
Displaying items 761 to 780 of 10,160
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Divers, tous départements

    1. Rapatriement des prisonniers de guerre et des réfugiés : fiches individuelles et familiales et listes de rapatriés
    2. Fiches familiales de recensement des réfugiés établies en 1945 en vue de leur rapatriement

    réfugiés demandant à être rapatriés dans des départements autres que ceux d'Alsace-Lorraine, dossier "introuvables" : sans indication de commune de rapatriement ou commune inconnue, réfugiés ne désirant pas être rapatriés

  2. Isidore Drabinowski.

    1. « Ça m'est arrivé »... Être juif en Dordogne entre 1939 et 1944.
    2. « Ça m'est arrivé »... Être juif en Dordogne entre 1939 et 1944.
    3. Mémoire

    Réfugié de Metz (Moselle) avec sa famille à Festalemps (Dordogne), il décrit et analyse le contexte local de l'accueil des réfugiés juifs.

  3. Miscellaneous records relating to Ethno-National Questions-Section on the Jewish People of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

    Contains cables and reports exchanged between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and overseas embassies and consulates regarding how to deal with Jewish refugees. Also includes a file on Far Eastern Jewish Conference reports, 1938-1940, name lists of Jewish refugees who migrated to certain prefectures as well as reports about the life of Jewish refugees in Kobe. Contains original visa lists and “Declarations of Aliens Entering Japan” as well as a “Report of Issuance of Passports and Visas by the Japanese Embassies to Foreign People from Parts of Europe, 1940 – January 1942." The colle...

  4. Intergovernmental Committee. Evian Conference – July 1938. Verbatim Report of the Sixth Meeting (Public) held on Friday, July 15th, 1938 at 11 a.m.

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    A recommendation to the governments to bring about a real improvement in the lives and prospects of refugees. Orderly immigration should replace disorderly exodus and emigrants should be able to take their possessions and property. United Kingdom accepts both resolutions. Palestine cannot be completely opened to Jewish refugees, because it is not a large country and special considerations arise out of the terms of the Mandate as well as out of local situation, which it is impossible to ignore. Difficulties in Palestine have led to proposals for drastic changes in the political structure of ...

  5. Arbetarrörelsens flyktinghjälp

    • Fackliga och politiska emigranters hjälpkommitté
    • Labour Movement Refugee Relief

    The series E/1/12 contains correspondence with the Matteotti Committee in Copenhagen, the refugee committees in Oslo and Helsinki regarding the entry and support of German and Sudeten German refugees 1938-1944, and with Social Democratic refugee aid committees and other organizations in France, Great Britain, Switzerland, Hungary, Austria, Belgium, and Poland 1938-1939. Some of the refugees that the organization corresponded with and about were Jews. The archive also contains personal files from the period 1933–1961, some of which contain documents about Jewish refugees in Sweden.

  6. JDC response to Nazi advance in Europe

    Fundraiser showing international refugee assistance programs of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC). Rights of Jews in the United States contrasted to the plight of Jews in Europe during the 20th century. "Jude" painted on store window. Focus on Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland. Images of pre-Nazi times with Jews celebrating, dancing, etc. develop into images of confinement to ghettos, refugees, and post WWII restoration. Focus on Lithuania, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, and France. Shots of Nazi occupation and refugees. Focus on Balkans includes statistics of Je...

  7. Diary written by Saly Mayer and separate pieces of paper with notes written by Mayer regarding his activities in the JDC organization, 1945

    1. P.36 - Saly Mayer Archive: Documentation regarding the activities of Saly Mayer, President of the SIG (Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland), on behalf of the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)

    Diary written by Saly Mayer and separate pieces of paper with notes written by Mayer regarding his activities in the JDC organization, 1945 Diary [apparently titled], "Agenda 1945", written by Saly Mayer in 1945, including: - Documentation regarding the "ARBA" [?] negotiations with SS representatives and, in main, with Herbert Kettlitz; - Documentation regarding the transfer of 1,210 Jews from Theresienstadt to Switzerland as a result of the negotiations held with SS representatives and Swiss statesman Jean-Marie Musy, 07 February 1945; - Documentation regarding the care of the refugees (th...

  8. Documentation regarding the DELASEM organization's activities on behalf of the Jews in Italy and the Italian Jews in Switzerland, 1943-1944

    1. P.36 - Saly Mayer Archive: Documentation regarding the activities of Saly Mayer, President of the SIG (Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland), on behalf of the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)

    Documentation regarding the DELASEM organization's activities on behalf of the Jews in Italy and the Italian Jews in Switzerland, 1943-1944 - Correspondence between Saly Mayer and Lelio Vittorio Valobra, the head of the DELASEM organization, regarding the organization's relief to persecuted Jews in Italy and to the Italian Jewish refugees in Switzerland after the German occupation of Italy, September 1943, and following the escape of Valobra to Switzerland, late 1943; - Documentation regarding the situation of the Jews in Italy; - List of refugees from Italy and Yugoslavia in Switzerland, 0...

  9. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Protocols from meetings of the SIG (Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland) Central Committee and general meetings of the community representatives, 1929-1964

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Protocols from meetings of the SIG (Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland) Central Committee and general meetings of the community representatives, 1929-1964 In the file: - Protocols from meetings of the SIG Central Committee, 1929-1956, excluding the years 1930, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1941, 1945, 1949, 1950, 1953 and 1954; the protocols contain important documentation regarding the subject of the Jewish refugees in Switzerland; - Protocols from meetings of the SIG Geschaeftsleitung (postwar administration), 1948-1961, and a report on the 17 December 1964 meetin...

  10. Selected records of Archives départementales de l'Aude

    Contains alphabetical name lists of various categories of French Jewish, foreign Jewish, and non-Jewish refugees including political refugees and Spanish, German, and Austrian refugees; administrative and other documents concerning the internment camps Bram, Couiza, and Rivel; the prison at Limoux, France; Vichy government and instructions and regulations regarding refugees in labor groups and refugees in internment camps; documents and reports of the local Sûreté; documents regarding "secret organizations," the resistance, and communists; registers of persons killed by the Germans; and r...

  11. Minutes of the meeting held in Paris, on June 13th, 1939

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains minutes of the meeting held in Paris, on June 13th, 1939, released by the 'Liaison committee of the high commissioner for refugees under the protection of the league of Nations'. Representatives of several organizations were participating in the meeting. The agenda was concerning the change of the status of the committee, ratification of the minutes of the last meeting and the admission of new organizations to membership. Besides the participants were dicussing about the situation and the continuing proceeding with Jewish refugees from Czechoslovakia and from Bulgaria. Fur...