
Displaying items 2,381 to 2,400 of 2,734
  1. Col. Curtis L. Williams collection

    The collection consists of letters, reports, affidavits, memoranda and other documents compiled by Colonel Curtis L. Williams as a member of the Interrogation Division of Office US Chief of Counsel for the International Military Tribunal in Paris, France and Nuremberg, Germany, August-December 1945. The bulk of the documents regard German anti-partisan activities in Italy, including a massacre of 335 Italian men in Rome on 24 March 1944. Other reports include organizational charts, “The Kesselring file,” and “The development of the German Navy since 1933.” Interrogations, affidavits, report...

  2. Bergen-Belsen related records

    The records relate to the liberation of Bergen-Belsen, displaced persons, the Belsen memorial, and Jewish emigration to the Palestine after the Holocaust.

  3. Eichmann Trial -- Session 114 -- Closing statement of the Defense

    Session 114. Dr. Servatius speaking in German. 00:01:04 Tape is interrupted, time code resets. 00:00:27 Tape begins again in the same place. 00:01:11 Tape is interrupted, and restarts with Counts 1-4. Servatius addresses Count 4, preventing the births of Jews. He says that this implicates Eichmann in the actual sterilization of people, when he had no knowledge of these activities (duplicate footage from Tape 2231). Servatius raises evidence that shows that Eichmann did not give the orders for gassing, and that nothing shows that he gave the order for sterilizations. 00:08:49 Count 3, the bo...

  4. Barbie Trial -- Day 8 -- A witness testifies regarding the UGIF raid; a civil party testifies

    13:47 President Cerdini opens the hearing; asks for the accused to present himself; Barbie refuses to appear 13:49 Cerdini asks a bailiff to summon Barbie 13:50 Another bailiff reads the list of witnesses set to appear 13:52 Cerdini suspends the hearing until the bailiff returns from summoning Barbie 14:19 Cerdini resumes the hearing; the bailiff reads a statement noting that Barbie refuses to appear in court 14:22 Prosecutor Kormann asks to present a new document into evidence; the document, from the Institute of Contemporary History in Munich, concerns testimony given by an SS General ear...

  5. Postcard of Fagin checking his treasure as Oliver watches

    1. Katz Ehrenthal collection

    Unused postcard with an illustration of a scene from the novel, Oliver Twist, written by Charles Dickens in 1837-8. The image was created by Arthur Moreland for C.W. Faulkner Ltd. postcard printers. It depicts Fagin, the Jewish fence and miser, fondling his hidden treasures in the middle of night, when he thinks everyone is asleep. Oliver, the young boy snatched off the streets to join Fagin's gang of child criminals, watches from his bed. Fagin's characterization is antisemitic and exploits many negative Jewish stereotypes. Referred to as The Jew, Fagin is greedy, vicious, and kidnaps smal...

  6. Damaged scroll describing an anti-Jewish pogrom and memorializing those killed

    1. Katz Ehrenthal collection

    Vellum scroll with an eyewitness account and remembrance of those lost in a 1918 massacre in Novhorod-Siversʹkyi, Russia, (now Ukraine.) Written soon after the pogrom, it curses the perpetrators, recounts the events, and records a prayer for the dead and the names of the men, women, and children who were murdered. It is the only known eyewitness account of this event. On April 6, 1918, as Red Army troops retreated from the German Army, they attacked the Jews of Novhorod-Siversʹkyi, and 88 were killed. Hostility toward Jews was widespread in the Russian Empire, and the military was notorious...

  7. Two-sided antisemitic poster of Jews gathered in a town square

    1. Katz Ehrenthal collection

    This poster is one of more than 900 items in the Katz Ehrenthal Collection of antisemitic visual materials.

  8. Dan A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Dan A., who was born in 1922 in Kraków, Poland, one of two children. He recounts his family's affluence; attending a Zionist school; his father's military draft as a physician; he and his sister being sent to relatives in Zolochiv; his father joining them; Soviet occupation; attending university in L'viv; German invasion in 1941; moving to Przemyśl; ghettoization; his mother joining them; his father working in the ghetto hospital; his death from typhus in 1942; encounters with Josef Schwammberger, German head of the ghetto; round-up in 1943; separation from his moth...

  9. Binjamin M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Binjamin M., who was born in Włocławek, Poland in 1917, the oldest of three children. He recounts a happy childhood in an affluent, assimilated home; participating in Hashomer Hatzair; increasing antisemitism in the 1930s; studying engineering in Warsaw; German invasion; fleeing to Brest in the Soviet Union; corresponding with his family; assistance from a family friend; working as an electrician; his brother's arrival; moving to Lʹviv to work as an electrical engineer; arrest with his brother as non-Soviet citizens; using his influence to have his brother sent home, ...

  10. Shalom H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Shalom H., who was born in Będzin, Poland in 1915, the youngest of five children. He recounts attending a Mazrahi, then secular school; daily study with a rabbi; attending, then organizing, a Zionist youth camp; one sister's emigration to Belgium; military draft in 1938; German invasion; capture by Germans in Lʹviv; transfer to Kraków; a non-Jewish soldier urging him to escape; jumping from a train; assistance from local villagers; returning home; he and other Zionist leaders meeting with Moshe Merin, head of the Judenrat; refusing to work for the Judenrat; his uncl...

  11. Lăpuşna County Tribunal

    • Tribunal judeţean Lăpuşna
    • Лапушнянский уездный трибунал
    • Lapushnyanskiy uyezdnyy tribunal

    Civil and criminal cases; cases of the tribunal chancellery (including testimony of judicial officers about their non-involvement in the political parties of Romania; personal files of the officials of the tribunal); prosecutor's office cases (including daily reports of the questura and police about incidents in Chişinău; information about epidemic diseases in Chişinău; lists of residents of the county who received permission to use weapons); court investigator cases; cases on certification of dates of birth (including dates of birth of Rosa Aizin; Khaim Aleyvi; Miriam Alper; Khava Bendersk...

  12. Seymour Krieger papers

    The Seymour Krieger papers include correspondence, a diary, and printed material relating to Seymour's involvement with the office of the U.S. Chief of Counsel during the International Military Tribunal (IMT) at the Nuremberg trials. The collection also includes military documents relating to Seymour’s service in the United States Army and two photographs of Seymour in Nuremberg and with his wife, Rita Krieger. Correspondence includes almost daily letters to his wife, Rita, describing his activities as a member of the prosecution team as well as his daily activities. Also included is a lett...

  13. Selected records of the Generalgouverneur in Polen Gubernator Generalnego Gubernatorstwa w Polsce (GK 95)

    A diary of Hans Frank (Hans Frank Tagebuch). a governor of occupied Poland during World War II. The diary entries relate to all aspect of Generalgouvernment (GG) administration from its seat in the royal Wawel castle in Krakau (Kraków). The journal is in typed in chronological order. The entries reflect careful, thoughtful consideration of administrative matters, rather than the spontaneous thoughts or feelings usually found in a diary.

  14. Kreisgericht und Landesgericht Leoben: NS-Verfahren

    Postwar court records of Nazi-related cases in the district court and state court in Leoben, Austria.

  15. Special Section of the Appeals Court of Paris Section spéciale de la cour d'appel de Paris (1941-1944)

    Files of the Special Section of the Appeals Court of Paris judging individuals arrested for infractions against the pre-war penal code for communist or anarchist activities as well as “social and national subversion” and “crimes and misdemeanors against State security.” The sentences, ranging from prison with or without fines, to forced labor for life, or death, were to be executed immediately. Most of those arrested were communist, and entire cells were arrested at the same time – Spanish Republicans, Armenians, and Polish Jews.

  16. Selected records from the General State Archives in Larissa (GAK Larissa)

    The collection includes archival materials from four record groups: Records of the Court of Appeal of Larissa-Special Court for the Trials of the Local Collaborators in the area of Larissa (Thessaly region) in the former Italian and German Occupation Zones of occupation during WWII. It contains court proceedings and verdicts against local collaborators, who took part in the persecution and killings of civilians during the occupation; Records of Archive of the Court of First Instance of Larissa-Political department (Decisions on Reparations for the victims of the Nazi persecution). It contai...

  17. M.52.DAZpO - Documentation of the State Archives of the Zaporozhye Region

    M.52.DAZpO - Documentation of the State Archives of the Zaporozhye Region History of the Archives: Concentration of the archival documentation in the Zaporozhye area began in 1925, and in the same year the regional archival authority was also established. With the cancellation of the sub-sections system in Soviet Ukraine in 1930, the State Historical Archives were established in the area, which were subordinate to the regional archival authority in Dnipropetrovsk. With the creation of the Zaporozhye region in 1939, its historical archives changed its name to the Regional State Historical Ar...

  18. TR.18 - Documentation from Committee for State Security (KGB) archives in Ukraine

    TR.18 - Documentation from Committee for State Security (KGB) archives in Ukraine In the collection there are files selected from the State Archives of the Ukrainian Security Service in Kiev and its branches by regions: Chernigov, Chernovtsy, Khmelnitskiy, Ternopol, Sumy, Rovno, Poltava, Nikolayev, Lvov, Kirovograd, Ivano-Frankovsk, Zaporozye, Zhitomir, Donetsk, Simferopol, Vinnitsa, Odessa and Drogobych. Collection description Files of investigations conducted by the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs (NKVD), the Counter-Intelligence Department (SMERSH [Death to Spies]), and the Mi...

  19. M.52.DAKirO - Documentation of the State Archives of the Kirovograd Region

    M.52.DAKirO - Documentation of the State Archives of the Kirovograd Region History of the Archives: In November 1925 a decision was made by the presidium of the Executive Committee of the Zinoviyevsk region, regarding the establishment of an archive. However, in 1930 the archive was closed and in its place a local archival administration was established in Zinoviyevsk. In November 1931 the general-Ukrainian central Executive Committee published a decision regarding the changing of all the local archival administrations to State Historical Archives. In early 1932 a re-organizing process was ...

  20. M.29: Documentation from the Bundesarchiv (German Federal Archives) regarding the Holocaust

    M.29: Documentation from the Bundesarchiv (German Federal Archives) regarding the Holocaust History of the Archives Known as the Reichsarchive, the Central State Archive was first established in Potsdam, Germany in 1919. Documentation of the German state institutions beginning with the establishment of the Norddeutscher Bund (The North German Confederation) in 1867, were gathered in the archive, as well as historical documentation from the German Empire and Prussia dating back to the Middle Ages. After World War II, the archive in Potsdam, which was located in the Soviet Occupation Zone, wa...