
Displaying items 2,361 to 2,380 of 2,629
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Barbie Trial -- Day 15 -- Elie Wiesel testifies

    13:47 President Cerdini calls the session to order; asks that the accused present himself; Barbie refuses to appear; Cerdini calls on the bailiff to compel the accused to appear 13:47 The bailiff reads the names of the witnesses scheduled to give testimony in the session 13:49 Cerdini suspends the session while the bailiff goes to Barbie to compel him to appear 14:12 Cerdini calls the session to order; the bailiff reads Barbie's statement that he refuses to appear 14:15 Prosecutor Bermann asks to add two names to the list of civil parties set to testify on the day of June 5 14:16 Cerdini ca...

  2. Eichmann Trial -- Session 90 -- Cross-examination of the Accused about forced emigration

    The footage begins near the opening of the session. Attorney General Gideon Hausner asks Adolf Eichmann if, when he joined the Nazi Party, he knew of the slogans "Awake, Germany Judea, Perish" and "When Jewish blood spurts from the knife." Eichmann states that he did not know these "songs" and that he joined the party not because of its program against the Jews but because of its stand against the Treaty of Versailles. This duplicates footage found on Tape 2129 (at 00:06:20). Hausner then asks Eichmann whether he knew that Hitler's aim was to destroy the Jews (00:03:56). Hausner questions E...

  3. Breendonck; Hannover; Arnstadt

    "Breendonck" Views of Breendonck camp in Belgium. EXTs of prison used to house Belgian patriots. Blood-stained coffins are exhibited as evidence of brutality Inmates demonstrate the methods used against the prisoners, such as beatings with barbed wire poles, chaining them into a vise, thumb screws. Victims reveal results of beatings and cigarette burns; a woman also reveals scars on her hips. 01:09:40 "Hanover Concentration Camp" [Neuengamme] General views of the camp where only 200 remained of 10,000 Poles. INTs of the camp, few remaining inmates mill about. VS, Red Cross clubmobiles enter...

  4. Eichmann Trial -- Session 104 -- Cross-examination of the Accused re: Hungary

    The footage begins in the middle of Session 104. Eichmann is shown examining a document. Cross-examination by Attorney General Gideon Hausner begins with questions about the deportation of Jews from Budapest, including the number of people deported and the deportation of Jewish children. Hausner asks about proposals made by Blaschke to Kaltenbrunner for the redirection of trains from Auschwitz to Austria.This is a reference to the "Blood for Goods" transaction, which was the attempt by members of the Hungarian Jewish Relief and Rescue Committee to negotiate with the SS for the exchange of o...

  5. Barbie Trial -- Day 6 -- Barbie's role in the roundup of Jews

    14:50 Defense lawyer Vergès gives closing remarks. 14:52 President Cerdini suspends the hearing. 15:29 Cerdini resumes the hearing. 15:30 Cerdini delivers the court's judgment on Barbie's unwillingness to attend trial proceedings. 15:32 Prosecutor Nordmann delivers civil parties' conclusions 15:34 Cerdini delivers a statement of facts relating to the convoy of August 11, 1944, in which prisoners of the Montluc prison in Lyon were rounded up and loaded onto a 10-car train. After many stops in France and little food or water, male resistants were offloaded at Struthof, female resistants were ...

  6. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 75 and 76 -- Eichmann's testimony

    The video begins in the middle of Session 75, with defense attorney Dr. Robert Servatius presenting documents and questioning Eichmann about his attempts to learn Hebrew. This is duplicate footage also found on Tape 2097 (at 00:47:17). There are shots of the prosecutors listening to Eichmann's testimony and of people in the audience. Another document is presented and Eichmann testifies as to why he perceived the representatives of the World Service (an anti-Semitic news service) at a 1937 congress as "dubious" (00:07:49). Eichmann then talks about his opinions about Zionism (00:13:31). This...

  7. Selected records of the Silesian Voivodeship Police Policja Województwa Śląskiego (Sygn. 38)

    Selected files of the Policja Województwa Śląskiego (Silesian Voivodeship Police). Consist of orders and ordinances of superior authorities, situational reports, searching, investigations and detentions of criminals, information about various manifestations of social and political life. Included are records related to “Volksdeutsche" communities, German minority, communist movement, political parties and federations/associations. Among the materials there are documents concerning antisemitic and anti-communist political group, OWP (Obóz Wielkiej Polski), mandatory deportation of the Sinti a...

  8. Auschwitz liberated

    "Filmdokumente" on the German concentration camps, made under Soviet auspices with narration in English. This film was taken by a Soviet military film crew upon liberating Auschwitz in January 1945. eople in camp in winter with snow on the ground. CUs, prisoners behind wire (women and children). LSs, AVs, the camp covered with snow. Map of Auschwitz, plans for the crematorium. INT, women in rows of bunks. "Arbeit Macht Frei" gate. Barbed wire. INT, gas chamber. CUs women in the bunks. CUs albums of photographs (showing different nationalities). VS groups of survivors behind wires, worn face...

  9. Eichmann Trial -- Session 5 -- Excerpts of Attorney General's reply

    Session 5. Begins while the courtroom is empty. The attorneys enter, and the camera focuses on Attorney General Hausner and Defense Attorney Servatius as they exchange pleasantries. The judges enter the courtroom and Judge Moshe Landau declares Session 5 open. Hausner discusses the Nuremberg Trials and its influence on the establishment of international laws and principles. He then quotes from the International Military Tribunal. The judge questions the relevancy of the documents being presented by the prosecution. To answer Landau's question, Hausner refers to the "Nazi Punishment Law," an...

  10. Selected records of the Civic Chambers, attached to the Judicial courts of the Department of the Seine Les registres des arrêts des Chambres civiques de la cour de justice du département de la Seine (Z5)

    The archives of the civic chambers of the court of justice, departmental section of the Seine, are constituted by the files of the cases judged from 1944 to 1951, classified by registration number of the Prosecutor's office, as well as by the registers of judgments and the files on behalf of the accused allowing their files to be found. The accused are often members of collaborationist parties or members of the French State services and the documents of their trials help to establish their responsibilities in the implementation of the policy of the Vichy government. We can thus find in this...

  11. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 41 and 42 -- Testimony of H. Grueber and C. Salzberger

    Sessions 41 and 42. Two male translators sitting in a booth. Near the beginning of Dr. Heinrich Grüber's testimony, Assistant State Attorney Bar-Or asks if Grüber knows the accused, when he first saw him, and about the discussion he had with Eichmann in their first meeting, which concerned Jewish immigration. Grüber describes Eichmann as a block of ice or marble and says that he never received from him a favorable reply to his entreaties on behalf of the Jewish community (00:08:14). Grüber states that he had tried to find an explanation for Eichmann's virulent anti-Semitism. Bar-Or question...

  12. Eichmann Trial -- Session 94 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    The footage begins in the middle of Session 94 during cross-examination of Adolf Eichmann by Attorney General Gideon Hausner. Hausner questions the accused about how he reacted when he saw the corpses of Germans killed by Allied bombing beginning in 1943. Eichmann recounts the first time he saw dead bodies of Jews (00:01:37). The accused, when questioned about his claim that he asked to be relieved of his duties, states that he had asked Heinrich Mueller for his release (00:04:56). Mueller was head of Section IV (Gestapo) of the Reich Main Security Office (RSHA) and deputy commander of the ...

  13. Eichmann Trial -- Session 52 -- Testimony of Pinhas Freudiger

    The footage begins in the middle of the proceedings with witness testimony from Pinhas Freudiger. Freudiger gives an account of his escape to Romania and from there to Palestine. Defense attorney Dr. Robert Servatius poses questions to Freudiger about the ban on railway travel for Jews. He is asked who issued the orders to set up the Kistarcsa camp, as well as about arrests and the severity of anti-Jewish legislation in Hungary and Germany (00:04:14). Freudiger is further cross-examined by Servatius about a report he wrote with Alexander Diamant and Yohanan Link describing Hungarian anti-Je...

  14. War Crimes Commission: Breendonck, Hanover, Arnstadt Concentration Camps

    "Breendonck" Views of Breendonck camp in Belgium. EXTs of prison used to house Belgian patriots. Blood-stained coffins are exhibited as evidence of brutality Inmates demonstrate the methods used against the prisoners, such as beatings with barbed wire poles, chaining them into a vise, thumb screws. Victims reveal results of beatings and cigarette burns; a woman also reveals scars on her hips. "Hanover Concentration Camp" General views of the camp where only 200 remained of 10,000 Poles. INTs of the camp, few remaining inmates mill about. VS, Red Cross clubmobiles enter, issue hot soup, ciga...

  15. Tajna Policja Państwowa. Oddział w Sieradzu Selected records of the Secret State Police. Branch in Sieradz Geheime Staatspolizei. Aussendienststelle Schieratz (Sygn. GK 707),

    This collection contains instructions, correspondence, minutes and reports on searching for escaped prisoners of war, deserters and criminals (events of "special importance”). The records relate to religious matters and persecution of Jews, anti-German offences, the transport of detainees to concentration camps, hostile attitudes towards Germans, avoidance of work, refusals to sign Volksliste, sabotage, assaults, the resistance movement, passport matters and prisoners of war.

  16. Eichmann Trial -- Session 85 -- Written testimonies from Germany presented to the court re: following orders, cruelty, numbers killed, and Himmler

    Session 85. This tape includes the presentation of the records of testimonies of the following witnesses, but their names are not mentioned on the tape: Wilhelm Hoettl, Walter Huppenkothen, Eberhard von Thadden, Hans Jüttner, Theodore Horst Grell, and Kurt Becher. All of these individuals were witnesses for the Prosecution. Dr. Servatius reads a conversation of a meeting with Eichmann, where he seemed strained, offered him alcohol, and sat down to talk to him saying that he believed that the German war effort was doomed, and that the Allies believed him to be one of the chief war criminals....

  17. Eichmann Trial -- Session 114 -- Closing statement of the Defense

    Session 114. The Judges say they are ready to hear the summing up by the Defense. Dr. Servatius says that the accusations of the Attorney General Hausner, if true, would be worthy of a monument to Jew-haters, saying that Eichmann was some superman able to commit all of these atrocities. Instead, he says, it was the top brass that decided that Eichmann would be the scapegoat for their actions (duplicate footage from Tape 2232). 00:04:18 Tape jumps, and the Judges enter the courtroom and tell Dr. Servatius to continue his summing up. Servatius comes to the main count of the case, the charge o...

  18. Lobby card for the film, “The Stranger” (1946)

    1. Cinema Judaica collection

    Lobby card for the film, “The Stranger,” released by RKO Radio Pictures in the summer of 1946. Lobby cards are promotional materials placed in theater lobby windows to highlight specific movie scenes, rather than the broader themes often depicted on posters. “The Stranger” tells the story of Mr. Wilson, an American member of the War Crimes Commission, who is searching for Franz Kindler, a dangerous and elusive Nazi. Wilson releases an old associate of Kindler, hoping he will inadvertently lead him to his quarry. He follows him through Latin America to New England, and discovers that Kindler...

  19. Kutschmann file from Moskovits Office Legajo Walter Kutschmann

    Records from the the office of Mr. José Moskovits, a Holocaust survivor and attorney in Buenos Aires. Consist of correspondence, memorandums, photographs and newspaper clippings relating to Nazi war criminal Walter Kutschmann who lived in Argentina after World War II under the false name Pedro Ricardo Olmo.

  20. Black long sleeved robe with a braided cord worn by a US judge at the Nuremberg trials

    1. Daniel T. O'Connell collection

    Black long sleeved judicial gown worn by Justice Daniel T. O’Connell, an American judge who sat on Military Tribunal I during the Subsequent Nuremberg Trials in Germany from October 20, 1947, to February 17, 1948. Justice O’Connell was a superior court judge from Massachusetts and tried Case #8, the RuSHA case. On trial were the leading officials of Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt [Race and Resettlement Main Office] or RuSHA, an organization that oversaw the racial purity and cleansing policies and programs of the Nazi government. Fourteen defendants were tried; 13 were found guilty.