
Displaying items 1,361 to 1,380 of 10,553
Language of Description: English
  1. March of Time -- outtakes -- Free French in London

    Members of the French military who escaped from German camps into the USSR and have made their way to London to join the Free French resistance group. The men stand in the back of an open truck and look at the camera. Standing below them are three American soldiers (American flag patches on their sleeves). 01:26:06 begins apparently unrelated footage of American soldiers on an airfield. They inspect several badly damaged planes.

  2. Liberation in Prague

    Issue 163, Part 1: Prague liberated, street signs ripped down. Street fighting between civilians and SS units. Good shots of street battles. Czechs use rifles, grenades. Dead in street. Germans shell city, burning buildings. Trucks of Russian army enter city, units of first Czechoslovak army, tanks. Pres. Edvard Benes dismounts from train. Shot of him at balcony.

  3. March of Time -- outtakes -- troops; May Day celebration

    Czechoslovakian President Benes inspects troops. Troops marching, tanks, anti-aircraft machinery, planes. 01:18:29 May Day at Wenceslas Square in Prague (apparently all political parties faithful to the government assembled that day). 120,000 people on the square.

  4. Anti-Bolshevism; Germans advance in Yugoslavia

    [Rangee de SS aplaudit a une reunion, Paris] Title: "L'Europe unie contre le Bolchevisme" Joseph Darnand speaking (no sync). Crowd, applause. Marcel Dead speaking (no sync). Serbian volunteers marching and joining the anti-Bolshevik battle. Fighting, advancing, weapons. Military officers meet in office. German cavalry. Guard boats along coast. German units, stocking weapons, tank, over marshy land, in knee-deep mud. Difficult advance.

  5. German occupation of Danzig

    Reel 18 from the Biedenbach collection of home movies is a newsreel on small-gauge film for home-screening. Starts with good quality, then very grainy. Degeto Weltspiegel Nr 5. Okt 1939 "Danzig ist wieder Deutsch" German occupation of Danzig at start of WWII. Airplanes. "Der Fuehrer und der Front" 02:48 “Polnische Insurgenten” title over shots of Jewish men, some imprisoned. 03:15 "Der geschlagene Heer." Interview with Russian prisoner, subtitled, “arbeitslos” [unemployed].

  6. March of Time -- outtakes -- Liberation of Paris

    Fall of Paris. American GIs marching on road in Etamps (outside Paris), holding pictures of Hitler and Goering on bayonettes. Road sign, "Paris 50." People waving at passing Americans. GIs in jeep unfurling American flag, crowd cheers. US tanks enter Paris, pass Eiffel Tower. Civilians building sandbag barricade. Tanks firing at snipers in Paris outskirts. Street fighting in Paris outskirts. Jeepload of prisoners, crowd tries to mob them.

  7. Fall of Metz: telephone; German prisoners

    Group of GIs review papers, at rail station, gun, group shot. Switchboards in back of truck. Photographer. Tents. GI makies announcement. Cameraman. Wounded soldier. Tank. Phone picked up by GI. Captured German soldiers marched through town as prisoners. African American GI picks up a French girl. Civilians. LS, field across to Metz. Group of GIs. German prisoners in camp. Civilians and GIs. Prisoners exit camp, march in street in column. Group of military officers. GI picks up telephone. Railroad tracks.

  8. Art exhibition in Riga; German troops advance in East

    Troops in snow. German soldiers/officials greet Orthodox priest, receive blessing, castle. Musical performed in theater. Hair styling lessons. Art exhibition in Riga, Frank opens exhibit, "Hilfswerke fuer deutsche bildende Kunst". Construction/industry. Todt's funeral, Hitler and very high Nazi officials, wreath laying, parade. Troops at sea, firing cannons. Aerial shots, fighting, bombing. Boats, at sea, fighting.

  9. German Army waits; Officers consult maps

    Officers and soldiers sit, stand on lawn, smoke, read, confer with maps.

  10. Hitler at HQ Ukraine, Generals, General Oshima, Ribbentrop, Goebbels

    Hitler's headquarters (FHQ) in the Ukraine. VS, EXTs, Hitler, Ribbentrop, Himmler, Goering, Speer, Doenitz, etc. greeting each other and other German Army officials. Includes Japanese ambassador Oshima, Sepp Dietrich. VS, supplies, airfields. VS, village, men line up and shoot rifles over a fence. VS, CUs of the soldiers faces.

  11. Bernard Feingold papers

    The Bernard Feingold papers include photographs of the liberation of Buchenwald concentration camp, scrip from Theresienstadt, and certificates, military passports, and photographs relating to Max Levi and Walter Joseph, soldiers during World War I.

  12. Private Snafu cartoon

    The Private SNAFU series of adult cartoon shorts (1943-1945) was made to instruct American service personnel about security, proper sanitation habits and other military subjects, and to improve troop morale. Private SNAFU (Situation Normal All Fouled Up), produced by the US Army Signal Corps, was originally created by Theodore Geisel (better known as Dr. Seuss) and Phil Eastman. In Episode 6, "Fighting Tools," Private SNAFU learns the lessons of weapons maintenance.

  13. Destruction; Germans advance

    Destruction along a country road: dead horses, abandoned wagons, corpses, etc. Germans gathered on side of road. Tanks in town. Germans near a fountain in town. A German stands with a black man -- French Colonial? -- Two Germans drive by in a car and sneer at the man.

  14. Jews remove stars during liberation of Tunisia

    Scenes from the liberation of Kairouan, Tunisia on April 4, 1943 by the 8th British Army. View of the city, followed by shots of French General Philippe Leclerc. Residents of Kairouan cheer and greet the entering British troops. Jews remove their star badges, throw them to the ground, and step on them. A man removes a sign that reads, "Durchgang fuer Wehrmacht Verboten [entry by the Wehrmacht forbidden]."

  15. DPs in Germany

    Reel 1: "Displaced Persons" Displaced persons in Germany are herded into a field; given food, clothing, and medical care; interviewed by officials of the American Military Government.; and assigned billets in a camp. "By Request" Shows brief shots of Charleston, WV; Springfield, IL; Newark, NJ; Tucson and Winslow, AZ; Whiteville, VA; and Fall River, MA.

  16. WW I, Russian Revolution

    Fox Movietone Newsreel excerpts. Yanks parade in NY. The first volunteers march on Fifth Ave. Troops load into transport, crowded decks. Wilson selects first draft number. VP Marshall selects second. Troop ships pull away. GIs with dog mascots. AEF lands, marches in Paris. Crowds cheer, flowers thrown. Yanks march in London. "Last Pictures of the Czar" with family before Palace. Russian army in snow. Wounded soldiers return from front. Kerensky. Bolsheviks parade in streets. Trotsky in uniform, briefly reviewing troops. CU, INT Lenin, speaking off camera. Krupskaya writing and frowning. Dom...

  17. German soldiers; American POWs; V-1 bombs

    Bureau of Public Relations, film no. 915. Reel 3, German troops load munitions on camouflaged trucks, Allied planes attack, and the truck convoy scatters to the side of the road as antiaircraft lays down a barrage. German tanks and trucks move up by night. German paratroops ambush U.S. tanks in the woods with bazookas and panzerfausts. U.S. prisoners are marched to the rear. A French village burns. V-1 bombs are launched.

  18. Hitler Youth

    Brief shot of Karl Doenitz follwed by a one man torpedo in the water. A man wearing a Ritterkreuz gets out of a small submarine. Scenes from the Pacific: Japanese pilots in the cockpit (staged); bombing ships; conference with Allied soldiers somewhere in the Pacific. Narration is Japanese. 03:05:47 CUs of German soldiers in battle. Good CUs of faces. Overhead shot of a large group of Hitler Youth boys who have volunteered for the war effort [Kriegsfreiwilliger]. The leader of the ceremony announces that 70% of the boys from the class of 1928 have enlisted. Deutsche Wochenschau eagle on screen.

  19. Wehrmacht advances in Poland

    AGFA 8 1941. Eastern front. Pan down building, with sign in Cyrillic, brief INTS. Sign: Ukrainian public school in Wroblin Krowleski. Sign for "Rymanow" Soldier poses by sign, "Posada dolna Kreishaupt m. Sanok District-Krakau" . German soldiers greet cameraman, walk along road with rifles. Aerial shots of countryside, looking through binoculars. Soldiers bathe (brief). Perform a drill at camp. 10:27:08 Sign on barracks: "Juden u. Polen Eintritt verboten!" Woman & man pose in doorway of hut. Man plays accordion. Graves. More of the pastoral Polish countryside. Very brief shot of Jewish g...

  20. Liberation of So. France; US reclaims Guam

    Film Communique - 12th issue. Large-scale mission of US military airplanes, paratroopers liberating the South of France. Map of US. Guam is bombarded by naval guns and from the air. Assault parties land on a beach. A Japanese freighter is hit. Troops drive through the jungle. Wounded are evacuated. Guam freed on July 25, 1944.