
Displaying items 1,201 to 1,220 of 10,553
Language of Description: English
  1. Allied troops advance; Tirpitz ship bombed; Japanese-American soldiers

    Part 1, Ceremonies at Compiegne. Part 2, Allied troops advance through mud and snow in Europe. Part 3, the German battleship Tirpitz is bombed and sunk on the coast of Norway. Hitler at its launching in 1939. British Air Marshall Harris. Part 4, Japanese-American soldiers rescue soldiers of the 36th Division surrounded in France.

  2. Battle Front; Destruction in Riga

    Airplanes and pilots flying. Map of USSR showing Jonava, Kovno, Vilna, Riga, and other cities. Military tanks storm Riga. Views of military destruction and ruins in city streets. Men and women civilians clearing up rubble from street.

  3. Jerold F. Majerus collection

    The collection consists of military scrip, documents, autobiographical text, and printed materials relating to the experiences of Jerold F. Majerus, during his service with the U.S. Army, in the 6827th Military Detachment, as part of the stenographic support staff of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, 1945-1946.

  4. Captured soldiers

    Captured Soviet soldiers, long columns of captured soldiers guarded by Germans, and several destroyed military vehicles. Translation of Ukrainian narration: The number of prisoners constantly increases. Their long columns are being sent to the rear.

  5. Captured Soviet POWs

    Captured Soviet soldiers, long columns of captured soldiers guarded by Germans, and several destroyed military vehicles. Translation of Ukrainian narration: The number of prisoners constantly increases. Their long columns are being sent to the rear.

  6. Goering interacts with Germans

    Goering and others walk through Essen airfield where they've just landed. Amid crowd, Goering smiles, plays to young child, Goering and Hitler walk past military crowd. Close up of women adoringly raising hands in salute, mouthing "Heil Hitler."

  7. Gateway to Victory: Normandy beach

    Allied convoys land on the Normandy beaches. Gens. Eisenhower and Montgomery and Adm. Sir Bertram Ramsey shown.

  8. Budapest; Berlin Zoo; Dunkirk; Dnieper dam; Hunting in Yugoslavia; Belgrade

    refugees, hunting, zoo, military personnel pose in city, beach child waves Nazi flag.

  9. German invasion of Poland

    German invasion; Poland falls. German soldiers in trenches. Hitler with officers, planes. City being bombarded (Warsaw?). Burning buildings, smoke permeates. Firefighters, cannons, burning train.

  10. Независими работнически професионални съюзи (НРПС)

    • Nezavisimi rabotnicheski profesionalni suyuzi (NRPS)
    • Independent Workers Trade Unions

    Contains appeals against military preparations, military fascist government, and increasing government spending for military preparations.

  11. Gateway to Victory: Rome taken

    US troops enter Rome under the supervision of Gen. Clark. A mob attacks collaborationists. Pope Pius XII addresses the populace.

  12. Goebbels speech; Anniv. of German-Japan agreement; Invading China; Oath swearing-in ceremony

    06:00:40 Goebbels speaks theatrically and confidently at an orchestra concert celebrating the fifth anniversary of the "Reichskulturkammer" and the "NS-Gemeinschaft KdF." Civilian crowd, well-dressed, and Nazis. Ley and Funk in the loge seats. Goebbels speech (original sound, close-up): "Der Ausdruck, Wir danken unserem Fuehrer sei ein Zeichen der tiefsten Verpflichtung, das die Nation der Fuehrung gegenueber empfinde. Auch der deutsche Kuenstler habe diesen Ruf aufgenommen. Er beneide die anderen Voelker nicht mehr Verantwortung dem Staat gegenueber mitbeteiligt zu sein und seine Teil mit ...

  13. March of Time -- outtakes -- Jerusalem, 1945

    In front of the Palestinian Police Headquarters in Jerusalem with guards, arrival of car of Gen. Inspector Rymer-Jones. Rymer-Jones exits car. Rymer-Jones at desk in his office, makes a telephone call. Group of men looking at a map of Palestine. 06:12:05 Horses with flags, car, military officers, soldiers lined up for inspection, camels. Marching in military procession, military vehicles, soldiers begin marching. Sign at far right reads "Palestine Police...and Training School."

  14. French liberation: FFI, Germans, collaborators, POWs

    Reel 2: FFI and German units fight in the streets. Collaborationists are rounded up. Gestapo torture chambers are examined; prisoners are released. FFI wounded are treated. A rifle is seized from a wounded German. FFI riflemen fire from barricades at German tanks. Shows smashed German vehicles and German POWs. Allied tanks and motorized info enter the city. The tricolor is raised and German signs torn down. Machine guns and rifles are fired at German snipers in the Place de la Concorde.

  15. March of Time -- outtakes -- The Russian Front

    The Russian Front. Russian Newsreel. Shots of artillery firing, shells exploding. Russian bombers (squadron) in flight. Russian tanks advancing. CU, observer in tank. INT, tank driver. Line of Russian soldiers advancing. Dead German soldiers. Road signs in German. German prisoners under Russian Guard. Slave laborers behind barbed wire. Russian peasants helping children (mostly girls) out of dugout. INT, slave labor camp. Russian soldier carrying children out of camp, into truck.

  16. French liberation in Paris: FFI and Germans fight

    Reel 1: Half-tracks, tanks, and infantry move through the streets of Paris. FFI placards, announcing France's liberation, are posted. FFI trucks move through Paris. Snipers fire from windows at German troops. FFI recruits are sworn in and armed. Grenades are thrown at German vehicles. Street barricades are erected.

  17. Palace of Justice guards

    (Munich 137) Palace of Justice Guards, Nuremberg, Germany, April 15, 1946. CU, sign: "Command Post - Enclave Nurnberg-Furth." Russian, English, and American military personnel and civilians being checked as they enter and leave through the gate. Sign: "No Cameras Allowed" to left of command post. CU, sign above sentry box, "3rd Battalion, 26th Inf." SEQ: US guards drilling in courtyard. Cut-ins, soldiers and civilians watching the drill. SEQ: Formal British guard mount in palace courtyard. CU, British guard captain barking orders.

  18. Ceremony; train production; German troops advance in Russia and Africa

    Military ceremony, swearing-in. Train. Women swimming in winter. Producing advertisement/poster. Entertainment - dancers on stage. Factory for trains. Train with "1000" sign. Map, German troops advancing in Latvia/Russia. Planes, soldiers, military equipment, snow, ice, military vehicles, fighting. POWs. In Africa, German soldiers riding in open vehicle, natives welcoming/cheering, looking at map, fighting. Prisoners, CUs faces, marching in columns with belongings. Troops at sea, firing cannons. INT, boat, various mechanisms.

  19. Various wartime scenes

    A film report examining Nazi methods to control morale. Consisting mostly of captured films. Civilians leave bombed cities and receive food. Shows Goering and Himmler and explains their civilian defense responsibilities. Streets are cleared and antiaircraft guns fire during an air raid. Shows wrecked planes, US POWs, and a bomber being shot down. A newsreel shows boxing, Axis troops, and, on the Russian front, mud, demolitions activities, and tanks being strafed.