
Displaying items 1,581 to 1,600 of 10,553
Language of Description: English
  1. John H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of John H., who was born in Brno, Czechoslovakia in 1918. He recalls a happy youth in an assimilated family; participating in Zionist organizations; beginning medical school; German invasion; unsuccessfully attempting to escape to Prague; anti-Jewish restrictions; a non-Jewish friend purchasing a train ticket for his escape; traveling to San Remo, then Nice, in July 1939; the outbreak of war in September; enlisting in the Czech military; retreating from the Germans; evacuation to Liverpool in 1940; continuing medical training in London; rejoining his military unit, which...

  2. Hitler and Nazi elite on airplane, greeting SA

    Hitler and Nazi elite on airplane. CUs, pilot Baur. Hitler reading on plane. Greeting SA troops. Loading airplane. Boy greets Hitler with flowers. German intertitles: Selbst im Flugzeug ist der Geburstagstisch gesschmueckt Sein bewaehcter Pilot ist Flugkapitaen Baur Das Geburtstags gesschenk der SA Die Kleine Gratulantin will die Bluemen nicht hergeben

  3. Invasion of Poland

    An American female narrator speaks over German newsreel footage showing the bombardment of the port of Danzig by the German ship Schleswig-Holstein. Polish and German officers confer as the Polish garrison surrenders. German soldiers hand out cigarettes to Polish POWs. German infantry advance on foot into Polish territory, accompanied by horse-drawn artillery. German troops advance across a field, under cover of artillery fire. Large numbers of Polish POWs marching and then eating in a large enclosure. Some look suspiciously at the camera. Polish refugees (probably Volksdeutsch) receive sou...

  4. German civilians tour Buchenwald; US artillery, tanks in action

    At Buchenwald, survivors sit crouched around a fire, looking at the camera. German civilians file past after being taken through barracks. A flatbed of naked corpses situated in front of a building. MS, pile of bodies alongside building as civilians walk past. Women walk by with their heads buried and their hands covering their mouths. Crowds of people with white flags line the road; Germans sit against a fence. Overturned carts on the road with items scattered everywhere; horses eat from the abandoned carts. U.S. infantry run from a tank that is firing into the forest. LS of a building beh...

  5. Summary of 1935 events

    Men carrying shovels marching down a steep incline, martial music in the background. Narrator announces that 1935 brought a further lowering of unemployment. Shots of Nazi eagle, flags, Adolf Hitler in profile. Scenes of industry: interior of a factory, road building. Narrator: since the seizure of power unemployment has been reduced by more than half. Scenes of Hitler riding on the Autobahn; ships being launched (one named "Potsdam"). Inspiring music over shots of newly built buildings in Berlin. Panning low-aerial shot of the Olympic stadium under construction. Shot of sign reading "Die S...

  6. Meeting of Allies; Hanging; Shrunken head

    03:08:09 (Paris 440) First Meeting of Allied Control Council, Berlin, Germany, December 17, 1945. INT, meeting of the Council in the Allied Council Authority building. Members are seated around a square table. For France: Col. Marcel Rotivel, Col. C. Vialet, Louis Koeltz, Pierre Koenig, Ambassador J. de St- Hardouin, Consul Jean Baudier, Mr. Calvy, and Capt. Henry Joos. For Britain: Lt. Col. Eric Greenwood (Allied Secretary), N S Sir William Strang (Polish Adviser to CPC), Field Marshal Bernard L. Montgomery, Lt. Gen. Sir Brian, Chief of Staff Robertson, Brig. T Neville Crazebrook, and Maj....

  7. Collective farms; Zhukov decorates partisans; soldiers defending Latvia

    Titles: "Soviet Newsreel / 35 / Moscow / April 23, 1942 / Directed by M. Fidelevoy" / "Through the front-line of Leningrad" Angled ELS of procession of partisans in horse drawn sleds moving through the woods. LS of men conferring on skis. Procession passing through collective farm. Title: 01:41:10 "Award of the homeland" Coverage of ceremony where Commander Zhukov greets and decorates partisans. LS of Zhukov giving partisan lengthy kiss. CU of woman adjusting medal pinned to her shirt. LS Zhukov speaking to assembly. Title: "An investment in the military - an investment in victory" ELS grou...

  8. German Panzer convoy moves through Russia; bomb destruction

    Reel 1: 00:14:34 German military convoy moving through Russian countryside. Several shots of burning buildings. CU of a bombed tank in a hole. Reel 2: 00:15:43 German Panzer convoy moving into a town. Several shots from different angles of a group of Russian soldiers under German guard. Local Russian townspeople gathering in city square. Russian peasants loading belongings onto wagons. German soldiers taking cover. Burning building. CU of Russian local. German soldiers running down a road, fighting, shooting next to buildings. Men standing next to a truck looking up into the air, presumably...

  9. VE Day in Paris

    Slate: "VE Day / Mainzer / Roll 1 / May 8". Scenes of massive VE day celebration in Paris. French civilians. American soldiers and WACs parading in the streets. Crowds of people, especially women and soldiers. Medium shot of soldier with film camera hugging French woman, standing on military vehicle. More crowds, celebrating, with flags. Slate: "VE Day / Mainzer / Roll 2 / May 8". High angle view of celebration in the streets. GIs pose with French women. Riding in military vehicle. "VE Day / Mainzer / Roll 3 / May 8". Children waving American flag. Crowds parading in military vehicles. Brie...

  10. Hungarian takeover of East Slovakia

    Reel 2. LS, view of snow covered mountains in Transcarpathia. Hungarian troops crossing a bridge. Hungarian troops at mess, mixing with the local peasant population, some soldiers share food with the locals. MCUs of Hungarian soldiers holding local children in their arms. MS, a painted banner in the area where the Hungarian soldiers have set up camp in the countryside, partially visible, reads: "...YHAL 6 ISTENHOZTA." VS, soldiers handing out loaves of bread from the back of carts to outstretched hands of local peasant population. CU, loaves of bread. Troops advance, open-backed trucks full...

  11. German Newsreel selections

    Hitler and Goering meet Keitel, Doenitz, and others at small, formal military occasions. Long coats, big brass buttons, triumphal music in BG. CU, Hitler in cap, saluting. MCU, all walking in a group. German fighters take off to fight bombers. Shots of submarine, military air base, taking off into the sky. Young women and men interpreting maps on table, lots of air to air shots. Hospital patients are directed to shelters. Everything is "under control." American flyers taken prisoner. American POWs talking to Nazis, being "interviewed" for injuries, head bandaged. American plane "Sunshine" a...

  12. War Crimes Trial: Franz Strasser

    Summary: Austrian Franz Strasser is tried for the murder of Lt E Warren Woodruff and an unknown airman. His testimony is in German. Cpl. Henry Halperin is the interpreter for all witnesses; Sgt. Sessler interprets for Franz Strasser. The six-officer Army Military Commission included Capt. Victor Miles, Lt. Harvey Szanger, and Col. Raymond E. Zickel. Reel 1: Halperin being sworn as interpreter for the Military Commission hearing the case. Man explains choice, duties of Sgt Sessler, the interpreter for the accused (sound only). MCUs, defense table with attorneys and Sessler; swearing in Franz...

  13. Early Nazi Party history, events, leaders

    Reel 2: Jackson continues with the reading of Count 1 at Nuremberg trial. HS, in court, prisoners' dock. CU, "Mein Kampf," text superimposed. In Munich, burgeoning Nazi party, following the lead of Adolf Hitler, instigate street riots with the aim of gaining the highest degree of control over the Germans by any means. HAS, mobs/crowds running through wide street, chaos. Nazis marching with flag, elite members posing on stairway, more marching. Goebbels at desk, on telephone, in leather coat shouting. Nazis parading, Germans heiling. Hitler. Nazis on horseback rushing down street. Newspaper ...

  14. Polish invasion

    Title: "Part IV Wars of Aggression 1939-1944" Title: "Invasion of Danzig 1 September 1939" German troops fight in Danzig. Hitler arrives to accept the surrender. Title: "Invasion of Poland 1 September 1939" Tanks, cavalry, and infantry cross the Polish border. Title: "Goering Discusses Invasion of Poland" Goering discusses the invasion as scenes of the Luftwaffe are shown.

  15. Hitler on annihilation of Jewish race; Occupation of Czechoslovakia; Aircraft launch

    Title: "Goering Launches First Aircraft Carrier 8 December 1938" Goering speaks at the launching of the carrier Graf Zeppelin. Title: "1939" Title: "Hitler Predicts Annihilation of the Jewish Race in Europe if War Occurs 30 January 1939" Hitler speech at Reichstag. Title: "President Hacha of Czechoslovakia Arrives in Berlin as Guest of Hitler 14 March 1939." Hacha walking in street lined with SS officers. CU, flag. Hacha gets into automobile. Title: "Occupation of Remainder of Czechoslovakia 15 March 1939." Various newspaper headlines. Nazi soldiers on village road, on motorcycles and bicyc...

  16. Prewar folk festival; wartime scenes, soldiers

    VS, group of young men and women performing traditional folk songs and dances for a large crowd, presumably gathered for a folk festival. Shots alternate between shots of the performers and shots of the crowd cheering. During the dance performance, a man announces "Jewish cradle song" (lullaby). VS, Red Army, marching along roads, reclining and socializing in the sun. City, large crowds of civilians, lined up in front of government buidling. Men, women and children in the crowds. CUs of weapons- rifles, grenades, etc. Soldiers aiming a cannon. VS of military machinery that had been destroye...

  17. An overview of the Holocaust in Croatia

    Opening credits, image of Lighthouse and the words Jadran film, Zagreb. Music. Clips of posters, photos, newspapers. People marching - Nazis. 01:01:50 Mein Kampf, portrait of Hitler, parades. Hitler speaking. Barbed wire and panning shots of camps. 01:03:16 crematorium. 01:03:43 "Leo Rupnik". Hitler greeting "Ante Pavelic". Camps, German eagle. 01:04:15 People getting into trains to go to camps. 01:05:04 Entrance to Auschwitz "Arbeit Macht Frei". Nazis shooting people, bodies on ground. 01:05:31 People being hung, carrying bodies, putting into mass graves, skulls being collected. 01:06:17 P...

  18. Romanian units; Iron Cross decorations

    Reel 1: 00:38:20 A column of Romanian units march past the camera, includes numerous CUs of individual soldiers. Reel 3: 00:41:06 Romanian and German officers gather around a table and go over a map (CU of Romanian officer wearing Iron Cross) and look through binoculars. A motorcycle messenger delivers a message. The officers are then seen talking on a field phone. Another motorcycle messenger arrives (Romanian). Reel 5: 00:44:54 Soldiers hoist a Third Reich battle flag on a pole atop an ornate building, followed by a Romanian flag draped down the face of the building. Several ships move in...

  19. Hitler visits soldiers in forest; German troops advance in the East

    Part 1: Sultan visits Franco. Troops, parade with horse, Sultan in open car. Part 2: Architecture exhibition with models of buildings. Part 3: Romania: Crowd of peasants in ethnic costumes, digging with shovels, planting, dancing. Part 4: Lake, boat with cows, reflection in water, mountains in BG, CU, man rowing, cows herded off boat. Part 5: Tennis doubles. Part 6: Track and field races in stadium, athletes (men and women), crowd, exercises. Part 7: At beach in Greece, kayaking, orchestra, outdoor cafe, HAS street scene, market, selling shoes, ceramic dishes, textiles, cooking. Part 8: Hit...

  20. Struggle between British and Germans in Africa

    One reel (not the first) from a feature film set during the first World War depicting a struggle between the British and the Germans in Africa. A young woman who works for the British is secretly helping her German husband, with the aid of a young boy and an African man. The woman and her husband communicate using messenger pigeons. The woman takes masks down from the wall of her room and leaves the British camp with her two companions. The camera lingers on a boxing match that is taking place outdoors at the camp. The woman delivers the masks to her husband, along with the news that the Br...