
Displaying items 2,341 to 2,360 of 2,734
  1. Łódź Ghetto ration card issued to a ghetto inmate

    1. Beno Helmer collection

    One of three ration cards saved by Beno Helmer, issued when he and his family were incarcerated in Łódź Ghetto in German occupied Poland from 1940- spring 1944. There are cards from three family members: Beno, Dora, and Sonia. Nazi Germany occupied Poland on September 1, 1939. Łódź was renamed Litzmannstadt and, in February 1940, the Germans forcibly relocated Beno, 18, and his family, along with the entire large Jewish population, into a sealed ghetto. All ghetto residents had to work in order to receive a ration card for food. There were severe food shortages and overcrowding and many die...

  2. Łódź Ghetto ration card issued to a ghetto inmate

    1. Beno Helmer collection

    One of three ration cards saved by Beno Helmer, issued when he and his family were incarcerated in Łódź Ghetto in German occupied Poland from 1940- spring 1944. There are cards from three family members: Beno, Dora, and Sonia. Nazi Germany occupied Poland on September 1, 1939. Łódź was renamed Litzmannstadt and, in February 1940, the Germans forcibly relocated Beno, 18, and his family, along with the entire large Jewish population, into a sealed ghetto. All ghetto residents had to work in order to receive a ration card for food. There were severe food shortages and overcrowding and many die...

  3. County Prosecutor's Office in Lublin Prokuratura Powiatowa w Lublinie (Sygn. 522)

    This collection contains selected files created by the County Prosecutor’s Office concerning Articles 1 and 2 of the decree of August 31, 1944 (“Sierpniówka”). These inquiries did not find their way to trial because the perpetrator could not be found, was found dead, or had escaped abroad, or the evidence was not sufficient to bring the case to the court, etc. The files of each case contains: information about the crime/offence, correspondence, protocols for arrest, protocols for search, protocols of inquiry of witnesses and suspects, motions of evidence and motions of inquiry, letters from...

  4. Eichmann Trial -- Session 3 -- Attorney General's reply to preliminary introductions

    Session 3. Recording begins while the court is in recess. There are several camera shots of audience members, court officials, and Adolf Eichmann as he enters the courtroom. As the trial commences, Attorney General Hausner introduces precedents and protocols established by the United Nations and the International Military Tribunal regarding war crimes trials. He cites several documents such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as the proceedings from such conferences as the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Hausner also refers ...

  5. Union des Anciens Déportés Juifs de Belgique (UDJB). Collection

    This collection contains: the articles of association of the Union des Déportés Juifs et Ayants Droit de Belgique (1956) ; the 1961 membership file card system of the Union des Anciens Déportés Juifs de Belgique ; the 1979-1982 membership file card system of the Union des Anciens Déportés Juifs de Belgique ; two postcards edited by the Comité International d'Auschwitz.

  6. German Intelligence Service (Bundesnachrichtendienst, BND): Records related to War Crime Trials, German Federal Archives Koblenz (BND B 206)

    Consists of documents collected by the German Intelligence Service (Bundesnachrichtendienst, BND) after 1945. 10 files are on the identification of Adolf Eichmann and Klaus Barbie.

  7. When Jews laugh Antisemitic Der Stürmer advertising flier showing several Jewish people smiling

    1. Poster collection

    Antisemitic flier for the Der Stürmer newspaper showing photographic images of the “devilish grins” of Jews. The text claims that Jews are born criminals, who are incapable of laughter, and can only smile nefariously, which implies their untrustworthy nature. Two versions of the flier were published: this one with red lettering and an advertisement on the bottom, and one with black-and-white text without a bottom advertisement. The antisemitic newspaper was founded by Julius Streicher and published from 1923 to 1945. Striecher used the paper as a platform to foment public hatred of the Jewi...

  8. Barbie Trial -- Day 8 -- Three civil parties give testimony relating to the UGIF raid

    14:54 The witness, Michel Cojot Goldberg, explains the motivation for his trip to Bolivia in 1975, in which he planned to assassinate Barbie but found himself incapable of pulling the trigger; he describes meeting Barbie and talking to him 15:03 Prosecutor Klarsfeld asks the witness why he did not kill Barbie when he had the chance; the witness explains that the service to France would be greater were Barbie forced to stand trial 15:07 Defense attorney Vergès asks the witness how he learned about the Izieu raid, and the witness replies that he will not reply to the defense's questions as lo...

  9. Nuremberg Race Laws 1935

    Title: "Seventh Party Congress 10-16 September 1935" Hitler and Goering address Seventh Party Congress (1935) in Nuremberg. Hitler moves to adopt Nuremberg laws, Goering reads laws including forbidding marriage between Jews and non Jews. Hitler addresses Hitler Jugend at Nuremberg, Hitler Youth singing. Army day-manoeuvers. Title: "Reception for Prime Minister Goemboes of Hungary 28 September 1935" Hitler reviews army, meets with Goering, speaks to Germans, greets the Hungarian prime minister. Goemboes statement in German.

  10. Collection of files relating to Nazi crimes in Poland Zbiór materiałów dotycza̧cych zbrodni hitlerowskich w Polsce (Sygn. 1348)

    Contains various documents related to the activities of the Polish Courts and the Main Commissions for Investigation of Nazi Crimes in Poland after World War II. The documents supplement records kept in the Archives of the Instytut Pamieci Narodowej (Institute of National Remembrance) in Warsaw, Poland.

  11. Eichmann Trial -- Session 75 -- Eichmann's testimony

    The footage begins in the middle of Session 75 with the defense's submission of documents. The first document concerns Eichmann's dismissal from the Austrian Vacuum Oil Company. The defense attempts to show that he was released not because of his membership in the NSDAP but because of his marital status. Eichmann is questioned by defense attorney Dr. Robert Servatius about another document recognizing him as a "specialist." Eichmann states that this designation referred to his experience in the field of emigration (00:06:16). The footage cuts out from 00:06:46 to 00:06:57 then resumes with ...

  12. Rauter Trial, Westerbork

    "Het Proces Rauter" opens with the trial of Hanns Rauter, an Austrian who was the highest SS official in Nazi-occupied Holland and who was tasked with setting up Westerbork and Vught. The judge's voice, presumably reading the indictment, over footage of well-dressed civilians wearing stars either arriving at Westerbork or boarding for deportation to Auschwitz or Belsen. Men, women, and children. Good shots of Dutch military police on duty. Back to Rauter sitting at the trial. Men wearing wooden clogs getting off train at Westerbork lining up next to rail cars. At trial, evidence presented a...

  13. Landsberg DP camp: UNRRA; Zionist demonstration; rebuilding life

    Transfer of defendant to a trial. Shots of crowd, MPs, UNRRA officials, judges moving/walking through streets of Landsberg DP camp. VAR, UNRRA or military officials walking in streets, entering and exiting a building, talking. Children boarding train, some in scouts uniforms. More views of the UNRRA officials on the street. Parade of scouts marching, rally, flags. Some men in suits. Demonstration of DPs, young crowd. Man speaking with Hebrew banner in BG (seen briefly in RG-60.0088). Flags. 01:09:10 Pan, INT, another demonstration, DP officials grouped on a platform, singing, various men gi...

  14. Eichmann Trial -- Session 71 -- Testimony of Vera Alexander, Nachum Hoch, Gedalia Ben-Zvi

    Footage begins during testimony from witness Vera Alexander. The witness is shown various sketches of scenes depicting life in Auschwitz which were drawn by another survivor following liberation (the sketches are shown on screen). 00:09:38 Vera Alexander is excused and leaves the witness stand and the next witness, Nachum Hoch, is called to the stand. Hoch is sworn in and testifies in Hebrew (00:10:37) beginning with his deportation from Transylvania to Auschwitz and the selection process at the camp. He then goes on to describe being beaten (00:13:28) for attempting to get another ration o...

  15. Selected records of postwar East German investigative court cases and trials to Nazi war crimes Records ZUV

    Prosecutions in the Soviet-Occupied Zone of Germany (subsequently German Democratic Republic) against perpetrators of Nazi-era crimes. Victims were Jews, the mentally ill, prisoners of war, and other groups in ghettos, partisan areas, camps, and killing centers. Perpetrators were in the SS, the Einsatzgruppen, police battalions and regiments, the euthanasia program, the court system, ghetto and camp administrations, the Wehrmacht, and the latter's Field Police (Feldgendarmerie) and Secret Field Police (Geheime Feldpolizei).

  16. Barbie Trial -- Day 16 -- A written deposition is presented; a witness testifies

    13:44 President Cerdini calls the session to order; asks that the accused present himself; Barbie refuses to appear; Cerdini calls on the bailiff to compel the accused to appear 13:45 The bailiff reads the names of the witnesses scheduled to give testimony in the session 13:48 Cerdini suspends the session while the bailiff goes to Barbie to compel him to appear 14:08 Cerdini calls the session to order; the bailiff reads Barbie's statement that he refuses to appear 14:10 Prosecutor Nogueres presents new information to the court, following a deposition made by the widow of a victim of Barbie'...

  17. War crimes investigation and trial records from the Republic of Moldova

    Contains records related to criminal investigations into war crimes and enemy collaboration in Moldova and Transnistria.

  18. Pair of handmade wooden soled suede boots from Mauthausen concentration camp

    1. Robert L. White collection
    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn516734
    • English
    • a: Height: 10.750 inches (27.305 cm) | Width: 4.000 inches (10.16 cm) | Depth: 6.750 inches (17.145 cm) b: Height: 10.625 inches (26.988 cm) | Width: 3.875 inches (9.843 cm) | Depth: 6.750 inches (17.145 cm)

    Pair of handmade leather ankle boots with wooden soles made at Mauthausen concentration camp. Soon after Nazi Germany incorporated Austria in March 1938, SS Chief Himmler chose a site for a camp to incarcerate Austrian traitors near the town of Mauthausen. The first prisoners were sent there in August. Until the war's end on May 7, 1945, Mauthausen inmates chiefly consisted of convicted criminals, "asocials," such as Roma and Sinti, political opponents, including anti-Franco Spanish Republicans, and religious conscientious objectors, such as Jehovah's Witnesses. The camp had a killing cente...

  19. Eichmann Trial -- Session 83 -- Servatius examines Eichmann re: Denmark, Norway, Serbia

    The footage begins in the middle of the session. Judge Raveh questions Eichmann about the reaction of his department to the failure of the attempted deportation of Danish Jews. The judge also asks Eichmann whether he and others in his department attempted to shift the blame for the failure of the operation, and why Eichmann traveled to Denmark. Servatius begins his presentation of documents about Norway (00:05:12). The documents cover the compulsory registration and deportation of Norwegian Jews as well as the transfer of Jews to Sweden. Judge Landau adjourns the session (00:15:45) and all ...

  20. Viennese post-war trials of Nazi war crimes Wiener Prozesse wegen NS-Verbrechen

    The collection consists of proceedings from the Post-World War II trials for Nazi crimes, which were tried by the Landesgericht Wien (State Court of Vienna) and the Volksgericht Wien (People's Court of Vienna).