
Displaying items 1,141 to 1,160 of 10,553
Language of Description: English
  1. Selected records from the Archives of the Military History Institute for the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Serbia and Montenegro

    Contains documents created by the Italian occupation authorities, regarding arrests and persecution of, and reprisals against, Jews, members of antifascist movements, communists, and the general population.

  2. Ambassador to France visits Dachau; US soldiers at Himmler's summer home; POWs in Linz; Austro-Italian border; high-ranking military personnel meet at Augsburg

    (LIB 6480) AMBASSADOR TO FRANCE VISITS 7TH ARMY SECTOR, Dachau, Germany, 8 May 1945. Prisoners (still in their uniforms) and military personnel crowd around Ambassador Jefferson Caffrey wearing the black suit. Inmates watch tour of officials. 00:00:30 CUs of prisoners. 00:00:54 Prisoners salute and cheer for camera while holding up banners. Decorated camp gate after liberation. Caffrey talks to prisoners wearing arm bands and shakes hands. German helmet and broken rifle burning commemorates German defeat. Caffrey shakes hands and tours camp. Inspecting opened jet engines. 00:03:37 (LIB 6481...

  3. Selected records from the archives of the Military Historical Institute General Staff of the Armed Forces of Serbia related to the German Occupation of the former Yugoslavia

    Selected records from the archives of the Military Historical Institute of General Staff of the Armed Forces of Serbia related to the German Zone of occupation of the former Yugoslavia. This collection includes correspondence of the German occupation authorities regarding arrests, persecution and reprisals against Jews, Roma, members of partisan and antifascist movements, communists and the civilian population. The documents refer mainly to occupied Serbia, but also include parts of Croatia. The collection includes a complete copy of Nuremberg Trial VII.

  4. SS Troops and units; Pension payments to German military personnel, SS soldiers, and volunteers for Foreign Legions Waffen-SS, Fürsorge- und Versorgungsstellen, Militärangehörige, Fremdenlegion der SS (Fond 1372)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Documentary materials of the SS troops and units and materials on pension payments to the German military personnel, SS soldiers, and volunteers for foreign legions. Includes correspondence, statistics, publications, circular letters, Himmler orders, procedure for the registration of marriages and divorces of SS men, the rules for wearing badges of the NSDAP, correspondence with financial department regarding payments of salaries to the volunteers of the SS troops, informational bulletins, lists of the SS employees, lists of Latvians serving in SS battalions, photographs, correspondence wit...

  5. Αρχείο Γερμανικής Στρατιωτικής Διοικήσεως Κρήτης

    • Archive of the German Military Administration in Crete
    • Archeio Germanikis Stratiotikis Dioikiseos Kritis

    It consists of material relevant to the German administration in Crete, the correspondence with the local civil authorities. It also includes the list of the Jews deported by the Nazis in 1944.

  6. Úřad československého delegáta v komisi pro stíhání válečných zločinců

    • Office of the Czechoslovak delegate in the United Nations Commission for Prosecution of War Criminals
    • Úřad československého delegáta u mezinárodního vojenského soudu v Norimberku
    • Office of the Czechoslovak delegate at the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg

    The creator of the fonds, the Office of the Czechoslovak delegate in the United Nations Commission for Prosecution of War Criminals (from 1945 known as the Office of the Czechoslovak delegate at the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg) was founded in 1943 and its goal was to represent Czechoslovakia in the commission, to cooperate internationally on investigations and to take actions against war criminals from Czechoslovak point of view. In the same time, the office also reported back to the Czechoslovak government and to the Ministry of Interior and Justice (records of interrogati...

  7. Dokumenty politicheskogo, ekonomicheskogo i voennogo kharaktera uchrezhdenii i organizatsii Frantsii, Bel'gii, i dr stran (kollektsiia)

    • Political, Economic, and Military Documents of Government Offices and other Organizations in France, Belgium, and other Countries (consolidated collection)

    The collection constitutes an accumulation of documents of various institutions and organizations, often of undetermined collection provenance, compiled at the Central State Special Archive. These are documents of a political, economic, and military nature of various institutions and organizations in France, Belgium, and other countries. The collection includes materials on history, philosophy, politics, and economics, as well as information on the armed forces, police, intelligence activities, political Parties and organizations in various countries. The collection's contents are described...

  8. Heeres-Abnahmestelle b.d. Firma Hasag Eisen-und Metallwerke G.m.b.H Apparatebau Tschenstochau Military Collection Center Hasag Hardware Ltd Facilities Construction in Częstochowa Wojskowy Punkt Odbioru Firmy Hasag Zakłady Metalowe Sp. z o.o. Budowa Urządzeń Częstochowa (Sygn. 192/2)

    Contains records relating to the production and organization of the Hasag ammunition factory located in the labor camps at the Hasag Facility in Częstochowa. Including are ordinances, circular letters, reports and protocols of inspection, as well as general correspondence. There were thousands of Jews among the forced laborers from Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary.

  9. Reports and investigative materials compiled by the Military Commissions of the Red (Soviet) Army related to the crimes committed by the Nazis and their collaborators on the occupied territories of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe during WWII

    The collection consists of the investigative materials, reports and statements compiled by the military commissions of the Red (Soviet) Army established for the investigation of the crimes committed by the Nazis and their collaborators on the occupied territories of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe during WWII.

  10. Selected records from the Military Archives of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Serbia related to the criminal investigation of war crimes on the territory of Yugoslavia during WWII

    Records of criminal investigations and trials pertaining to German, Hungarian, Italian, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, and Slovenian war criminals accused of war crimes against humanity committed on the territory of Yugoslavia during WWII. In addition to the Belgrade trials, the war crimes trials also took place at the Military Tribunals held in Zagreb, Sarajevo, and Ljubljana.

  11. Rules governing civilian travel in the cities south of the front line, sent by the Comando Superiore Partigiani (CSP-Supreme partisan headquarters) in Rome to the Allied Forces Military Police Office in Rome (undated)

    1. P.30 - Personal Archive of Matilde Finzi-Bassani, Italy

    Rules governing civilian travel in the cities south of the front line, sent by the Comando Superiore Partigiani (CSP-Supreme partisan headquarters) in Rome to the Allied Forces Military Police Office in Rome (undated)

  12. Diagrams to illustrate the hierarchical structure and the activity methodology of the Comando Superiore Partigiani (CSP-Supreme partisan headquarters) in collaboration with the Allied military forces, sent to Commander Howard, along with a copy to the Psy

    1. P.30 - Personal Archive of Matilde Finzi-Bassani, Italy

    Diagrams to illustrate the hierarchical structure and the activity methodology of the Comando Superiore Partigiani (CSP-Supreme partisan headquarters) in collaboration with the Allied military forces, sent to Commander Howard, along with a copy to the Psychological Warfare Branch, 10 July 1944

  13. Travel permit from the Allied Forces Military Government given to Matilde Bassani to travel from Rome to various cities in Italy by virtue of her position in the Comando Superiore Partigiani (CSP-Supreme Partisan Headquarters), 31 August-26 October 1944

    1. P.30 - Personal Archive of Matilde Finzi-Bassani, Italy

    Travel permit from the Allied Forces Military Government given to Matilde Bassani to travel from Rome to various cities in Italy by virtue of her position in the Comando Superiore Partigiani (CSP-Supreme Partisan Headquarters), 31 August-26 October 1944 - Travel permit from Rome to Orvieto and to Porto Civitanova; - Travel permit from Rome to Naples; - Travel permit from Rome to Jesi in Ancona, Italy.

  14. Personal documentation of Iosif Shenderovich, born in Romny, Ukraine, 1911, including confirmation of his military service in the Red Army, the murder of the members of his family during the war and more

    1. O.32 - Documentation regarding the Jews of the Soviet Union from the Holocaust period

    Personal documentation of Iosif Shenderovich, born in Romny, Ukraine, 1911, including confirmation of his military service in the Red Army, the murder of the members of his family during the war and more - Diploma awarding Iosif Shenderovich the degree of Electrical Engineer, granted in Kiev, 03 June 1940; - Marriage certificate for Iosif Shenderovich, born in Romny, Ukraine, 1911, and Faina Shenderovich, born in Aleksandriya, Ukraine, 1918, issued in Krasnograd, 18 February 1948; - Confirmation from the Leningrad Region Military Commissariat regarding the military service of Iosif Shendero...

  15. Announcements to the population issued by Rumkowski in the Lodz Ghetto: Announcement dated 23 October 1939 regarding registration in order to receive their allotments by the wives of Jewish reservists who have not yet returned from military service

    1. O.34 - Zonabend Collection: Documentation From the Lodz Ghetto

    Announcements to the population issued by Rumkowski in the Lodz Ghetto: Announcement dated 23 October 1939 regarding registration in order to receive their allotments by the wives of Jewish reservists who have not yet returned from military service Wives of Jewish reservists who have not yet returned from military service should report to the community offices to register and receive their allotments.

  16. Testimony of Henry Fantl, born in Ceske Budejovice, Czechoslovakia, 1912, regarding his aliya to Eretz Israel, 1940, military service within the Middle East area and via the Soviet Union in Sadagura and in combat in Dukla, Jaslo and Liptovsky Mikulas

    1. O.59- Erich Kulka Collection: Documentation and testimonies regarding the struggle of the Jews of Czechoslovakia against the Nazis

    Testimony of Henry Fantl, born in Ceske Budejovice, Czechoslovakia, 1912, regarding his aliya to Eretz Israel, 1940, military service within the Middle East area and via the Soviet Union in Sadagura and in combat in Dukla, Jaslo and Liptovsky Mikulas Born in Czechoslovakia. Military service as an officer during the Czechoslovakian general mobilization, 1938; dismissal from employment as a lawyer due to his being Jewish, 1939; formation of a military group while on a refugee ship sailing to Eretz Israel, 1940; explosion on the refugee ship, "Patria", near Haifa port, 1940; enlistment of a Je...

  17. Letters regarding a commercial company that traded military artifacts including weapons from the Third Reich period, newspaper clippings regarding attempts to rewrite the past, and support for acts of terror during current times, 1977-1978

    1. P.26 - Heiner Lichtenstein Collection - Documentation collected by a Journalist who wrote about the Holocaust and about Trials of Nazi War Criminals, 1952-1987

    Letters regarding a commercial company that traded military artifacts including weapons from the Third Reich period, newspaper clippings regarding attempts to rewrite the past, and support for acts of terror during current times, 1977-1978

  18. Zbirka arhivskega gradiva nemških okupacijskih oblasti in oboroženih enot na zasedenem slovenskem ozemlju Collection of archival records of the German occupation authorities and German military formations on the occupied territory of Slovenia during WWII ( SI AS 1751)

    The collection contains records of various German civilian authorithies and military formations located on the territory of Slovenia during WWII. It includes collection of records of SS Unterfuererschule in Ljubljana (Laibach), SA Gruppe Donau Organization TODT, OT (Oberbauleitung), LjubljanaLabor Office (Arbeitsamt): civil administration for the regions and municipalities of Lower Styria (Spodnja Štajerska), Gorenjsko (Upper Carniola), Koroška (Slovenian Carinthia), Kranjska Gora, Laško, Trbovlje, Celje, Maribor and other municipalities and regions of Austria and German-occupied Slovenia. ...

  19. Колекція. Листи громадян, які служили в німецько-фашистських військових частинах

    • Collection. Letters of persons who served in German-Fascist military units.
    • Kolektsiia. Lysty hromadian, yaki sluzhyly v nimetsko-fashystskykh viiskovykh chastynakh

    File 1. Letters of persons who served in German-Fascist military and police units, 52 pages.

  20. Permit from German headquarters in Rome given to employees of companies in partnership with the Reich Railroad Company, authorizing entry of the bearer of the permit into military sites and free movement during curfew hours, even after 19 December 1943, t

    1. P.30 - Personal Archive of Matilde Finzi-Bassani, Italy

    Permit from German headquarters in Rome given to employees of companies in partnership with the Reich Railroad Company, authorizing entry of the bearer of the permit into military sites and free movement during curfew hours, even after 19 December 1943, the date on which the law was enacted by the Comandante Tedesco della Piazza di Roma (Commander of the German Station in Rome), prepared by Comando Superiore Partigiani (CSP-Supreme partisan headquarters) activists in Rome