
Displaying items 881 to 900 of 10,857
  1. Allied Military Authority, 50 groschen, for use in Austria acquired by a US soldier

    1. James Edward Kirkebo collection

    Allied military currency, 50 groschen, issued for use by Allied troops in occupied Austria, acquired by Captain James (Jim) Kirkebo, who served in the United States Army from 1940-1945, including combat duty with the Thunderbolt Division in Europe from December 1944-May 1945. Military currency or occupation money was produced for use by military personnel in occupied territories. Kirkebo, 19, enlisted in the US Army in 1940 and, in August 1942, 2nd Lt. Kirkebo became commanding officer, C Company, 21st Armored Infantry Battalion, 11th Armored Division. In December 1944, Kirkebo's unit lande...

  2. Allied Military Authority currency, 10 francs, for use in France, acquired by a US soldier

    1. James Edward Kirkebo collection

    Allied military currency, 10 francs, issued for use in occupied France acquired by Captain James (Jim) Kirkebo, who served in the United States Army from 1940-1945, including combat duty with the Thunderbolt Division in Europe from December 1944-May 1945. The note was printed by the British and Americans for the June 1944 D-Day invasion. Military currency or occupation money was produced for use by military personnel in occupied territories. The notes for different currencies: lire, francs, kroner, marks, schillings, and yen, had similar designs for ease of production. Kirkebo, 19, enlisted...

  3. Allied Military Authority currency, 5 francs, for use in France, acquired by a US soldier

    1. James Edward Kirkebo collection

    Allied military currency, 5 francs, issued for use in occupied France acquired by Captain James (Jim) Kirkebo, who served in the United States Army from 1940-1945, including combat duty with the Thunderbolt Division in Europe from December 1944-May 1945. The note was printed by the British and Americans for the June 1944 D-Day invasion. Military currency or occupation money was produced for use by military personnel in occupied territories. The notes for different currencies: lire, francs, kroner, marks, schillings, and yen, had similar designs for ease of production. Kirkebo, 19, enlisted ...

  4. Allied Military Authority currency, 2 francs, for use in France, acquired by a US soldier

    1. James Edward Kirkebo collection

    Allied military currency, 2 francs, issued for use in occupied France acquired by Captain James (Jim) Kirkebo, who served in the United States Army from 1940-1945, including combat duty with the Thunderbolt Division in Europe from December 1944-May 1945. The note was printed by the British and Americans for the June 1944 D-Day invasion. Military currency or occupation money was produced for use by military personnel in occupied territories. The notes for different currencies: lire, francs, kroner, marks, schillings, and yen, had similar designs for ease of production. Kirkebo, age 19, enlis...

  5. Allied Military Authority currency, 2 francs, for use in France, acquired by a US soldier

    1. James Edward Kirkebo collection

    Allied military currency, 2 francs, issued for use in occupied France acquired by Captain James (Jim) Kirkebo, who served in the United States Army from 1940-1945, including combat duty with the Thunderbolt Division in Europe from December 1944-May 1945. The note was printed by the British and Americans for the June 1944 D-Day invasion. Military currency or occupation money was produced for use by military personnel in occupied territories. The notes for different currencies: lire, francs, kroner, marks, schillings, and yen, had similar designs for ease of production. Kirkebo, 19, enlisted ...

  6. Allied Military Authority currency, 1 schilling, for use in Austria, acquired by a US soldier

    1. James Edward Kirkebo collection

    Allied military currency, 1 schilling, issued for use by Allied troops in occupied Austria, acquired by Captain James (Jim) Kirkebo, who served in the United States Army from 1940-1945, including combat duty with the Thunderbolt Division in Europe from December 1944-May 1945. Military currency or occupation money was produced for use by military personnel in occupied territories. Kirkebo, age 19, enlisted in the Army in September 1940. In August 1942, 2nd Lieutenant Kirkebo became commanding officer of C Company, 21st Armored Infantry Battalion, 11th Armored Division, Third Army. In Decembe...

  7. Hospital; German POWs march; SA headquarters; Russian captain with US military and Germans

    (LIB 6276) Former POW hospital complex now occupied by American troops from the 666th Medical Collecting Company. The CUs of patients are former Soviet soldiers. Malnourished former prisoners of war stare at camera from hospital beds. CU of emaciated body. 00:00:27 Wounded man with amputated leg lies crying in bed. CU of injury. Former prisoner still in striped uniform in bed. 00:01:00 Hospital complex. Soldiers relax on lawn. One has a bandage covering his eye. Group posing. Soldiers look at sky. The complex. 00:02:04 Sign reads "Prov. PWX Hospital Hamm." The letters "PWX" overlay the orig...

  8. Allied Military Authority currency, 5 schilling, for use in Austria inscribed by an American soldier

    1. John Phillips collection

    Allied Military currency, five (funf) schilling, for use in Austria, acquired by John Phillips, a soldier in the postwar United States Army of Occupation in Austria and Germany from April 1946 - January 1947. The value 50 cents is handwritten in the corners. Military currency or occupation money was produced for use by military personnel in occupied territories. The notes for different currencies: lire, francs, kroner, marks, schillings, and yen, had similar designs for ease of production. Phillips served in the US Army from June 1945 to January 1947, with the 222nd Infantry, 42nd Infantry ...

  9. Allied Military Authority currency, 1 mark, for use in Germany owned by an American soldier

    1. John Phillips collection

    Allied Military currency, one [eine] mark, for use in Germany, acquired by John Phillips, a soldier in the postwar United States Army of Occupation in Austria and Germany from April 1946 - January 1947. Military currency or occupation money was produced for use by military personnel in occupied territories. The notes for different currencies: lire, francs, kroner, marks, schillings, and yen, had similar designs for ease of production. Phillips served in the US Army from June 1945 to January 1947, with the 222nd Infantry, 42nd Infantry Division, Cannon Company, 5th Infantry Division, and F C...

  10. Allied Military Authority currency, 1 mark, for use in Germany owned by an American soldier

    1. John Phillips collection

    Allied Military currency, one [eine] mark, for use in Germany, acquired by John Phillips, a soldier in the postwar United States Army of Occupation in Austria and Germany from April 1946 - January 1947. Military currency or occupation money was produced for use by military personnel in occupied territories. The notes for different currencies: lire, francs, kroner, marks, schillings, and yen, had similar designs for ease of production. Phillips served in the US Army from June 1945 to January 1947, with the 222nd Infantry, 42nd Infantry Division, Cannon Company, 5th Infantry Division, and F C...

  11. Allied Military Authority currency, 5 mark, for use in Germany owned by an American soldier

    1. John Phillips collection

    Allied Military currency, five (funf) mark, for use in Germany, acquired by John Phillips, a soldier in the postwar United States Army of Occupation in Austria and Germany from April 1946 - January 1947. Military currency or occupation money was produced for use by military personnel in occupied territories. The notes for different currencies: lire, francs, kroner, marks, schillings, and yen, had similar designs for ease of production. Phillips served in the US Army from June 1945 to January 1947, with the 222nd Infantry, 42nd Infantry Division, Cannon Company, 5th Infantry Division, and F ...

  12. Allied Military Authority currency, 2 schilling, for use in Austria inscribed by an American soldier

    1. John Phillips collection

    Allied Military currency, two (zwei) schilling, for use in Austria, acquired by John Phillips, a soldier in the postwar United States Army of Occupation in Austria and Germany from April 1946 - January 1947. The value 20 cents is handwritten in the corners. Military currency or occupation money was produced for use by military personnel in occupied territories. The notes for different currencies: lire, francs, kroner, marks, schillings, and yen, had similar designs for ease of production. Phillips served in the US Army from June 1945 to January 1947, with the 222nd Infantry, 42nd Infantry D...

  13. Allied Military Authority currency, 1 mark, for use in Germany, acquired by a German Jewish survivor

    1. Gerhard and Ursula Naumann Maschkowski collection

    Allied Military Authority currency, 1 mark, for use in Germany, acquired by Gerhard Maschkowski, presumably while living in Deggendorf displaced persons camp after the war. Gerhard lived with his parents Arthur and Herta, and brother Siegfried in Elbing, Germany. From 1933, the country was governed by a Nazi dictatorship that persecuted Jews. Siegfried left for Palestine in 1939 and Gerhard was sent to agricultural school. Soon after arrival, Gerhard and the others were sent to Jessenmühle labor camp. In 1941, they were transferred to Neuendorf labor camp. In April 1943, he was deported to ...

  14. US War Department Orientation Film for US Military Personnel in Occupied Germany

    Orientation Film no. 8. U.S. propaganda film telling the history of Germany with various atrocities and depicting Germans as friendly, trustworthy people. This film was used to demonstrate proper conduct to U.S. military personnel in postwar occupied Germany. Muddy faces of German POWs. CU, Hitler, swastika banners in street, Goebbels concentration camp gates, all "disappear." Ruins, small village. Bismarck's parade band, fighting on horseback across field. Idyllic country scenes, farming, dancing. Kaiser Wilhelm, "Deutschland ueber Alles", German troops marching in 1914 (scratchy), marchin...

  15. Allied Military Authority currency, 1/2 mark, for use in Germany

    1. Kurt Fisch collection
  16. Roma caravan and German military share road; German soldiers advance; British POWs

    MS German women sending Morse code on key, man supervises. CU potatoes, potato peeler, chopping, making dumplings. Workers at tables eat potato dumplings. LS Germans with suitcases, boarding ship. CU women aboard ship. LS ship in heavy seas. In city, two women stand on canal bridge. CU woman gives soup to patient in hospital. Street car with female conductor. 01:15:14 Long line of Roma caravan carts on road as German army trucks and vehicles pass other way. Carts pulled by oxen. Group of four Roma men standing. Two women under a high teepee tent. Men and women at table, cart headed high wit...

  17. Blue striped pajama pants worn during hospital stays by soldiers serving in the German military

    1. National World War I Museum collection

    Blue striped heavy cotton pajama pants issued to soldiers serving in the German military during the Third Reich to wear in hospitals during recovery.

  18. Allied Military Authority currency, 2 francs, for use in France, owned by a US soldier

    1. Harold B. Conlan collection

    Allied Military Authority currency, 2 francs, for use in France owned by and likely issued to Harold Burdette Conlan, a soldier in 701st D Company, US Army. This type of scrip was printed by the British and Americans for the June 1944 D-Day invasion and after. Military currency or occupation money was produced for use by military personnel in occupied territories. Conlan's unit was in Germany in early April 1945 and assisted in the liberation of Buchenwald concentration camp which was discovered by troops from the 6th Army on April 11, 1945. Starving prisoners had already seized control of ...

  19. Allied Military Authority currency, 5 francs, for use in France, owned by a US soldier

    1. Harold B. Conlan collection

    Allied Military Authority currency, 5 francs, for use in France owned by and likely issued to Harold Burdette Conlan, a soldier in 701st D Company, US Army. This type of scrip was printed by the British and Americans for the June 1944 D-Day invasion and after. Military currency or occupation money was produced for use by military personnel in occupied territories. Conlan's unit was in Germany in early April 1945 and assisted in the liberation of Buchenwald concentration camp which was discovered by troops from the 6th Army on April 11, 1945. Starving prisoners had already seized control of ...