
Displaying items 681 to 700 of 10,320
  1. Herman F. Reissig memorandum

    The Herman F. Reissig memorandum, dated May 15, 1941, describes the SS Alsina’s departure from Marseille in January 1941 carrying more than 500 refugees en route to the United States and Latin America, its detention in Dakar by the Vichy government, Reissig’s unsuccessful efforts to work with the Vichy, British, and American governments to find a solution for the refugees, and cables received from refugees aboard the Alsina describing their confusion and anxiety.

  2. Selected records from the Library of the United Nations Office at Geneva

    Selected documents from two major record groups in the holdings of the Library of the United Nations Office at Geneva: the High Commissioner for German Refugees, Autonomous Period (1933-1936) and the Intergovernmental Committee Conference at Evian (1938-1939). These records relate to the Evian Conference as well as to Jewish refugees seeking to flee from Nazi persecution. Includes records pertaining to the British Mandate of Palestine, situation reports on various countries in Europe, and correspondence with Jewish communities in Europe and refugee organizations worldwide such as the Jewish...

  3. Dossier relatif aux titres de voyage pour réfugiés transitaires, 1945-1956. (2).

    1. Ministère de la Justice. Administration de la Sûreté publique. Police des étrangers. Dossiers généraux 2e série (Versement 2003)
    2. Quatrième partie: Entrée des étrangers sur le territoire belge
    3. I. Entrée
    4. 9. Réfugiés
    5. D. Réfugiés juifs(1)
    6. b. Réfugiés juifs transitaires

    (1)Voir aussi la partie précédente relative aux réfugiés par nationalité et par provenance qui contient des informations relatives aux réfugiés juifs. Nous avons tenu à respecter le classement initial effectué par la Police des étrangers. (2)Ce dossier contient également un rapport du Comité intergouvernemental pour les réfugiés sur l'adoption d'un titre d'identité et de voyage pour des réfugiés relevant de la compétence du comité intergouvernemental, s.l., 1945.

  4. Central Location Index

    • CLI

    The Central Location Index (CLI) was established by various relief organizations in May 1944. The goal of the CLI was to concentrate data regarding refugees and those missing.

  5. ESRA

    • Israelitische Zentrale für soziale Fürsorge „ESRA"

    Help organisation for Jewish refugees founded by the Luxembourg Jewish Communities. ESRA helped Jewish refugees from Germany and from German occupied territories.

  6. Western Campaign: France

    Refugees, destroyed tanks, dinghy, military exercise with a smoke bomb, formal service, watch on the Atlantic Ocean.

  7. Dokumente zur Auswanderung

    1. Fürsorgezentrale der IKG Wien, Auswanderungsabteilung

    Auswanderung; Auswandererberatung; Bulletin of the Coordinating Committee for Refugees, Nr. 1 (Druck);

  8. Questionnaires

    2. Interned Refugees

    Issued by the Central Committee for Interned Refugees and completed by interned refugees to facilitate their release. Arranged by case name alphabetically or by specialty required by Canadian War Industry or non-German or non-Italian nationality.

  9. Press Clippings

    2. JDC Refugee and Relief Program

    Jewish refugees from Europe, including Iberian refugees and those interned in Canada, as perceived by diverse segments of the Canadian press. Arrangement is by general subject with much material on individual cases included.

  10. German Jews in Austria: miscellaneous papers

    This material documents the plight of German Jewish refugees in Austria, 1933-1934.

  11. Refugee organisations: reports and other papers

    Miscellaneous collection of reports and other papers, which are concerned with the plight of refugees from Nazi Germany.

  12. Lists

    1. The Finnish Jewish Archives
    2. The Jewish Community of Helsinki Archives
    3. COMMITTEES RECORDS/Refugee committee

    Lists of refugees, list of transmigrants 1946-1947, part of refugee card index. HICEM refugees’ ID cards.

  13. [Fundraising Efforts DALJEWCIB Shanghai/Harbin with Jewish Communities all over Asia]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Correspondence Of The In Harbin Located "DALJEWCIB" Office with a a Jewish community representative of the Jewish community of Bombay, regarding the emigration wave of Jewish refugees arriving in Harbin and Shanghai and a plea for financial assistance in order to help the disposessed refugees