
Displaying items 2,321 to 2,340 of 2,734
  1. Selected records from the Ghetto Fighters' House (Beit Lohamei Haghetaot)

    This collection contains records relating to Jewish underground organizations in ghettos in occupied Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, Slovakia, France, and many other countries, Jewish participation in partisan movements against the Nazis and their allies, as well as Jewish life generally before, during, and after the Holocaust. Includes testimonies, correspondence, documents of ghetto councils, German and Judenrat edicts, memoirs, biographies, documents of the rescue and aid organizations, underground proclamations, meeting minutes, personal papers, commendations and decorations, research papers,...

  2. Religious service at Dachau concentration camp

    (LIB 6571) Atrocities at Dachau, Germany, May 3,5,6,9, 1945. INTs, Catholic mass for imprisoned priests. EXTs, chaplain holds services for camp inmates. CUs, individuals at services. CU, rosary beads. Rear views, priests with "X" and "KL" on backs of their coats. MS, altar. LS, crowd at Jewish service carrying flags (May 6, 1945). CU, Rabbi David Max Eichhorn with Torah, speaking to crowd. MSs, crowd, woman singing, speaking, crying. Woman giving flowers to the rabbi. Dr. Dortheimer stands to the left of the Rabbi; according to the testimony in RG-60.3006, Dortheimer was introduced at the s...

  3. Articles relating to the war crimes trial of Bergen-Belsen guards

    Consists of photocopies of newspaper articles relating to the September 1945 war crimes trial of several Bergen-Belsen guards. Included is information about the testimony of Dr. Ada Bimko (a.k.a.Hadassah Rosensaft), selections for the gas chambers at Auschwitz, results of medical experiments on female prisoners, and atrocities committed by the SS guards at Bergen-Belsen.

  4. Trial in the case of the atrocities committed by Germans and a Ukrainian accomplice in and around Kharkov in 1943

    7 reels, titles and voice-over in Spanish. Coverage of the actual trial of Captain Wilhelm Langheld; Reinhard Retzlaff, an official of the German field police; Lieutenant Hans Ritz, an SS company commander, and Bulanov, a Russian traitor. Spectators include people whose families had been murdered. Every statement in the trial was translated into German, and each defendant was represented by counsel. Many witnesses were called, and the defendants themselves testified. Captain Langheld stated that he had personally beaten women to death but pointed out that he was not the only one. "The entir...

  5. When Jews Laugh Antisemitic Der Stürmer advertising flier showing several Jewish people smiling

    Antisemitic flier for the Der Stürmer newspaper showing photographic images of the “devilish grins” of Jews. The text claims that Jews are born criminals, who are incapable of laughter, and can only smile nefariously, which implies their untrustworthy nature. Two versions of the flier were published: this one with red lettering and an advertisement on the bottom, and one with black-and-white text without a bottom advertisement. The antisemitic newspaper was founded by Julius Streicher and published from 1923 to 1945. Striecher used the paper as a platform to foment public hatred of the Jewi...

  6. Kiev; Babi Yar; POWs

    Kiev in flames. The silhouette of Bohdan Khmelnytsky's statue stands in front of a bombed out building. Cut to a statue of Taras Schevchenko, the Ukrainian poet and writer. Tanks roll through the city streets. A peasant woman is on her knees, wailing in the street. Civilians, all women, speak with soldiers. Cut to outside of city. People look upon bodies in a ravine at Babi Yar. VS, action, fighting, planes, anti-aircraft artillery, guns, military advance, tanks, wounded, nurses, bodies on road, wounded men, pan of vast area, destroyed wagons, wreckage, debris. VS, faces of captured POWs. G...

  7. Eichmann Trial -- Session 112 -- Prosecution continues summing up

    Session 112. Hausner gives examples of instances showing that Eichmann was in control of the fates of the Jews at Auschwitz (Duplicate footage from Tape 2220). This includes his visits to Auschwitz, discussing how they would be unnecessary if he was only in charge of getting trains there. He says that the requests to Auschwitz for skeletons for medicinal and educational use went to Eichmann. Everything points to Eichmann as the leader, not a follower, and that his office was in fact directly related to Auschwitz. 00:14:09 Tape cuts out. Judges enter the courtroom. They read the schedule for...

  8. Hitler with Nazi officials; Hitler's 55th birthday; Aftermath of July 20, 1944 bomb plot; People's Court & Judge Freisler

    Title: "1944" Hitler confers with leaders. 04:17:16 Title: "55th Birthday of Hitler 20 April 1944." Berlin scenes; Hitler and high Nazi officials, military officers, including Keitel, Doenitz, Zeitzler, Goering, others. 04:19:04 close view of (L to R) Himmler, Warlimont, Hitler, Fegelein. 04:19:09 Title: "Conferences after Hitler's Escape from Bombing Plot 20 July 1944." Mussolini arrives by train at FHQ, Hitler's greets him with left-handed shake, Goering present. At Hitler's HQ in the Eas, Nazi leaders greet the Fuehrer to congratulate him on surviving the attack: Ribbentrop, Bormann, Him...

  9. Eichmann Trial -- Session 83 -- Servatius examines Eichmann re: Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Serbia, Croatia, Greece

    The video begins in the middle of Session 83. Eichmann, having previously stated that he had nothing to do with postal matters, discusses a document in which mail censorship is mentioned. Eichmann explains that censorship of the mail was very important in Holland, given the country's proximity to England. Servatius presents a set of documents about diamond dealers and other tradesmen and the plan to deport these people to Auschwitz. Eichmann testifies to the role of SS Gruppenführer Gluecks and why he himself was sent to Holland for the meeting about the fate of these individuals (00:07:34)...

  10. Speech; Anschluss; review military parade

    Title: "1938" Title: "Hitler Addresses Reichstag on Rearmament 20 February 1938" Hitler speaks at Reichstag. Title: "Anschluss March 1938" Title: "Return from Austria March 1938" Hitler reviews a military parade. Title: "Hitler Addresses Reichstag on the Anschluss 18 March 1938" Title: "Hitler's 49th Birthday 20 April 1938"

  11. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1918-1945. Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych (A.11)

    Contains selected records of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Polish government-in-exile relating to the Polish Army in the USSR; Jews in the Polish Military Forces; desertions in Poland, USSR, North and South America, and Asia; Jewish refugees in Europe and other continents; exchange of Jews for Germans interned in the USA; Polish-Soviet relations; war crimes and criminals; medical experiments in Ravensbrück and Dachau; and the Congress of Polish Jews, organized in 1945. Documents also include correspondence of the intelligence service, encrypted dispatches, reviews of the Jewish pre...

  12. Leni Yahil Personal Archive: Documents, articles, newspaper clippings and notes regarding the deportation of Jews from various countries to concentration and extermination camps, forced labor; the Jews of Italy and Hungary including Joel Brand's mission;

    1. P.49- Archive of Leni Yahil, Holocaust Researcher, 1904-2002

    Leni Yahil Personal Archive: Documents, articles, newspaper clippings and notes regarding the deportation of Jews from various countries to concentration and extermination camps, forced labor; the Jews of Italy and Hungary including Joel Brand's mission; the Theresienstadt Ghetto; the Jewish Agency; rescue of Jews and other topics The file is divided into 10 volumes: Volume I Documents, articles, excerpts from research books, notes regarding deportations and transports to extermination camps, mainly Auschwitz; regarding the Theresienstadt Ghetto; the Jews of Greece; forced labor and Righteo...

  13. Testimony of Pejsach Bursztejn, born in Bialystok, Poland, 1909, regarding his experiences in Auschwitz and Birkenau

    1. M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground

    Testimony of Pejsach Bursztejn, born in Bialystok, Poland, 1909, regarding his experiences in Auschwitz and Birkenau Description of the site intended for construction of Auschwitz; building of Auschwitz, 1941 [should be: 1940]; deportation of the first political inmates from Germany to Auschwitz; abuse of the inmates; erection of the first gas chamber in the bunker; building of Auschwitz2-Birkenau, winter 1942 [should be: 1941]; activating the gas chambers in Birkenau; burning of corpses by inmates known as "Sonderkommando" workers; building of approximately 400 blocks; building the cremato...

  14. Testimony of Szyje Bartnowski, born in Bialystok, Poland, 1919, regarding his experiences in the Bialystok Ghetto, Pruzana, as a partisan, in Auschwitz-Birkenau, in Blechhammer and in other places

    1. M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground

    Testimony of Szyje Bartnowski, born in Bialystok, Poland, 1919, regarding his experiences in the Bialystok Ghetto, Pruzana, as a partisan, in Auschwitz-Birkenau, in Blechhammer and in other places Deportation from the Bialystok Ghetto to Pruzana with his family, October 1941; life in Pruzana until December 1941; escape into the forests in Bialowieza with two Polish Communists; joins a Soviet partisan battalion; works at providing clothing from the Pruzana Ghetto to the partisan battalion with help from the Judenrat; move back to the ghetto when he contracts typhus; deportation of the Jews f...

  15. Survey of the situation in various countries as reported in the Nazi and local press with emphasis on the situation of the Jews in Poland, the Protectorate, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, France, Eretz Israel, Turkey and Egypt, January 1943

    1. M.4 - Bulletins of the Vaad Hahatzalah (Rescue Council) of the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel, 1937-1959
    • צרור רשימות - חומר להרצאה על מצב היהודים בארצות הכיבוש הנאצי - מס. 21

    Survey of the situation in various countries as reported in the Nazi and local press with emphasis on the situation of the Jews in Poland, the Protectorate, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, France, Eretz Israel, Turkey and Egypt, January 1943 Poland: Regarding Czerniakow's suicide and the situation in the Warsaw Ghetto; Nazi occupation activities in the Generalgouvernement; the Nazi propaganda movie, “Order Brings Forth Bread"; improvement of the scene in Wartheland; inducements to laborers working in the Reich; transports of food and workers from Ukraine to the Reich; Reaction of the ...

  16. Testimony of Jakow Fabricki, born in Kolno, Poland regarding chronological events in the Bialystok Ghetto

    1. M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground

    Testimony of Jakow Fabricki, born in Kolno, Poland regarding chronological events in the Bialystok Ghetto German occupation of Bialystok, 27 June 1941; burning of Jews in their homes and in the burning synagogue; attempts of Jews to escape to the Soviet Union; establishment of the Judenrat headed by Rabbi Dr. Israel Roseman; murder of approximately 3,500 men on "Black" Saturday; levying of a forced contribution; forced labor outside the ghetto; establishment of various Jewish institutions; Jewish police in the ghetto; informers in the ghetto; harsh conditions and hunger; deportation of Jews...

  17. Testimony of Tania Sterntal, born in Warsaw, Poland, regarding her experiences in Warsaw, in the Kailis Ghetto, in Kaiserwald and Dundaga camps and more

    1. O.39 - Collection of memoirs written by survivors as part of a competition held by Yad Vashem, 1957

    Testimony of Tania Sterntal, born in Warsaw, Poland, regarding her experiences in Warsaw, in the Kailis Ghetto, in Kaiserwald and Dundaga camps and more Life in Warsaw during the German occupation; escape to Belorussia; escape to Vilna, 1940; life in Vilna in an aliya training kibbutz; German occupation, 1941; life in the Vilna Ghetto; life in hiding; escape to Kailis; life in the Kailis Ghetto; liquidation of the ghetto and deportation together with the other Jews to Kaiserwald camp, 26 May 1944; camp life including standing naked at roll calls in front of SS officers; body searches in the...

  18. Republic of Czechoslovakia currency, 1 korunu note, acquired by a Jewish Polish survivor

    1. Beno Helmer collection

    Czech currency, 1 korunu note, acquired by Beno Helmer under unknown circumstances. Ghetto inmates were not allowed to have currency. Scrip was issued as a labor incentive and facilitated the confiscation of money and goods from internees. There was little to exchange it for in the ghetto. In 1941, Beno, 18, and his family were interned in Łódź Ghetto, set up by the Germans after their occupation of Poland in September 1939. In spring 1944, as the ghetto was liquidated, Beno and his family were sent to Auschwitz concentration camp. Beno was selected for labor and sent to a subcamp of Gross-...

  19. Blue-gray striped uniform square with a red triangle and yellow Star of David badge

    1. Beno Helmer collection

    Badge removed from a concentration camp uniform.

  20. Łódź Ghetto ration card issued to a ghetto inmate

    1. Beno Helmer collection

    One of three ration cards saved by Beno Helmer, issued when he and his family were incarcerated in Łódź Ghetto in German occupied Poland from 1940- spring 1944. There are cards from three family members: Beno, Dora, and Sonia. Nazi Germany occupied Poland on September 1, 1939. Łódź was renamed Litzmannstadt and, in February 1940, the Germans forcibly relocated Beno, 18, and his family, along with the entire large Jewish population, into a sealed ghetto. All ghetto residents had to work in order to receive a ration card for food. There were severe food shortages and overcrowding and many die...