
Displaying items 1,561 to 1,580 of 10,553
Language of Description: English
  1. Russians/Bridge at Elbe River

    LS, the Mittellandkanal bridge across the Elbe River, supports of former bridge visible above water. Pan right to houses of village in trees along river. 01:12:02 LS across expanse of new wooden bridge built by Russians. Another shot across river to location of old bridge. Pan right to entryway of new bridge complete with carved wooden spires. Heads of two soldiers visible. 01:12:27 MCU shot of Russian and American officers. Three Russian soldiers lean over railing of bridge. LS angle to bridge, pan right along its length to other side and MS of Russian and American officers talking. 01:13:...

  2. Ruins in Germany, probably in spring 1945

    Germany, just inside the border from Belgium, probably in fall 1944 or spring 1945 [1944 Kodak stock]. Sign, "Lammersdorf". German village with civilians and soldiers walking along the road, RR tracks. Sign with arrows for "Kesternich" and "Simmerath". Church in town. Pan of countryside and pyramid tank traps demarcating the Siegfried Line. Abandoned tank on side of road. Cyclists. "Schmidt" sign. Severely destroyed buildings in a village. Filming through military vehicle windshield. More ruins and locals. Pan of ruins in countryside and concrete defenses or factory. 01:04:00 Pan, very larg...

  3. German victories in East before invasion of W. Europe

    Reel 2: Vehicles move on an autobahn. British troops parade and drill. British recruits join up. Hitler reviews German troops. War material rolls from a German factory. Hitler rides through Vienna and across the Czech border. German troops and tanks parade. German refugees flee Polish oppression. Hitler speaks in the Reichstag. Panzer units invade Poland. Hitler looks through an artillery periscope. German railroads transport war material. Newspaper headlines proclaim the war. German naval units cruise off Norway, paratroops land in Norway. German planes fly over Norwegian mountains. Hitler...

  4. American propaganda film to educate US soldiers going to France

    An American propaganda film produced by the U.S. Office of War Information to educate US soldiers before going to France. Some scenes are staged. Reel 2: Shows Nazi, fascist, and Japanese leaders and their followers, including Adolf Hitler, Pierre Laval, Oswald Mosley, Fritz Kuhn, Japanese Emperor Hirohito, Rudolph Hess, Julius Streicher, Joseph Goebbels, Heinrich Himmler, and Benito Mussolini. Flashbacks to World War I show the German Kaiser reviewing troops, French posting mobilization orders, the French taxicab army leaving Paris, scenes of the battles at Verdun and Chemin des Dames, Llo...

  5. March of Time -- outtakes -- Palestine, 1938

    Military convoy of the Second Battalion of the Royal West Kent Regiment (stationed in Haifa) on the way to Qadun village. The convoy was made up of lorries, machine guns, men, officers, donkeys, cannon, and medical units with the objective to find terrorists around Attil village. Soldiers leave barracks, drive on road. Camels proceed. Convoy going through village with Arabs drawing water in BG. Villager watches convoy. Machine guns. Fields just before Attil village. Arab explains directions to Army. Convoy unloads bombs, mortars, machine guns, donkeys. Soldiers awaiting orders, eating, load...

  6. German victories in East before invasion of W. Europe

    Reel 2: Vehicles move on an autobahn. British troops parade and drill. British recruits join up. Hitler reviews German troops. War materiel rolls from a German factory. Hitler rides through Vienna and across the Czech border. German troops and tanks parade. German refugees flee Polish oppression. Hitler speaks in the Reichstag. Panzer units invade Poland. Hitler looks through an artillery periscope. German railroads transport war materiel. Newspaper headlines proclaim the war. German naval units cruise off the coast of Norway, paratroops land in Norway. German planes fly over Norwegian moun...

  7. Field Marshal von Paulus testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 552) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 13, 1946. MLSs, ex-Field Marshal von Paulus on the witness stand. MS, defendants in prisoners' dock. LSs, three defense counselors speaking in the courtroom (one is Dr. Fritz Sauter, talking in German). Attorney questions von Paulus about his strong reserves "against such an enterprise" ("gegen ein solches Vorhaben", probably referring to an attack on Russia). Von Paulus testifies his reserves were of a military as well as a moral nature and were shared also by Generalstabschef Halder, his direct superior, to whom he talked about t...

  8. On the invasion of Poland

    On the invasion of Poland: various (successful) military campaigns by Nazis, on land, sea, and air. The Schleswig-Holstein bombards Danzig. Huge German naval warship firing cannons at port. Smoke, war. The garrison surrenders. White flag, slow pan along banks of canal. Cigarettes are distributed to POWs by German soldiers. Nazis and horse-drawn artillery advancing along hay-covered country road. Artillery is fired; skirmish lines move up; bicycle troops move along a road. Captured Polish soldiers are marched to the rear, fed at a German Army field kitchen. In village, refugees (women and ch...

  9. March of Time -- outtakes -- Palestine

    1125 I: The Zionist Congress meets in Tel Aviv to render homage to its president Chaim Weizmann and his laboratory in Rehovot on December 24, 1944. Several hundred delegates representing different Jewish districts in Palestine participate. EXT shots of the cinema where Congress held. Sign reads, "Jane Eyre." Tickets checked. Crowded room of smartly dressed people. Dr. Weizmann makes his way to an armchair, shaking hands. Ben Gurion, president of the Jewish Agency, speaking. 05:02:45 Dr. Weizmann speaks with Israeli flag behind him. People listening. Clapping. Crowd listening. Ben Gurion spe...

  10. Reich party day, Nuremberg

    Reich Party Day in Nuremberg, Day of the Wehrmacht, 1936 or 1937. Soldiers engage in military maneuvers. 10:15:44 Arrival on the stage of Goering, Rudolf Hess, military men, Martin Bormann, SA- Obergruppenfuehrer Wilhelm Brueckner. Hitler at the podium in the Zeppelinfield, upper commander of all armed forces greeting Hitler as they pass by, Hitler greets with salute. (Film runs much too fast) - parade, marching band, Army. Pan of Hitler and the officers and functionaries standing behind the stage, among them SA group leader Wilhelm Brueckner appears large in FG. 10:17:33 Large marching ban...

  11. War Crimes Trial: Franz Strasser

    Summary: Austrian Franz Strasser is tried for the murder of Lt E Warren Woodruff and an unknown airman. His testimony is in German. Cpl. Henry Halperin is the interpreter for all witnesses; Sgt. Sessler interprets for Franz Strasser. The six-officer Army Military Commission included Capt. Victor Miles, Lt. Harvey Szanger, and Col. Raymond E. Zickel. Reel 1: Pan courtroom; spectators; some take pictures. Strasser testifying. Back view, defense table; everyone rising for entrance of six-officer Military Commission. Pan, spectators; defense attorney Capt Arley Bjella speaking. Strasser, Sessle...

  12. Romanian Marshal Antonescu visits German and Romanian troops on the Eastern Front

    Romanian Field Marshal Ion Antonescu deplanes from his JU-52 transport airplane in the Eastern front and shakes hands with Gen. von Manstein in fall or winter 1941 (note gloves and overcoat). Scene of airfield, airplane, line of troops with rifles, men salute and shake hands. Antonescu and other high officers review troops (German and Romanian), cavalrymen next to horses, and weapons. They inspect cannon in a trench. Antonescu reviews troops in a field, possibly in Bessarabia in 1941 (summer?). He is escorted by German General Erich von Manstein. Presenting awards and medals, troops marchin...

  13. BARNETT, Maj Benjamin George (b 1912)

    Papers relating to his military service, 1944-1945, principally comprising war diary including maps and photographs, Sep 1944-Jul 1945; copy of report on the liberation of Belsen written for the Director of Military Government by Lt Col R I G Taylor, Officer Commanding, 63 Anti Tank Regt, [1945]; orders relating to the occupation and administration of Belsen, from Brig General Staff of 8 Corps, British Liberation Army, April 1945; report on Belsen by Capt Barker, Royal Army Medical Corps, 63 Anti Tank Regt, Jun 1945; letter to British officers from a group of Czech women prisoners describin...

  14. Operation Annie - January 14, 1945

    1. Operation Annie broadcasts

    TRACK 1 (Source record badly scratched) 0:00: Trojan Horse theme (sign-on). Radio 1212, broadcasting daily from 2 to 6, every hour on the hour, with news from the Rheinland, Front and Homeland for [residents of the Rheinland and Saarpfalz]. 0:46: Trojan Horse theme. Report on fighting in the Ardennes ("Battle of the Bulge"). 9:44: Report on fighting in the Saar-Alsace Front. 14:44: Reports from the Front conclude. In its next report Radio 1212 will bring news for the military and civilian populations of the Rheinland. 15:14-end: (In English) "Test cut.. Something went wrong.." (American tec...

  15. Operation Annie - January 16, 1945

    1. Operation Annie broadcasts

    0:00: Trojan Horse theme (sign-on). 0:56: This is Radio 1212 broadcasting daily from 2-6, every hour on the hour, with news for the Rheinland and reports from the Front and the homeland for the civilian residents of the Rheinland District and the Saar Palatinate. 1:27: Radio 1212 with the latest reports from the Front. Slaughter in the Ardennes, other news of the "Battle of the Bulge." 5:41: Reports from the Saar and Alsace. 7:59: Report on Allied aerial bombardment of the Reich. 8:31: In a few minutes Radio 1212 will broadcast messages for the military and civilian populations of the Rhein...

  16. M. Blank, O. Schmidt, and Keitel testify at Nuremberg Trial; Army review

    07:00:45 (Munich 72) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 28, 1946. HAS, Tribunal and Justice Lawrence swearing in Ms. Margaret Blank, von Ribbentrop's former secretary. Von Ribbentrop's defense counsel, Dr. Martin Horne, questions Ms. Blank. She is heard answering. MS, Dr. Horne at the stand. Paul Otto Schmidt is heard being sworn in and questioned by Dr. Horne. Pan, US and British prosecution at table. (See also 111 ADC 5848 - RG-60.2856, Film ID 2354) 07:04:48 (Munich 97) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 10, 1946. Dr. Otto Nelte questions Keitel as camera shows HAS of...

  17. Memorial for the Fallen

    Wreath laying ceremony for Nazis (rainy day/overcast). Procession with dignitaries and military officers. Military band marches past. Troops with rifles and packs goosestep to monument - The New Guard House/Neue Wache designed by Friedrich Schinkel. Honor guard with bayonets approaches mausoleum, with six large fluted columns. CU, guard, boots. Civilians walking in and out of the area. WS of the monument and uniformed men moving away from memorial. Onlookers, small crowd.

  18. Occupation of Denmark; Invasion of Norway

    German warship, showing crew at quarters. Crew listening to speech by Captain (not heard on soundtrack). CU, German officer looking through binoculars. Merchant ship at dock. German troops carrying supplies from ship to dock. Looking down pier, German troops marching. MCU, German troops standing under arch; buildings. CU, German troops laying out large swastika on street for recognition by plane. Pan, overhead, showing German Air Force flying. Street in Denmark, German troops talking with Danish soldiers. German planes overhead. German officials in front of building; Danish police being dis...

  19. Polish Army parade in Warsaw

    Short clip of a large military procession of Polish troops, including cannons, horses, etc. down a main street in Warsaw.

  20. Hedy Epstein papers

    Contains photocopies of correspondence (letters, postcards, telegrams, Red Cross messages, and envelopes) - exchanges between Hedy Epstein (Hedwig Wachenheimer), her parents, Hugo and Ella Wachenheimer, and other members of their family from 1939 to 1942 containing information on the well-being of family members in Les Milles, Gurs, and Rivesaltes concentration camps in France; various documents collected by Hedy Epstein during her employment with the Office of Chief of Counsel during the International Military Tribunal and subsequent trials in Nuremberg, Germany; and two letters from Minis...