethnic Germans in Poland identifying Polish prisoners, with some kind of confusion and angry finger-pointing. 02:07:15: Narrator says that one man recognizes another as the murderer of his brother.

  12. Russian News (1944, No. 1)

    Russian troops, tanks, and motorcycles cross the Dvina River on rafts and reach Vitebsk. Artillery fires on the city. Troops march through its ruins. Germans surrender and are marched to the rear. Citizens berate them, and embrace Russian soldiers. Rockets and artillery are fired. Russian planes pass over. Shows German dead, abandoned equipment, and German prisoners. Five German generals are interrogated by Russian troops.

  13. Scheldt Islands; Eisenhower; liberation of Bucharest; Yugoslavia and Tito

    02:01:43 "Allies Clear Scheldt Islands" Allied troops invade the Scheldt Islands. 02:03:22 "Eisenhower honors Allied Air Chiefs"General Eisenhower honors General Spaatz and British Generals Arthur Harris and Leigh-Mallory. 02:04:05 "Bucharest Liberated" Citizens of Bucharest cheer liberating Russian troops. 02:05:32 "Balkan Patriots Aided by Allies" Yugoslav patriots receive supplies by air. They drill and are reviewed by Marshall Tito. Wounded patriots are evacuated.

  14. Teheran Conference

    An American serviceman holds a slate that identifies the cameraman as Daniel and the date as November 30, 1943. US Army and Naval officers enter and exit a brick building guarded by MP's. The building appears to be part of a US military compound in the desert. 01:53:28 Soviet soldiers drill on the grounds of the Soviet embassy, where the Teheran conference was held. American miltiary cameramen film them. Shots of Joseph Stalin posing for the cameras with other conference participants. This material does not correspond to the description on the NARA story card.

  15. Russian News (1944, No. 1)

    Russian troops, tanks, and motorcycles cross the Dvina River on rafts and reach Vitebsk. Artillery fires on the city. Troops march through its ruins. Germans surrender and are marched to the rear. Citizens berate them, and embrace Russian soldiers. Rockets and artillery are fired. Russian planes pass over. Shows German dead, abandoned equipment, and German prisoners. Five German generals are interrogated by Russian troops.

  16. Occupation troops between the Dniester and Dnieper.

    Orders and instructions given to the occupation troops of the 4-th Army, for guarding the territory between the two rivers. Decree of administrative organization of the province Transnistria. List of military units allocated. Text of the “accord” determining the safety, administration and economical development in Transnistria and the territory between the Bug and the Dnieper. Letter from Hitler to Antonescu. Organization of the administration, lines of communication. Infrastructure and military preparedness in Transnistria. The explosion of the military headquarters in Odessa: results, cle...

  17. Miroslav Hrijoriev clippings and ephemera about the Nuremberg Trials

    1. Miroslav Hrijoriev Gregory collection

    Newspaper clippings from assorted German newspapers regarding the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg; two passes for the International Military Tribunal visitors gallery, dated January-April 1947; three passes for German mass transit; a booklet entitled “International Military Tribunal / Nuremberg Germany / 1945-1946” handed out to visitors to the trial, in English.

  18. Independent Workers Trade Union (Fond 38)

    Contains appeals against military preparations, military fascist government, and increasing government spending for military preparations.

  19. VE Day in Paris

    Scenes of massive VE day celebration. French civilians. American soldiers and WACs parading in the streets, riding on military vehicles. Wounded soldiers at the 48th General Hospital, upon hearing the news, dancing with nurses and joining in the parade. Crowds of people around Arc de Triomphe, Rue de la Paix, Place de la Concorde, and Place de l'Opera, where Gen. Charles DeGaulle made the victory announcement. Blind man playing accordion.

  20. Isidore Guttenberg collection

    The notebook was used as an autograph book that contains the signatures of some of the defendants in the International Military Tribunals in Nuremberg, Germany, after World War II. An entry pass for Isidore Guttenberg to the Palce of Justice and a magazine clipping about Nuremberg Prison were added to the collection.