
Displaying items 2,401 to 2,420 of 2,734
  1. Documentation of the Generalkomissariat (General Commissariat) of Schitomir region, 1941-1944

    Documentation of the Generalkomissariat (General Commissariat) of Schitomir region, 1941-1944 The collection of documents from the Generalkomissariat (Reich Commissioner General) in Zhitomir from the period of the German occupancy, 1941-1943, was stored in the Regional Archive in Brest, as was the entire State Archive of the Zhitomir Region. The collection contains orders issued by the Gendarmerie Commander and the Sipo (Security Police) Commander, correspondence with various bodies, maps, photographs, lists of those wanted and lists of German activists and Ukrainian collaborators. 30,000 J...

  2. M.35: Documentation of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (JAF) in the Soviet Union

    M.35: Documentation of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (JAF) in the Soviet Union Established at the height of World War II, the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (EAK - Yevreyskiy antifashistskiy komitet) was a Soviet Jewish organization set up in order to provide assistance to the Soviet Union in its war against Nazi Germany. Headed by the actor and theatrical director Solomon (Shloyme) Mikhoels as Committee Chairman and Shakhne Epshteyn, the newspaperman, as Secretary, the Committee was established at the initiative of the Soviet Secret Police in Samara in 1942. The purpose of the Committee...

  3. Volyn regional comission for calculation of damage caused by the German-Fascist invaders

    • Волинська обласна комісія по обліку збитків, заподіяних німецько-фашистськими загарбниками
    • Volynska oblasna komissiia po obliku zbytkiv, zapodiianyh nimetsko-fashistskymy zaharbnykamy

    Registers of documents, statements of material damage caused to individuals, collective farms, state enterprises, institutions. Summaries of information on losses incurred by occupants in the cities and districts of the region. Acts, registers, questionnaires containing information about the executed, tortured communists, Soviet activists, prisoners of war, civilians, Jews. Lists of individuals deported to forced labor in Germany. Questionnaires, testimonies, memories of persons who returned from German captivity. Report on the results of calculation of losses and the investigation of crime...

  4. Kherson Regional Extraordinary Commission to Investigate the Crimes of the German-Fascist Invaders in the Territory of the Kherson Region at the Executive Committee of the Kherson Regional Council of Toilers’ Deputies, City of Kherson (Kherson Region)

    The fond includes a single inventory systematized chronologically. Documents held in the fond include a report of the Regional Extraordinary State Commission summing up the assessment of damages caused by and the investigation of crimes committed by the occupiers in the Kherson region, which contains, among other things, information on murders of Jews (including 10,000 persons in the city of Kherson) and on the functioning of the Kherson ghetto; proceedings of the Commission from 1944-45 on the investigation of the mass execution of 8,780 Jews in anti-tank ditches near the village of Zeleno...

  5. State Archive of the Odessa Region

    The fond includes four inventories systematized chronologically and, for personal files in op. 2L, alphabetically. Included are materials (op. 1) connected with the work of archive personnel in assisting the Odessa Regional Extraordinary State Commission, in particular, the album Fascist Atrocities in the Odessa Region during its Temporary Occupation, with photographs of the ghetto near the village of Bogdanovka (Domanevka district, Odessa region) showing external and internal views of living quarters, excavations of burial sites in places of mass shootings of Jews, a medical commission’s w...

  6. Documentation from archives in Estonia, 1941-1946

    A. Documentation from the Estonian State Central Archives (ERA) in Tallinn, Estonia Examples: - Collection of the autonomous leadership regarding Jewish culture in Estonia; - Collection of the Valga Juudi Spordiselts Makkabi (Maccabi Sports Association) in Valga; - Collection of the Tartu Akadeemiline Juudi Ajaloo ja Kirjanduse Selts ülikooli juures (Association for Jewish Culture and History) in Tartu; - Collection of the Tartu-Juudi üliõpilaste Kassa (Jewish Students'Fund) in Tartu, 1887-1928; - Collection of the Tartu Juudi Usuühing (Religious Jewish Community of Tartu), 1861-1940; - Col...

  7. Documentation of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (JAF) in the Soviet Union

    Description of the collection : Official Committee documentation, testimonies of survivors, Red Army soldiers, underground members, lists of Jewish victims, notices and announcements, investigative reports against Nazi criminals, survey reports, letters, radio broadcasts, articles and photographs. There are three main collections in the records group:A. Documentation regarding the Holocaust from the"Black Book", including valuable testimonies, diaries and memoirs that were processed for literary presentation and others that were only published partially, testimonies and memoirs regarding th...

  8. Christopher R. Browning papers

    The Christopher R. Browning papers consist of Browning’s expert reports, correspondence, court records, photocopies of historical evidentiary materials, indexes, preparatory and background materials for trial, printed materials, and witness testimony gathered or created during preparations for court proceedings against alleged war criminals Radislav Grujicic and Serge Kisluk in Canada, Andre Sawoniuk and Semion Serafinowicz in England, and Heinrich Wagner in Australia. All five cases relied on evidence from eyewitness accounts. Browning’s role in the proceedings was not to provide evidence ...

  9. Speidel, Hans

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Hans Speidel (28.10.1897 - 28.11.1984) Oberbefehlshaber Landstreitkräfte Europa Mitte; General 28.10.1897 geb. in Metzingen 28.11.1984 gest. in Bad Honnef 30.11.1914 Eintritt in die Preußische Armee als Fahnenjunker, Grenadier-Regiment "König Karl" (5.Württembergisches) Nr. 123 1914-1918 Zug- und Kompanieführer, Bataillons- und Regimentsadjudant an der Westfront 1919-1922 Berufssoldat 1923-1925 Studium der Geschichte und Volkswirtschaft 01.04.1925 Oberleutnant 01.02.1932 Hauptmann 1933-1935 Gehilfe des deutschen Militärattachés in Paris 1935-1936 Kompaniechef...

  10. Kramer Josef

    • Kramer, Josef, 1906-1945
    • Kramer, Joseph, 1906-1945
    • Kramer, Joseph 1906-1945
    • Kramer, Josef



    KZ-Kommandant and SS-Hauptsturmführer. Since 1934 in Dachau, 1937/1938 in Sachsenhausen, 1939 in Mauthausen, May 1940 in Auschwitz, April 1941 Schutzhaftlagerführer , Oct 1942 Kommandant in Natzweiler, since May 1944 Kommandant in Auschwitz-Birkenau, since 1 Dec 1944 in Bergen-Belsen. Sentenced to death in Belsen Trial, executed.

  11. Speer Albert

    • Speer, Albert, 1905-1981
    • Шпеер, Альберт, 1905-1981
    • Speer, Albert
    • Špeer, Al'bert 1905-1981
    • Speer, Albert (German architect, 1905-1981)
    • ...



    Nazi Reich Minister for Armaments and War Production (1942-45).

  12. Double sided drawing of expert witness at trial of suspected Ukrainian war criminal

    1. Charles R. Hazard and The Baltimore Sun collection

    Two sided drawing of Raul Hilberg, government's opening witness, created by Charles (Hap) Hazard at the deportation trial of George Theodorovich in 1985 in Baltimore, Maryland. In August 1983, the OSI brought charges against Theodorovich for killing unarmed Jews. Theodorovich was stripped of his US citizenship in 1984. His disappeared from his home and was the subject of a federal manhunt. After his capture in Philadelphia, he was tried for moral turpitude and failure to disclose wartine activities. In 1987, Theodorovich was found guilty and ordered deported in 1988 because of his involveme...

  13. Ribbentrop Joachim von

    • Ribbentrop, Joachim ˜vonœ 1893-1946
    • Ribbentrop, Joachim von
    • Von Ribbentrop, Joachim, 1893-1946
    • Ribbentrop, Ullrich Friedrich Willy Joachim, 1893-1946
    • Ribbentrop, Joachim 1893-1946
    • ...



    Minister of Foreign Affairs in The Third Reich 1938-1945.

  14. Nazi crimes: early gassing; corpses; camp atrocities; forced labor; Nuremberg Trial proceedings

    Part 3 of GERMAN language version [corresponds to NARA reels 5 & 6] Includes extra shot of nurses and Mogilev gassing. Courtroom scene, Russian prosecutor Gen. Rudenko at podium, Gen. Erwin Lahousen in witness stand. Narrator quotes Lahousen speaking about Canaris and Hans Frank describing Nazi policies and methods for exterminating Poles and others. Goering, Hitler, and other Nazi officials in a meeting. Pan, hut with thatched roof. CU pipes from a German police car bearing a license plate POL-28545 and a German police truck with license POL-51628 (as well as military unit markings: 7 ...

  15. Nazi crimes: early gassing; corpses; camp atrocities; forced labor; Nuremberg Trial proceedings

    Part 3 of ENGLISH language version [corresponds to NARA reels 5 & 6] Excludes extra shot of nurses and Mogilev gassing. Courtroom scene, Russian prosecutor Gen. Rudenko at podium speaking about Canaris and Hans Frank describing Nazi policies and methods for exterminating Poles and others. Goering, Hitler, and other Nazi officials in a meeting. Pan, hut with thatched roof. CU pipes from a German police car bearing a license plate POL-28545 and a German police truck with license POL-51628 (as well as military unit markings: 7 circle-with-flag IX). Apparently metal piping is directed into ...

  16. Concentration camp uniform jacket with purple triangle worn by Jehovah’s Witness

    Concentration camp uniform jacket issued to Max Hollweg, a Jehovah’s Witness imprisoned in Buchenwald and Wewelsburg concentration camps from 1938 to 1945. It has a purple patch marking him as a Jehovah’s Witness above a white patch with his prisoner number from Wewelsburg, 13573. The Nazi regime persecuted Jehovah’s Witnesses, who refused to put any authority before God. On July 7, 1938, Max was arrested for illegally distributing Jehovah’s Witness materials. He was sent to Buchenwald September 23, put in a punishment commando, and severely beaten multiple times. He had intestinal surgery ...

  17. Oscar Karbach

    1. World Jewish Congress
    2. Institute of Jewish Affairs
    3. Executive Files and Correspondence

    Contains, beginning in box 54, a section on war crimes and restitution that includes witness lists and items relating to witness searches and trial matters. Box C50. Folder 9. Correspondence, 1944-1945 Box C50. Folder 10. Correspondence, 1946 Box C50. Folder 11. Correspondence, 1947 Box C50. Folder 12. Correspondence, 1961 Box C51. Folder 1. Correspondence, 1962 Box C51. Folder 2. Correspondence, 1963 Box C51. Folder 3. Correspondence DL notes, 1964 Box C51. Folder 4. Correspondence, 1964 Box C51. Folder 5. Correspondence, 1965 Box C51. Folder 6. Basic libraries, 1955-1959 Box C51. Folder 7...

  18. Brunner Alois

    • Brunner, Alois.
    • Brunner, Alois, 1912-....
    • Schmaldienst, Alois
    • Fischer, Georg
    • Schmaldienst, Alois, 1912-
    • ...


    SS-Hauptsturmführer (1942). Joined Eichmann's Zentralstelle für jüdische Auswanderung in Vienna, and headed it since 1941. Responsible for registration and deportation of Austrian Jews. Helped in the deportation of Berlin Jews from the end of 1942 - Jan 1943. July 1943 - Aug 1944 Leiter (head) of Sonderkommando der Gestapo in France. Sentenced to death in absence, escaped to Damaskus/Syria.

  19. Globocnik Odilo

    • Globocnik, Odilo, 1904-1945
    • Globots'niḳ, Odilo, 1904-1945
    • גלובוצ׳ניק, 1904־1945
    • Globocnik, Odilo



    SS-Obergruppenführer. 1939 SS- und Polizeiführer in Lublin. Commissioned by Himmler with the "Final Solution" in Poland, code name "Aktion Reinhard". Responsible for the establishment of the extermination camps Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka. In addition, 1943 manager of the Ostindustrie GmbH (OSti) in Lublin rob Jewish assets and to exploit Jewish labour prior to mass murder. Since 13 Sept 1943 Höherer SS- und Polizeiführer Operationszone Adriatisches Küstenland, including the Italian concentration camp San Saba in Trieste. Suicide.