
Displaying items 541 to 560 of 1,271
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Red checked dress with smocking made for a young Jewish girl who escaped Germany on the Kindertransport

    Red checked dress with smocking made for Esther Rosenfeld by her maternal aunt Friederika Lemberger in Aachen, Germany. Esther, age 2, was sent on a June 1939 Kindertransport [Children's Transport] from Germany to Great Britain. Her older sisters, Bertl, Edith, and Ruth, had gone in March. See 2012.451 for two pairs of boots also brought on her journey. Esther was placed with Dorothy and Harry Harrison and their son Alan in Norwich. Hitler's assumption of power in 1933 resulted in increasingly harsh persecution of the Jewish populace in Germany. Esther's extended family got affidavits of su...

  2. Helen W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Helen W., who was born in Karlsruhe, Germany in 1932. She recalls her father's medical practice; a close, extended family; her father's strong sense of German identity; antisemitic harassment in the streets; attending a Jewish school (it was illegal to attend a secular school); her father's arrest on Kristallnacht; his return about three weeks later; his departure for England in April 1939; placement with her brother on a kindertransport in July; meeting their father in London; attending a boarding school; her mother's visit; evacuation with the school to Richmond whe...

  3. Geoffrey H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Professor Geoffrey H., a distinguished literary scholar and advisor to Holocaust testimony projects, who was born in Frankfurt, Germany, in 1929. He tells of assimilated relatives; curiosity about Nazi flags and parades; antisemitic restrictions; placement at age seven in a boy's home supported by the Rothschilds, where his divorced mother thought he would be safer; his mother's departure for America in late 1938; evacuation on a children's transport in March 1939; and arrival with nineteen other boys at the James Rothschild estate in Waddesdon, England. He speaks of ...

  4. Testimony of Malvina (Friedmannova) Fantova, born in Cejkov, Czechoslovakia, regarding her experiences in Poland, the Soviet Union and as soldier in the Czechoslovakian Army

    1. O.59- Erich Kulka Collection: Documentation and testimonies regarding the struggle of the Jews of Czechoslovakia against the Nazis

    Testimony of Malvina (Friedmannova) Fantova, born in Cejkov, Czechoslovakia, regarding her experiences in Poland, the Soviet Union and as soldier in the Czechoslovakian Army Born in Czechoslovakia. Hungarian occupation of Carpathian Ruthenia; dramatic evacuation from Carpathian Ruthenia, 1939; unsuccessful attempt to escape to Great Britain; handed over to the Germans at the Dutch border; interrogation by the Gestapo; expulsion to Poland; life in a refugee center in Katowice, 1939; air flights to Rowne during the war between Germany and Poland; role of the Communists in classifying and deci...

  5. Testimony of Alex Kraus, born in Bustino, Czechoslovakia, 1913, regarding his experiences during his escape from Czechoslovakia to France via Austria and Italy, in England and as a soldier in a Czechoslovakian Army unit in the British Army

    1. O.59- Erich Kulka Collection: Documentation and testimonies regarding the struggle of the Jews of Czechoslovakia against the Nazis

    Testimony of Alex Kraus, born in Bustino, Czechoslovakia, 1913, regarding his experiences during his escape from Czechoslovakia to France via Austria and Italy, in England and as a soldier in a Czechoslovakian Army unit in the British Army Jewish community life in Bustino, Carpathian Ruthenia. Escape to France via Austria and Italy with a group of Jewish refugees, 1939; Jewish participation in Czechoslovakian units in France; nationality problems; appointment of Jewish army chaplain, defeat and evacuation to England, 1940; Jews in Czechoslovakian units in England, 1940-1944; impact of antis...

  6. Testimony of Moshe Elisha Landa, born in Budapest, Hungary, 1911, regarding his experiences as a Communist in Poland, England, as a soldier in the Czechoslovakian army in England and in Dunkirk, and persecution by the Communist regime in Czechoslovakia af

    1. O.59- Erich Kulka Collection: Documentation and testimonies regarding the struggle of the Jews of Czechoslovakia against the Nazis

    Testimony of Moshe Elisha Landa, born in Budapest, Hungary, 1911, regarding his experiences as a Communist in Poland, in England, as a soldier in the Czechoslovakian Army in England and in Dunkirk, and persecution by the Communist regime in Czechoslovakia after the war Born in Hungary; receives a religious upbringing and education; becomes a devout Communist, 1926-1938. Escape to Poland, 1939; refused admission to Czechoslovakian Army unit in Krakow; not permitted to enter the Soviet Union; arrival of Communist refugees in England, 1940; relations with the Czechoslovakian government in exil...

  7. Testimony of Bruno Sax, born in Novy Hrozenkov, Czechoslovakia, 1917, regarding his aliya to Eretz Israel, 1939, and his experiences as soldier in the British Army, in German captivity in Greece and in German camps

    1. O.59- Erich Kulka Collection: Documentation and testimonies regarding the struggle of the Jews of Czechoslovakia against the Nazis

    Testimony of Bruno Sax, born in Novy Hrozenkov, Czechoslovakia, 1917, regarding his aliya to Eretz Israel, 1939, and his experiences as soldier in the British Army, in German captivity in Greece and in German camps Born in Czechoslovakia. Expulsion of Jewish students from Czechoslovakian universities, 1939; transfer of Czechoslovakian Jews to Eretz Israel; detention in Sarafand, 1939; settlement in Kfar Sirkin; refusal to join a Czechoslovakian Army unit in Eretz Israel, 1940; enlistment in the Jewish unit of the English Pioneer Corps; capture by the Germans in Greece, 1941; Jewish soldiers...

  8. Eva Goldberg autograph album

    The autograph album belonged to Eva Goldberg Judd and contains autographs, signatures, photographs, and drawings. Inscriptions from friends and family include Anne Frank and Susanne "Sanne" Ledermann. The contents of the autograph book were collected by Eva Goldberg prior to her emigration from Germany to the United States via the Netherlands and Great Britain. According to the Anne Frank House, Otto Frank wrote the caption "July 1936" underneath the photo of Anne Frank, Eva Goldberg, and Susanne Ledermann. This photo was taken by Otto Frank, and his shadow can be seen in the lower right co...

  9. Hans Weil papers

    The Hans Weil papers consist of biographical materials, photographs, and printed materials documenting German educator Hans Weil, his relocation to Italy following his dismissal from teaching at Goethe University, and the school, Schule am Mittelmeer, that he established for German emigrant children in Recco, Italy.

  10. Leopold Levy family papers

    The Levy family papers include correspondence, immigration documentation, property lists, and photographs relating to the Levy family’s prewar life in Germany and preparation for immigration to the United States through London in 1940. Included are letters to the American Consulate in Geneva, Switzerland, correspondence and documentation relating to efforts to bring Erica Levy from Belgium to England and to obtain visas to the United States, and family correspondence describing the fate of other Levy family members unable to flee Germany.

  11. Schlesinger Hostel: papers

    This collection comprises original papers and correspondence which documents the establishment and maintenance of a refugee children's hostel in Highgate, London, 1938-1939. The papers offer a valuable insight into the processes and issues relating to such an enterprise. Two of the former children produced a documentary reader comprising copies and translations of much of the material in the archive (1625/1). It also includes copies of documents from Ilse Jacobsohn's (later Ilse Henry) own file. The personal files of the other children are not open to the public.

  12. Wendy Lefort family papers

  13. Correspondence with Centralverein Deutscher Staatsbürger Jüdischer Glaubens (C.V.)

    1. Wiener Library Archive: Pre-1963 Correspondence

    The correspondence centres on two major subjects. One concerns The Wiener Library’s claim for the recently detected library of the C.V. (1947-1952) and includes background information on the library’s confiscation by the Nazis, its rediscovery on Czechoslovakian soil after the Second World War, and individuals and body’s involved in the process of negotiating its future ownership. Besides, a meeting of former members in London on occasion of the 60th anniversary of the C.V. is arranged. Triggered by a research enquiry on anti-Nazi resistance in Berlin from 1933-45, a second major subject co...

  14. Papers of Rabbi H.F.Reinhart

    Correspondence and papers relating to the West London Synagogue, including correspondence with individuals, papers from religious classes and papers about alterations to and the decorations of the synagogue. Correspondence and newspaper articles relating to Reinhart's resignation, 1957. Correspondence, papers and financial material for the Westminster Synagogue. General correspondence files, including material on the building of the Seymour Hall, 1934, the foundation of new synagogues within the Association of Synagogues in Great Britain, the Central British Fund for World Jewish Relief and...

  15. [Conference for the relief of German Jewry]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains the booklet version of the “Reports and Resolutions” of the “Conference for the Relief of German Jewry” held in London in October 1933. The contributions include the Report of the Sub-Committee on Migration, the Report of the Committee on Relief outside Germany, the Report of Academic Committee, the Report of Reconstruction Committee, the Report of Refugees’ Sub-Committee, the Resolutions adopted by the Conference, as well as the opening speech by Neville J. Laski and the closing speech by Chaim Weizmann.

  16. Charles and Ruth Terner papers

    The Charles and Ruth Terner papers include biographical materials, correspondence, a drawing of Ruth Terner’s middle school, four photographs of the Terners, and several newspaper pages and clippings. The papers document Ruther Terner’s arrival in England on a Kindertransport, Charles Terner’s arrival in England via Switzerland and the establishment of his career, and the emigration efforts of family members remaining in Germany. Biographical materials include documents regarding Ruth Terner’s departure from Berlin on a Kindertransport; Charles Terner’s identity papers, membership cards, mi...

  17. B'nai B'rith Leo Baeck (London) Lodges: archives

    Readers need to book a reading room terminal to access this digital contentComprising documents, including bound reports, volumes, and index cards as well as some photographs and single objects, the collection includes the organisational papers of the Leo Baeck (London) Lodges and their affiliated bodies. Spanning more than seven decades, the material covers the complete period of the Lodges’ existence. The preserved papers appear, however, to be incomplete and only part of an originally larger bulk of material.The documents provide an overview of the organisational structures of the Leo Ba...

  18. Painted wooden spice box kept by by a Kindertransport refugee

    1. Hannah Kronheim Deutch collection

    Olive wood spice tower with cloves carried by 17 year old Hannah Kronheim when she left Bochum, Germany, on the Kinderstransport [Children's Transport] in 1939. The box was made in Palestine and used for years by her family. A spice (besamim) box is used during the Havdalah, or separation ceremony, at the end of Shabbat every week. The box is filled with a fragrant spice, such as cinnamon or cloves, and is passed around so that everyone can be be rejuvenated by the sweet smell. Hannah left soon after Kristallnacht, November 9 and 10, 1938, when the synagogue behind her home was set on fire....