
Displaying items 1,521 to 1,540 of 10,553
Language of Description: English
  1. German Army advances; village burning

    Lots of snow. Thatched roofs under snow, snowing hard. CU entire house in flames. Pan right, more houses on fire. Soldiers watch.

  2. FDR and Churchill meet in North Africa

    President Roosevelt and Churchill meet in Casablanca. They ride in a jeep and review Allied trooops. FDR inspects US troops in Liberia and meets President Vargas in Rio de Janeiro, Other personages: Adm. King; Gen. Marshall; Gen. Arnold; Brit. Gen. Alan Brooke; Adm. Alfred Dudley Pound; Gen. Giraud; Gen. de Gaulle.

  3. Russian News (1943, No. 73-74)

    Reel 1: Artillery shells Dobronske, White Russia. Tanks and infantry advance. A German observation tower is blown up and its occupants killed. Troops enter the rubbled town and are greeted; they cross the Soje and Dnieper Rivers in boats and on pontoon bridges that are heavily shelled. Titles in Russian.

  4. Hitler and Mussolini meet near Salzburg

    Hitler and Mussolini walk down the halls of the castle Klessheim near Salzburg. Wilhelm Keitel and Otto Meissner also appear in the footage. The next scene shows Mussolini, Rodolfo Graziani and other Germans and Italians reviewing Italian troops. Mussolini and Graziani in conversation. The troops salute as Mussolini's car drives away.

  5. Personal documentation belonging to Otto Neumann and Noemi Neumann

    1. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    Personal documentation belonging to Otto Neumann and Noemi Neumann - Two German passports (Reisepass) belonging to Otto Neumann and Noemi Neumann; - Transit permits issued to Otto Neumann and Noemi Neumann by the military occupation authorities in Austria to enable travel from Vienna to the border between Austria and Germany; - Certificate issued by the US military authorities in Paris, May 1948.

  6. Personal documentation belonging to Erich Gruenbaum from Vienna

    1. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    Personal documentation belonging to Erich Gruenbaum from Vienna - Certificate from the Wehrbezirkskommando (regional military headquarters) of Vienna regarding exemption from compulsory military service; - Six stamped empty envelopes cancelled with special stamps in honor of Hitler's visit to Vienna, 10 April 1938, and the annexation of Austria.

  7. PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu.

    1. Presidency of Council of Ministers

    Minutes of ministerial meetings. The military – strategy, organization etc. Resolutions related to cultural activity of various minorities On November 17 1943 an order is issued regarding the correct execution of the military salute. Resolutions regarding work, sanitary and education problems.

  8. German invasion of Kyiv (Kiev), Ukraine

    Ravine. German soldiers in a ravine. LS of a country road. Very poor quality, high contrast image with MLS of a large group of people moving forward. CU, German soldier smoking. Russian narration at end of story: A woman is speaking: "When we have entered..."

  9. Hitler election campaign poster

    1. Nazi Germany propaganda collection

    Poster with image of portrait of Hitler in military uniform with the text, "Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer!."

  10. Helena Krystyna Singer photograph collection

    The collection consists of four photographs of Helena Krystyna Singer [donor's mother] taken while she was working in a military hospital in Tengeru, Tanzania, in 1945 and 1946.

  11. Jodl testimony at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 216) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, June 7, 1946. ) MS, unidentified colonel sitting at American counsel table. MLS, British prosecutor G B Roberts cross examining Alfred Jodl (Jodl not seen. Translator gives Jodl's answers in English). LS, Jodl testifying on stand.

  12. Police shako hat badge found by a US soldier

    1. Leon Fierer collection

    Police shako hat badge retreived by Leon Fierer during his military service with the 79th Infantry Division in Europe during WWII.

  13. Badge found by a US soldier

    1. Leon Fierer collection

    Retreived by Leon Fierer during his military service with the 79th Infantry Division in Europe during WWII.

  14. Badge found by a US soldier

    1. Leon Fierer collection

    Retreived by Leon Fierer during his military service with the 79th Infantry Division in Europe during WWII.

  15. Badge found by a US soldier

    1. Leon Fierer collection

    Retreived by Leon Fierer during his military service with the 79th Infantry Division in Europe during WWII.

  16. Allied POWs in Paris

    American and British POWs are marched through the streets of Paris under German guard. French civilians watch them pass. 03:03:06 The prisoners pass by a larger crowd of civilians, some of whom kick them as they walk past. A fight breaks out but it is hard to see who is fighting. CUs of some of the POWs.

  17. Jews (Refugees? Deportees?) moving along a city street with belongings

    Wartime. Large group of Jews being moved along a city street with bundles, children, scarves, etc. Busy, a lot of activity. Medium close view of 2 or 3 people in a closed space, presumably refugees or deportees. People moving along a train platform, German military man in foreground.

  18. Hanging of Nazis

    Convicted Nazi war criminals are hanged as American military observers watch. Men escorted to scaffold with chaplain or priest, blindfolded and hanged against backdrop of castle wall. Bodies removed, placed in coffins. Very sobering.

  19. Bohemia and Moravia: Axis Collaborators

    Hitler confers with leaders of Bohemia and Moravia. MS through door of hotel or guesthouse come two men in suits and two German officers. They greet Hitler, salute and shake hands. One man hands Hitler an envelope, which Hitler hands to aide. Shake hands again.

  20. Germans construct bridge; coastal defenses

    German workers construct a bridge over the Rhine. Buildings, including a children's hospital, in Hamburg demolished by Allied bombing. Italian Alpine troops advance through the snow against French positions on Mont Blanc. German troops occupy either Jersey or Guernsey. Coastal defenses. Stuka and Heinkel bombers take off, fly over ships in the Channel, and dive upon Dover.