
Displaying items 2,381 to 2,400 of 2,629
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Eichmann Trial -- Session 88 -- Direct examination of the accused; decision on Sassen document

    The footage begins in the middle of Session 88. Eichmann, under direct examination, answers the question posed by Servatius about whether he talked to Theo Grell of the Foreign Office about the number of Jews being exterminated. Servatius asks Eichmann to comment on Grell's recollection that Eichmann said he had six million deaths on his conscience. Eichmann says that he was not referring to Jews at all but to the American and Russian bomber fleets. This is duplicate footage that also appears on Tape 2117 (at 00:59:17 to 01:07:26) and Tape 2120 (at 00:00:25), where it is more complete than ...

  2. Holocaust survivor indemnification case files a.k.a. Moskovits Office Expedientes personales: indemnizaciones a sobrevivientes del Holocausto/Estudio Moskovits

    Contains hundreds individual compensation and reparation claim files for Holocaust survivors living in South America, all of whom were clients of the legal office of Mr. José Moskovits, a Holocaust survivor and attorney in Buenos Aires. The claim files feature testimonies and affidavits by the survivors, legal documents and correspondence.

  3. Eichmann Trial -- Session 90 -- Cross-examination of the Accused about the origins of his antisemitism and his trip to Palestine

    The camera fades in on Attorney General Gideon Hausner seated at the prosecution table looking over documents. Assistant State Attorney Ya'akov Bar-Or enters (00:01:43) and then Assistant State Attorney Gabriel Bach both men are then seated at the prosecution table. Robert Servatius enters with his aid. Adolf Eichmann, escorted by two guards, enters the booth with documents sits down (00:02:56). There are various shots of the audience and the lawyers' desks. All rise as the judges enter and are seated(00:04:51). Judge Moshe Landau opens the ninetieth session (00:05:24). Landau asks Servatiu...

  4. Gen. Hoth and Gen. Zorn on Eastern Front; mass of Soviet POWs

    Reel 1: 00:08:42 Officers and soldiers in conversation, smoking. Line of soldiers on motorcycles moving down a dusty road, followed by other military vehicles. An open car stops and two officers climb in. Views of numerous German military vehicles driving down a dusty road. 00:11.23 Mass of Soviet POWs in ravine, bread thrown down to them by Germans and Soviet civilian women. Scores of men scrambling for the bread. CU of Russians' feet, some missing shoes. Fight between German soldiers and Soviet POWs, a German soldier throws a Russian who runs away, camera pans to follow him blending into ...

  5. War Crimes Commission: Leipzig and Penig Concentration Camps

    Title: "Nazi Concentration Camps" Foreword: "This is an official document made by U.S. military photographers as they advanced into Germany," etc. Two exhibited affidavits attesting to the authenticity of scenes in the film are shown, one signed by Lt Col George E. Stevens and the other by Capt John Ford. A map shows the location of concentration camps in Germany and Europe. "Leipzig Concentration Camp" MLS, empty field, barbed wire, remaining foundation of burnt out building. Three men stand near bloody and burnt corpse. CUs, piles of burnt bodies by barbed wire. At the Leipzig camp more t...

  6. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 50 and 51 -- Lidice; Witness B. Steiner; Hungary documents

    Footage begins early in the proceedings of Session 50 with State Attorney Gavriel Bach requesting the court to allow him to submit evidence of the murder of the children of Lidice. The inhabitants of Lidice were murdered in 1942 in retaliation for the assasination of Reinhard Heydrich. Footage resumes with testimony from witness Bedrich Steiner who gives approxmate statistics of the number of Jews deported from Slovakia in 1942, how many of them were children, the numbers that went to various camps, and the number killed by the Einstazgruppen. There are various shots of the judges and the t...

  7. Barbie Trial -- Day 16 -- Two witnesses and a civil party testify

    14:57 the Attorney General asks the witness, Mrs. Vansteenberghe, to discuss her husband's mission within the Resistance, which was to follow Barbie 14:57 Prosecutor Iannucci asks the witness to describe the execution of Resistance members after the last transport, on August 11, 1944 15:00 Prosecutor Zelmati comments on the particularity of Barbie's pinky finger, and asks President Cerdini to circulate a photograph of Barbie to the jurors 15:07 Prosecutor Zelmati asks President Cerdini to circulate a group of photographs of the Montluc prison, which demonstrate the witness' view of the hall...

  8. Survey of the situation in various countries as reported in the Nazi and local press and from letters, with emphasis on the situation of the Jews, November-December 1942

    1. M.4 - Bulletins of the Vaad Hahatzalah (Rescue Council) of the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel, 1937-1959
    • צרור רשימות - חומר להרצאה על מצב היהודים בארצות הכיבוש הנאצי - מס. 16

    Survey of the situation in various countries as reported in the Nazi and local press and from letters, with emphasis on the situation of the Jews, November-December 1942 Poland: Orders regarding the establishment of ghettos in the Generalgouvernement and putting the ghettos into use; division into 53 ghettos in the 5 districts: Warsaw; Lublin (assuming that the Lublin Ghetto has already been liquidated); Krakow; Radom and Galicia; granting of freedom of choice of ghetto in the district to the Jews; exemption of Jews working in war-related occupations from living in the ghetto; imposition of...

  9. Memoirs of Harri Berlin, born in Warsaw, Poland, 1913, regarding his experiences in the Vilna Ghetto, in Stutthof, Dautmergen and Kivioli camps and more

    1. O.39 - Collection of memoirs written by survivors as part of a competition held by Yad Vashem, 1957

    Memoirs of Harri Berlin, born in Warsaw, Poland, 1913, regarding his experiences in the Vilna Ghetto, in Stutthof, Dautmergen and Kivioli camps and more "Chapters of Memoirs": "Parting" (pages 10-28): Life in the Vilna Ghetto; separation between men and women during the ghetto liquidation "Aktion", 1943; being separated from his wife; concentration together with the other Jewish males on the street under guard; public hanging of two men and one woman before being deported to the camps; "Stutthof" (pages 29-43): Deportation to Stutthof; camp life; beatings and abuse on arrival at the camp; t...

  10. Documentation of the State Archives of the Rovno Region

    The archives was established in March 1940 as the historical archives of the region, and as of 1941 it was called the State Archives of the Rovno Region. The material for the archives was collected gradually. At the start, the archives received documents from local institutions and from factories, non-profit organizations, associations, and from educational and healthcare institutions that were in existence from the period when Rovno still belonged to Poland. By 1940, collections that dated from 1921-1939 were transferred to the archives. With the start of the Great Patriotic War, the archi...

  11. Documentation of the State Archives of the Rovno Region

    1. Documentation from Regional Archives in Ukraine, 1934-1966

    The archives contain many documents from the period of World War II and the German occupation of the region (1941-1944): documents of the regional administration during this period, documents of the Gebitskommissariat, municipalities, labor bureaus, industrial factories and of socio-political and public non-profit organizations. The documents attest to the activities of the occupation institutions, the establishment of the ghettos, and the establishment of the concentration camps. The collection includes information regarding industrial factories and commerce, schools, statistical reports r...

  12. Łódź (Litzmannstadt) ghetto scrip, 5 mark note, acquired by a Jewish Polish survivor

    1. Beno Helmer collection

    Łódź Ghetto scrip, 5 [funf] mark note, acquired by Beno Helmer who was imprisoned in the Ghetto from 1941 - spring 1944. Ghetto inmates were not allowed to have currency. Scrip was issued as a labor incentive and facilitated the confiscation of money and goods from internees. There was little to exchange it for in the ghetto. In 1941, Beno, 18, and his family were interned in Łódź Ghetto, set up by the Germans after their occupation of Poland in September 1939. In spring 1944, as the ghetto was liquidated, Beno and his family were sent to Auschwitz concentration camp. Beno was selected for ...

  13. 3 відділ УДБ НКВС УРСР – 2 управління НКДБ- КДБ УРСР

    • 3 Department of DIrectorate of State Security of NKVD UkrSSR -- 2 Directorate of NKGB-KGB UkrSSR

    The following documentary material is related to the history of Jews and the Holocaust: Materials on the search of the traitors of Motherland, agents of the Nazi intelligence, police and security bodies, as well as other individuals who actively collaborated with Nazi Germany during the Second World War (fond 1, op. 1, pp. 12-28, 108-246, 260-280). Materials on the search of individuals who served in the unit of Einsatzgruppe D detachment created by the occupants - the so-called "SD Caucasian company" and "SS battalion 32", and actively participated in police operations on the territory of ...

  14. Eichmann Trial -- Session 79 -- Eichmann's testimony re: Wannsee Conference, sterilization, "Lidice Children", and evacuation

    The tape begins in the middle of Session 79. Defense Attorney Dr. Robert Servatius questions Eichmann about his feelings of satisfaction at the end of the Wannsee Conference, as indicated by the Sassen document. Willem Sassen, a Dutch fascist, conducted an interview with Eichmann in Argentina in 1956. This interview was used heavily in Eichmann's trial. Servatius' next question is missing and the footage continues with Eichmann testifying about how a particular memo regarding the final solution came to be written and circulated. Eichmann maintains that the letter, written as a consequence o...

  15. Barbie Trial -- Day 15 -- Two civil parties testify

    15:57 Prosecutor Libman asks that photographs of the monument to the children of Izieu near Brégnier-Cordon, to which the witness, Mr. Robert Meriaudeau, had referred, be circulated to the jurors 16:00 President Cerdini calls a civil party, Alexandre Halaunbrenner, to testify; the civil party presents himself to the court 16:02 The witness recounts his family's arrest and internment at the Nexon, Rivesaltes, and Gurs camps; his father was separated from the family in a separate work camp; the family was liberated under surveillance in the region of Lyon, and Gestapo members came to the fami...

  16. Dienststelle Rosenberg - Kanzlei Rosenberg. Records from Bundesarchiv, NS 8 (Germany)

    Contains lectures, essays, articles, and newspaper clippings relating to Rosenberg's personal and political activities. Records pertain to the Rosenberg's roles as the editor of the Völkschen Beobachter and the NS-Monatshefte; in the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei (NSDAP) foreign office, in the Kampfbund für Deutsche Kultur; the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg, the NSDAP Hohe Schule in Vorbereitung, and in the other activities in the NSDAP. Collection also contains some correspondence from the Reichsministerium für die Besetzten Ostgebiete.

  17. Samuel and Irene Goudsmit collection

    The collection consists of typescript and handwritten originals and tissue copies of miscellaneous correspondence in German and English, circa 1944-1945. Includes but is not limited to the following: letters, directives, memorandums, drawings, annotated maps, telegrams, etc., which relate to the Nazis constructing underground installations in Germany and Austria using slave, forced, and POW laborers. In addition, there are some documents relating to medical experiments performed by German physicians in Nazi concentration camps.

  18. Looped metal whip that may have been used at Auschwitz given to a Ukrainian journalist covering the Nuremberg Trials

    1. Miroslav Hrijoriev Gregory collection

    Hand crafted metal whip given to Miroslav Hrijoriev Gregory, a Ukrainian journalist, in Nuremberg, Germany, in early 1947 while he was covering the proceedings of the Nuremberg Trials. The whip was supposedly used by an Auschwitz concentration camp guard, nicknamed Chocolata, and presented as evidence during trial proceedings. Miroslav was a Ukrainian journalist and illustrator, as well as a socialist who opposed the Soviet-style communist government of Ukraine during the early 1930s. Miroslav fled to Prague, Czechoslovakia, in the mid-1930s. He was married to a doctor, Eugenia, and in 1940...

  19. Eichmann Trial -- Session 92 -- Cross-examination of the Accused about the Madascar Plan, deportations, "im Auftrage"

    The camera fades in on Hausner and Servatius seated in the courtroom. Assistant State Attorney Gavriel Bach enters (00:01:34). The camera pans to the empty booth. Adolf Eichmann enters the booth (00:02:51). All rise as the judges enter and Presiding Judge Moshe Landau opens the ninety-second session (00:04:58). Hausner begins cross-examination of the accused (00:05:23). Hausner continues his questioning from the previous session about the term "by order" (im Auftrage) which Eichmann used when he signed documents. This is duplicate footage also found on Tape 2133 (at 00:00:45 and again at 01...

  20. Eichmann Trial -- Session 104 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    The footage begins near the middle of Session 104, with Eichmann reading portions of statements from the Wilhelm Sassen document about congratulations Eichmann received for the foot march [death march] which occurred in November of 1944. Some 70,000 men, women, and children were forced to march from Budapest to Vienna. Some of this footage is duplicated on Tape 2181 (at 00:40:35). Eichmann is then asked to describe his role in the implementation of the foot march, which he insists was technical (00:12:55). The camera switches between Eichmann and the civilians sitting in the courtroom. The ...