
Displaying items 721 to 740 of 10,160
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Angèle Gelbard papers

    The papers consist of 17 postcards and 8 letters written to Angèle Gelbard in Paris, France, from her family in the ghetto in Warsaw, Poland.

  2. George Kulstad papers

    The papers consist of three hand-written receipts issued to Helen Kulstad [donor's mother] by Jewish emigrants to Shanghai, China named Fritz and Daisy Willdorf.

  3. Judith Hershkovitz photograph collection

    The collection consist of two photographs of a demonstration of refugees at Bergen-Belsen displaced persons camp in Germany demanding permission to immigrate to Palestine.

  4. Refugee organisations UK: notes

    These contemporary notes on the various refugee aid committees based at Bloomsbury House, London, give some idea of the provision, which existed for refugees during the war.

  5. Sirota family papers

    1. Sirota family collection

    The Sirota family papers, 1939-1947, consists of identification documents, passports, certificates, and vaccination documents relating to the immigration of Johann Sirota, Alice Sirota, and Horst Sirota from Berlin, Germany to Shanghai, China in 1939 and the United States in 1947.

  6. Ministry of Foreign Affairs : Danish Refugee Administration in Sweden Central Register (Group A-Ø)

    Consits of the alphabetical (phonetic) register of refugees with detailed information about an each refugee, including both Jews and resistance fighters and their families. There are no related files to the register, but the information on the cards is quite unique. This collection contains the most detailed and systematic overview of Danish refugees in Sweden.

  7. Andrew Blau papers

    1. Andrew Blau collection

    The papers consist of a publication and two letters relating to refugees at the Kitchener internment camp in Richborough, England, and an internment camp on the Isle of Man during World War II. In a special camp, Kitchener, in Richborough, Kent, England, some 5,000 people who needed immediate shelter were housed during an eighteen - month period from the end of Jan. 1939. These 5,000 refugees had been released from concentration camps, or their internment had been deferred by the Nazis, who were willing to let them alone on condition that they leave Germany immediately. The Home Office gave...

  8. "Some Victims of the Nazi Terror"

    Consists of one magazine entitled "Some Victims of the Nazi Terror," which contains photographs and propaganda information about the Kitchener camp in Richborough, England. The magazine describes the daily lives of the mostly Jewish refugees living in the Kitchener camp. The magazine was created by the Kitchener Camp Committee. In a special camp, Kitchener, in Richborough, Kent, England, some 5,000 people who needed immediate shelter were housed during an eighteen - month period from the end of Jan. 1939. These 5,000 refugees had been released from concentration camps, or their internment h...

  9. Testimony of A.S., born in Lwow, Poland, regarding his experiences in Poland and Romania

    1. O.12 - Perlman Collection: Testimonies of refugees from Poland who arrived in Eretz Israel, 1942-1943

    Testimony of A.S., born in Lwow, Poland, regarding his experiences in Poland and Romania Crosses the Romanian border from Poland, 17 September 1939; life in Romania as a refugee; attitude of the local population and Romanian government to refugees; financial assistance to the refugees; attitude of the Polish refugees to the Jews; life in the refugee camps including displays of antisemitism; end of the war. Aliya to Eretz Israel, July 1944. The testimony was recorded in 1944.

  10. Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Correspondence with the International Refugee Organization (IRO) regarding help to the survivors

    1. M.20 - Archive of Dr. Abraham Silberschein, Geneva: Documentation regarding relief to persecuted Jews, 1939-1951

    Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Correspondence with the International Refugee Organization (IRO) regarding help to the survivors Correspondence with the International Refugee Organization (IRO) regarding help to the survivors Also in the file: - Report from the International Committee for the Insurance of Employment for Academic Refugees regarding January-October 1944; - Report regarding Ukrainian refugees, 08 November 1944; - List of Latvian war criminals who found shelter in refugee camps in Germany; - Booklet regarding UNRRA and its goals, 1944; - Report submitted by Engineer Dr, Israe...

  11. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Drafts of various articles, 1943-1958

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Drafts of various articles, 1943-1958 In the file: - Articles by B. Sagalowitz regarding, among other things, the book "The Final Solution" by Gerald Reitlinger, and the participation of the Krupp plant in the confiscation of Jewish property. Also in the file: - Articles and notes written by Saly Braunschweig, Nelly Sutro, Georges Bloch and Otto Heim regarding the fate of the refugees in Switzerland during the war, especially the children of the refugees cared for by SHEK (the Association for Help to Children of Refugees in Switzerland); - Versions of the articl...

  12. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Annual reports and financial statements regarding SIG (Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland) activities in the 1930s and early 1940s

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Annual reports and financial statements regarding SIG (Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland) activities in the 1930s and early 1940s In the file; - Annual reports regarding SIG activities for the years: 1929/1930; 1938; 1939;1940; 1941; 1942/1943; - Various financial statements for the years: 1932; 1933; 1936; 1938; 1939; 1940; 1941; 1942; 1943; 1945. Also in the file: - Draft of an activities report for 1962/1963; - Documentation from VSJF (Association of Swiss Jewish Welfare and Refugee Relief Organizations) regarding treatment of Jewish refugees who rem...

  13. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Protocols for SIG (Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland) of ICZ (Israelitische Cultusgemeinde Zuerich; the Federation of Jewish organizations in Zurich) meetings, 1942-1944

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Protocols for SIG (Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland) of ICZ (Israelitische Cultusgemeinde Zuerich; the Federation of Jewish organizations in Zurich) meetings, 1942-1944 In the file: - Drafts of protocols of ICZ meetings recorded for SIG by B. Sagalowitz; among the representatives: Saly Braunschwieg, David Farbstein, Georg Guggenheim, and Silvain S. Guggenheim; main topics for discussion at the meetings included the problem of the Jewish refugees in Switzerland and harsh criticism of Saly Mayer's approach to the refugees; - Handwritten notes made by B. ...

  14. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Protocols of meetings of ICZ (Israelitische Cultusgemeinde Zuerich; Federation of Jewish organizations in Zurich) representatives to SIG (Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland), 1932-1945

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Protocols of meetings of ICZ (Israelitische Cultusgemeinde Zuerich; Federation of Jewish organizations in Zurich) representatives to SIG (Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland), 1932-1945 In the file: - Protocols from meetings of ICZ representatives to SIG, partially written by B. Sagalowitz, 1933-1945; attached to the protocols are invitations to meetings as well as 08 May 1932 decisions made by the representatives. Among the participants at the meetings: Otto Heim, Saly Braunschweig, David Farbstein, Georg Guggenheim, Silvain S. Guggenheim, Veith Wyler, M...

  15. Selected records from the Départmental Archives of Drôme, France

    Contains materials relating to deportations, internment camps, foreigners resident in Drôme, France, and subject to arrest and deportation, declarations of Jewish heritage, directives concerning treatment of Jews, name lists of persons interned and deported, and movement of refugees. Also contains a brief history of refugee artists in the town of Dieulefit, France.

  16. Henry Flatow papers

    The papers consist of an envelope censored in France sent by Henry Flatow's father Hans Flatow in Italy in March 1945 and two airgraphs (one with envelope) sent to and from Hans and Henry Flatow in Italy and England in May and June 1945.

  17. [DALJEWCIB in correspondence regarding the transit-visa situation with Lithuania, Poland and Latvia]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    DALJEWCIB correspondence regarding the transit visa situation on the European part of the journey to Manchuria covering up to the Soviet border via Lithuania and Latvia. A limited number of transit visa via Poland exist as well. Also the Soviet refusal of of entry of refugees without a Manchurian transit visa is thematisized, due to the Soviet-Manchurian border stations refusal to grant entry or provide transit visas to European refugees. Finally the correspondence also covers the destitute financial situation of the refugees.