
Displaying items 1,261 to 1,280 of 10,320
  1. [Interview with Fritz Kormis]

  2. Interview 8: Medy, 18/03/2012

  3. The house on the hill

  4. Safe Haven, Inc. collection

    Safe Haven, Inc. conducted the interviews as part of a project documenting the testimonies of refugees from the Fort Ontario Emergency Refugee Shelter in Oswego, NY.

  5. Forced Evacuations and Resettlements (continued), Prosecution Document Book No. 5-D

    1. Alliierte Militärtribunale
    2. Amerikanisches Militärtribunal I, Kammer I, Fall VIII: SS-Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt

    Enthält: Forced Evacuations and Resettlements regarding people from Northern France, Slovakia, Baltic Refugees, Resettlers as well as slave labor from Russia Folder 0079

  6. Police Prefecture Bucureşti.

    1. Ministry of Interior

    List of Jewish stores and homes devastated during the “rebeliune”. List of refugees from Ardeal.

  7. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Stockholm

    • Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Stockholm, diplomatic representation, The legation refugee office
    • Rigsarkivet
    • Udenrigsministeriet Stockholm
    • Danish, English
    • 45 parcels

    Concerns Danish refugees in Sweden - both resistance fighters and Jews. The name index is used as the entrance to the files.

  8. Allmän Korrespondens, Allmän

    1. The Jewish (Mosaic) Congregation of Stockholm
    2. Flyktingsektionen
    3. Inkomna Handlingar
    • General Correspondence
    • Riksarkivet
    • 1A
    • Swedish
    • 1940-1945
    • Serien i kartonger.

    Arnheims korrespondens; Michaelis korrespondens; Stillschweigs korrespondens.

  9. Allmän korrespondens, David Köpniwskys (med fleras) korrespondens

    1. The Jewish (Mosaic) Congregation of Stockholm
    2. Flyktingsektionen
    3. Inkomna Handlingar
    • Riksarkivet
    • 1B
    • Swedish
    • 1948-1971
    • Kartonger.

    Korrespondens ordnad enligt ämne, t.ex. kulturutskottet, föreningar, emigration, rättshjälpsbyrån. Med redovisningar och rapporter rörande andra socialsektionens verksamhet m.m.