
Displaying items 1,221 to 1,240 of 10,320
  1. Pastor Paul Vogt papers Nachlass Pfarrer Paul Vogt (1900-1984)

    Private papers of Paul Vogt (1900-1984), Swiss pastor and a refugee aid worker. Consists of manuscripts, press articles, honors, diaries, obituaries, notes by Sophie Vogt-Brenner and Annemarie Vogt, photographs, interviews and publications. Records relate to Paul Vogt's commitment and leadership for charity and assistance to refugees, his work towards understanding between Christian and Jews, and his support for the existence of the State of Israel.

  2. Cyril Pearl collection

    Contains the research papers and original sources used by Cyril Pearl in writing his book on the Dunera ship ("The Dunera Scandal: Deported by Mistake") and the records on the internment camps in Australia. In 1940 German refugees seeking asylum in England were sent to Australia as an enemy alien aboard the Dunera ship and interned in Australia at the Hay internment camp for a year and a half. In 1942, England realized their mistake in holding these refugees and they were released. Records include ephemera from the Hay camp, newspaper clippings about the Dunera affair,1941-1983, hansard ext...

  3. 1 - Information

    1. Organisation internationale des réfugiés
    3. Publications diverses :

    1 - Information, bulletin de la Représentation nationale polonaise en zone française d'Allemagne, août 1951 (texte polonais) Le réfugié polonais. Bulletin de l'Association des Emigrés de guerre polonais, n° 1.-Bruxelles, octobre 1947 (texte anglais) 2 - U.N.E.S.C.O. Problèmes d'éducation. Les enfants vagabonds, 1951 (texte anglais) 3 - U.N.E.S.C.O. Problèmes d'éducation Les enfants victimes de la guerre, 1950 (texte anglais) 4 - U.N.E.S.C.O. Les communautés d'enfants. Une manière de vivre pour les victimes de la guerre, s.d. (texte anglais) 5 - U.N.E.S.C.O. Enfants sans foyer, 1950 (texte a...

  4. 1144. Suisse. Questions financières relatives au transport des réfugiés, juin 1946 - juillet 1947 1162. Réparations aux victimes des nazis, juin 1946 - avril 1948. 1170. Compte-rendu des dépenses administratives du Comité intergouvernemental pour l'année 1945 1465. Barème des contributions des différents gouvernements, décembre 1946 1489. Prévisions budgétaires du Comité intergouvernemental pour 1947 1601. Frais de transport de réfugiés hors de France, juillet 1946 - octobre 1947 1603. Autriche. Questions financières relatives au transport des réfugiés, avril 1946 - avril 1947 1717. Contribution financière de la Grand-Bretagne et des Etats-Unis aux dépenses opérationnelles pour 1947 1710. Prêts aux réfugiés en France, février novembre 1947 1824. Quartier général en Allemagne et en Autriche. Dépenses générales, mars - mai 1947 1832. Comité intergouvernemental, Comptes-rendus financiers, mars 1947 1845. Fonds pour les réfugiés sarrois, mars - juin 1947 1857. Transferts de fonds d'Allemagne et d'Autriche dans différents pays, mars 1947 1854. Dossier du général Vincent Meyer, commissaire spécial du Comité intergouvernemental à Caracas, avril 1947 - mars 1948 1885. Camps de réfugiés en Italie. Finances, généralités, mars 1947 - février 1948 1983. Pays-Bas. Correspondance relative au transfert des réfugiés, avril - juin 1947 2048. Transfert à l'O.I.R. des responsabilités du Comité intergouvernemental. Questions financières, décembre 1946 - juillet 1947 2103. Dispositions financières en faveur du personnel des Réparations en Allemagne et en Autriche, mai - juin 1947 2149. Immigration de personnes déplacées en Afrique du Nord. Questions financières, mai - juin 1947 2168. Délégation en Allemagne. Frais de transport de réfugiés, mai - juin 1947 2415. Avance par le Comité intergouvernemental de monnaie française à la Commission préparatoire de l'O.I.R., juin - septembre 1947 2457. Frais de transport de réfugiés en Amérique du Sud, juillet 1947 - novembre 1948

  5. Belgique Volume I. 31/3 - Assistance aux réfugiés espagnols en France, novembre 1946 - avril 1947 32/2 - Correspondance entre l'O.I.R. et les autorités belges concernant la mention "réfugié O.N.U., originaire de.." qui sera désormais portée sur les titres de réfugiés, juillet 1950 - janvier 1951 33/1 - Procès-verbal de la réunion tenue le 23 février 1950 au Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce extérieur entre les représentants de l'O.I.R. et une délégation belge 33/3 IGC - Correspondance entre le Comité intergouvernemental pour les Réfugiés de Londres et celui de Bruxelles concernant l'établissement d'un bureau en Belgique : documents importants sur la politique d'éligibilité et les différents types d'assistance offerts par le C.I.R., mars 1945 - juillet 1946 34/6 - Correspondance entre l'O.I.R. à Bruxelles, l'O.I.R. à Genève et les autorités belges concernant l'admission des réfugiés à l'Assistance publique ; arrangements pour l'assistance aux étudiants après la cessation de l'aide de l'O.I.R. août 1946 - mars 1951 Volume II 40/6 - Entrée clandestine en France de Juifs polonais. Arrivée clandestine aux Etats-Unis de républicains espagnols, janvier - septembre 1947 42/2 - Réinstallation collective en Belgique (réfugiés employés comme mineurs), janvier 1947 - novembre 1951 43/1 - Aide financière à l'émigration, janvier 1946 - avril 1947 Volume III 44/7 - Correspondance avec les autorités belges concernant les problèmes des travailleurs en Belgique : droit au travail, taxe de résidence, etc. ; 1946 - 1951 44/9 - Correspondance concernant les efforts de l'O.I.R. en Belgique pour aider les réfugiés à obtenir des réparations du gouvernement allemand, 1946 - 1949 Volume IV 45/3 - Prêts aux réfugiés en Belgique, octobre 1945 - novembre 1950 55/1 - Etablissement de bureaux régionaux en Belgique, s.d. 55/2 Bel - Critique des conditions de travail dans les mines belges, août 1947 55/2 Fra - Condition des réfugiés en France, janvier 1946 - juillet 1947

  6. Transit camp in Eindhoven

    Scenes from a transit camp located in the Philips factory in Eindhoven, Netherlands. According to the IWM record, the camp was run by the 506 Detachment, Civil Affairs, and the nationalities of the laborers include Dutch, French, Polish, and Russian. Adult and children civilians (former foreign forced laborers) and British soldiers in front of military trucks. CUs of a woman talking and laughing with a British soldier. Military truck carrying civilians enters a gated compound. Passengers disembark from the back of the truck. Quick shot of slate indicating 3/15/1945 and cameraman Sgt. Collin...

  7. Volkssturm defend the Eastern Front

    Map of the Eastern Front, indicating Warsaw, Breslau, Kattowitz, Litzmannstadt, and other locations. German refugees on horse-drawn carts with their belongings move West, fleeing the "Mongol storm." Shots of Soviet POWs. Civilians build barricades to defend against the Soviets. Refugees board trains to get away from the front. The woman getting on the train wears an armband bearing the insignia of the Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt (NSV; National Socialist Peoples' Welfare organization). Members of the NSV provide food and other care to refugees arriving in Germany. NSV members (all ...

  8. Bulletin issued by the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel Rescue Committee containing information from various sources regarding the experiences of the Jews in Europe during the war and afterwards, August 1946

    1. M.4 - Bulletins of the Vaad Hahatzalah (Rescue Council) of the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel, 1937-1959
    • ועדת - ההצלה של הסוכנות היהודית לארץ-ישראל ,ביולטין, אוגוסט 1946

    Bulletin issued by the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel Rescue Committee containing information from various sources regarding the experiences of the Jews in Europe during the war and afterwards, August 1946 Bulletin issued by the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel Rescue Committee containing: - Information regarding the situation of the Jewish refugees in the DP camps in Germany and Austria, 1946; - Information regarding the return of Jews from the Soviet Union to Poland according to a report dated May 1946; - Information regarding wanderings of the Jewish refugees in Europe after the war; - Tes...

  9. Testimony of Ada (Erenhaft) Fischl, born in Brno, Czechoslovakia, regarding her experiences during her escape to the Soviet Union, in Samarkand, Buzuluk, in combat in Sokolovo and her being wounded near Presov

    1. O.59- Erich Kulka Collection: Documentation and testimonies regarding the struggle of the Jews of Czechoslovakia against the Nazis

    Testimony of Ada (Erenhaft) Fischl, born in Brno, Czechoslovakia, regarding her experiences during her escape to the Soviet Union, in Samarkand, Buzuluk, in combat in Sokolovo and her being wounded near Presov Born in Czechoslovakia. Help from Jews to refugees illegally crossing the Moravian-Polish border, 1939; situation of refugees at the outbreak of war, 1939; life of the refugees in Rowne, 1939-1940; attitude of the Soviets towards the refugees at the outbreak of the Soviet-German war, 1941; refugee life in Samarkand, 1941-1942; first Jewish women join Czechoslovakian battalion at Buzul...

  10. Documentation, including listings of telephone discussions between Saly Mayer and the JDC organization's center in Lisbon and in New York regarding various subjects, Radio Bulletin No. 79, and other matters, January-December 1945

    1. P.36 - Saly Mayer Archive: Documentation regarding the activities of Saly Mayer, President of the SIG (Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland), on behalf of the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)

    Documentation, including listings of telephone discussions between Saly Mayer and the JDC organization's center in Lisbon and in New York regarding various subjects, Radio Bulletin No. 79, and other matters, January-December 1945 - Data regarding the JDC organization's activities in various countries; - Documentation regarding the continuation of the (ARBA) [?] negotiations, regarding the rescue of the remnant of Hungarian Jewry; - Documentation regarding the care of persecuted Jews who were liberated and are in Bergen-Belsen, Theresienstadt, and other camps; - Radio Bulletin No. 79, publis...

  11. ORT Photograph collection.

    The “ORT Photograph collection”, a part of the larger American ORT records collection, contains several folders with photographs depicting ORT activities in Belgium. We note the following folders, often holding several pictures: nr. 1004 “Offices of the Committee for Assistance to Jewish Refugees” (Brussels, pre-1940), nr. 1005 “Feeding refugees at the Committee for Assistance to Jewish Refugees” (Brussels, pre-1940), nr. 1006 “Shabbos in Joint Distribution Committee-supported home” (1947), nr. 1007 “Students at work in trade school” (Antwerp, post-1945), nr. 1008 “Children’s home maintaine...

  12. Erich and Margot Leyser photograph collection

    The collection consists of two studio portraits of Erich and Margot Leyser, who were passengers aboard the MS St. Louis. Both photographs have inscriptions written by Margot Leyser. One photograph is inscribed with "Zum Abscheid aus Deutschland 4-Mai-1939" and the other photograph is inscribed "10.Juli 1946" and is stamped .".Optica Ariel..Montevideo" Uruguay.

  13. Morris Gastfreund papers

    The Morris Gastfreund papers consist of a certificate issued by the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) in the displaced persons camp in Landsberg am Lech, Germany, identifying Moszek Gastfreund (Morris) as a Polish Jew; a photograph of a protest rally in Landsberg am Lech, 1947; a photograph of Abram Gastfreund and co-workers in the Community Office of the Landsberg am Lech displaced persons camp (DC camp), 1948; and a photograph of Abram Gastfreund, his wife, Sally, and his son, Irving, in Landsberg am Lech DP camp in 1948.

  14. Werner and Rosa Sallisohn papers

    The collection documents the wartime experiences of Werner and Rosa Sallisohn, originally of Berlin, Germany, who lived as refugees in Shanghai, China from 1939-1947 before immigrating to the United States. Included are birth certificates, Chinese identification papers, immigration documents, business documents regarding a potential job opportunity in Argentina for Werner, and correspondence. Some of the correspondence is from Werner's half-sister Hildegard, who perished during the Holocaust.

  15. Maurice Laserson collection

    This collection includes personal papers of Maurice Laserson, a social worker involved with the resettlement of Jewish refugees. The papers reflect his work with the Obshchestvo remeslennogo i zemledelʹcheskogo truda sredi evreev (Soviet Union) (ORT) and his connections with the Australian Jewish colleagues. Includes reports, newspaper clippings, writings and publications by J.M. Machover, Walter Lippmann, Rabbi Schenk and his articles from 1937-57, as well as correspondence on the plight of German Jewish refugees, including James McDonald's correspondence about the Jews in Europe,1933-1934.

  16. Sybil Milton collection

    The collection consists of photocopies of archival records dealing with the immigration of Jews to the Philippine Islands or with the treatment of those within the Third Reich the Nazis deemed "non-Aryan." Also includes copies of documents pertaining to the mentally infirm and to the Red Army ambulance corps.

  17. Ruth W. and Maryann L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ruth W., who was active in New York in the wartime relief efforts of the Congregational Church, and her daughter, Maryann L., who has helped lead church groups through Germany since the war. Mrs. W. describes her work with refugees in Europe and the United States, including the rescue network operated by the churches, and the difficulty in assigning responsibility for the refugees. Mrs. L. discusses her group trips to Germany, noting the desolation that characterized Warsaw and Berlin. Both speak of their reactions during a visit to Dachau, of bringing information bac...